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Why U.S is in Iraq. Explained in 8 mins.I knew it!

bcglorf says...

This is just another stupid and over simplified conspiracy theory. No country can just print more of their own currency for free. Printing more American dollars or more Euros devalues the currency by the same amount, period. The only difference to America is they print more American dollars, exchange them for euros and continue buying oil. There is no trillion dollar threat to the american economy. If you need any more proof, look at all the opponents to the war. What's one of the biggest criticisms? The enormous debt that the war is driving the country into. America as a nation is taking a hit to their economy by supporting the war. If you want the real dirty side, look to the individual American corporations like Haliburton that are profiting off of contracts paid out with American tax dollars.

Obama faces racism in West Virginia

MaxWilder says...

To me it all comes down to the special interest groups who are tearing this country apart. Clinton and McCain both serve the special interests, just two different groups. Well, some are even the same. Obama is running against the special interest groups, and that's why I support him. He also gives better speeches, encouraging unification instead of stratification. That's pretty much another aspect of the special interest groups pitting us against one another. The final reason, Obama has a much better chance of bringing Republicans over to the Democrat vote, if only for this election. Clinton has no pull in that area. Taking the Presidency away from the Republicans is the last hope for this country. I'm afraid another 4 years of Patriot Act, Guantanamo, Haliburton, and Blackwater will effectively end the American dream.

What Drives Our Violent Foreign Policy?

bcglorf says...

The trillions spent in the war isn't for America's economic benefit, rather it's for the economic benefit of America's military industrial complex, corporations like Halliburton, and the rich.

But what do those corporations care about the American dollar? They'd be just as happy making trillions of Euros or Yuan. If there is a correct conspiracy theory it's Cheney feeding money to his Haliburton friends by making war. The only problem with the 'theory' being it's so blindingly obvious that it starts seeming too simple. Of course, if you can shoot someone in the face and have them say they feel sorry for the heat you got over it, maybe you really can be that bold....

Halliburton caught poisoning the troops in Iraq

Fedquip (Member Profile)

Will Smith Supports Anonymous!!

Payback says...

I've always felt WalMart was more dangerous than Scientology. Scientology only goes after people who $&*@ with them first. WalMart destroys lives and business as a matter of course. Haliburton and Blackwater scare me far more than a pyramid scheme cult like the CoS.

Eisenhower on the Military Industrial Complex

jwray says...

Haliburton and Blackwater have a conflict of interest: the longer the war lasts, the more money they make. Since they're virtually unsupervised, they probably will sabotage the peace. Contracts that cause such a situation to arise should never be created.

George W Bush : The War Has Nothing To Do With The Economy

Halliburton (does not) Supports the Troops

bamdrew says...

Is that really all you've got to say, MG?

These assholes are physically injuring troops through negligence and purposely bankrupting our country for private gain, and you're just gonna mention how it sucked that you had to shit in plastic bags?

They are private corporations that are stealing our money and doing it right in front of us because they don't think we can do anything. Maybe replace 'Haliburton' and 'KBR' with 'McDonalds' and 'KFC', or 'Ford' and 'GM', if that puts it in perspective.

Sorry, just thought maybe you'd be more upset.

George Carlin - Please Wake Up America

jmzero says...

You haven't gone high enough. Carlin is referring to people and organizations like Cheney / Haliburton, Paul Wolfowitz, World Bank directors, etc.

Halliburton is a medium-sized company (market cap ~$40 billion) - I've dealt with CEOs of companies the same size. That said, it's in a sensitive sector, obviously, and that does make it somewhat special. I've never dealt with anything defense related (I'm Canadian, for one), and I'm sure the political ties are odd with a company like that.

Anyways, I'd agree that Cheney would love to see Halliburton do well; even though he's mostly disconnected from it in a financial sense, he's still connected to it on the level of ego (that is, unless he doesn't like the new CEO). But, again, I think people make too much of this kind of connection - or at least they oversimplify it. Cheney is not going to get rich by starting wars so Halliburton can get bigger.

Regardless of wars, Cheney - IF he ends up wanting more money than he already had coming into office - will be able to cash in on a great CEO position after his term. If anything, his specific political actions have hurt his long term money-making ability. If he wanted to make a lot of money, he would have kept his nose clean, kept his popularity high, and maybe cut some taxes.

I'm not saying Cheney hasn't screwed up. All I'm saying is that if you want to understand or predict Cheney all you have to do is look at him, what he's done, and remember that he's a human. Trying to picture him just through the lens of money is going to give you a distorted picture.

Moving on, to the extent that there is corruption at the World Bank, etc, it needs to be rooted out and dealt with. It's a big problem. I'm not denying that. I think the way the UN in general works makes it prone to breeding corruption. The point I'm trying to make is that it's not an untouchable group of super-villains who can't be brought to justice, and if you think of them like that then you give them power.

In reality, the corruption is on petty, human scales. Look at Enron - a bunch of guys thought they had a real smart scheme to make a bit of money (though not, in grand terms, all that much). But they didn't have endless political friends to save them when the scandal broke. They perhaps didn't go down hard enough, but they went down. Look at Clinton: as the most powerful man on the planet he couldn't get "serviced" in private.

Again, I'm not saying there isn't problems. I'm saying that the problems can be dealt with. There isn't some unaccountable group pulling every string and hand-picking the president. There is choice. Don't give into a vague hopelessness.

George Carlin - Please Wake Up America

Memorare says...

"I've dealt with high placed business people and seen high-level business strategy meetings and documents."

You haven't gone high enough. Carlin is referring to people and organizations like Cheney / Haliburton, Paul Wolfowitz, World Bank directors, etc.

"Does someone legitimately believe businessmen are lobbying to - I don't know - lower education funding so that the sheeple are easier to control with their vast media machine?"

Not the ordinary President or CEO of your average mid-sized company, no.
But the guys mentioned above? Oh hell yes.

Wake up indeed - the fact that most people don't even know this goes on is the whole point of the video. *sigh*

Railgun reality: Mach 8 projectiles

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Like it or not ...

I choose "not". The military industrial complex - companies like Bechtel and Haliburton feed and promote the notion of "shock and awe" but the product usually just delivers a heap of misery to both sides.

Arms companies have been promoting and lobbying for military action from the US for a long, long time.

9/11 Demolitions

Goofball_Jones says...

"Haliburton, KBR, Boeing, and all of the war profiteers are doing quite well, thank you."

Ah, so they're behind the attacks too are they? Tie in the Cubans and the Mafia and you've got yourself an Oliver Stone movie!

9/11 Demolitions

rougy says...

"Lets say that it was done by Bush. Why? What did he gain from it? He put us in a war that's going horribly...."

For whom? Haliburton, KBR, Boeing, and all of the war profiteers are doing quite well, thank you.

"If you mean destroying evidence, I believe that the structures of the planes were unlikely to survive the collapse of buildings of this height and magnitude."

I mean, that the buildings were more than capable of withstanding the alledged "pancake effect."

When mass falls and encounters more mass, it slows, it does not accelerate; we witnessed an accelleration in all three towers.

WTC7 has still not been explained. It was not hit by a plane, nor was it significantly damaged, yet it fell in a matter of seconds down upon itself.

It's no use. 9/11 was an inside job.

Nothing will change your mind, and I really don't give a fuck any more.

If you are my countrymen, I want a new country.

"Saddam Shame" by Roy Zimmerman

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