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Video shows crash-landing of Russian airliner

Solar Roadways

RFlagg says...

I had more or less this idea like this 15 to 20 years ago, though I didn't add the solar panel aspect until about 10 years ago, and kinetic energy soon after the solar aspect. I wanted to make roads out of a strong plastic with lights for the edge lines. There would be quick swap panels to make it quick and easy to fix broken sections.

The issues I figured would be making them strong enough and cheap enough. Never carried the idea past my head. My main goal initially was to make edge lines easier to see at night in the rain, the idea went from lite up edges to why not make the whole road out of a plastic, and add groves to help water fall to sides better than conventional roadways. Then I eventually thought, why not make all that surface useful and make them capture solar as well, and eventually decided that since each panel is suspended on the base anyhow, why not capture the kinetic energy of the traffic pushing down on it and springing back up (was never sure if the limited motion that you could safely allow on a freeway would be enough to harness or not). I figured it would be too expensive and eventually decided the better solution would be to bury roads and make them all tunnels then turn the overhead areas (where the freeways are now) into green ways with solar roof collection areas as well, or just put roofs over the freeways and skip the green way effect... regular roads would still be the panel type... nice to see I was onto an idea anyhow.

Police vs Biker High Speed Chase

CreamK says...

Yup, it's not that hard to escape with a bike. You need to have skills and practice too, haven't had a ride in years so wouldn't thought of it now. But back in my youth it was pretty common to run away, never got caught.. I did have crossbike so cutting thru forest and parks was always an option that slow diesel WV van couldn't take.. Bikes are so small and nimble, brakedistances are short, quick acceleration, only tight cornering can be done faster in 4 wheels. I think his shortcoming was to choose a freeway and not having balls/power to grow the gap so you can take an exit.

The new sound of electric cars

Speeding on the Autobahn

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^aimpoint:

This stuff really depends on the freeway. A curvy highway in an urban center is definitely not ideal for higher speeds but in emptier areas where there are less cars and straighter pathing, controlling a vehicle at higher speeds is a lot easier. The one thing I would like to know is the accident statistics for highways like that and how many involve significant highspeeds.

The annual fatality rate (2.7 per billion km in 2009) is consistently lower than that of most other superhighway systems, including the US Interstates (4.5 in 2009). Furthermore, a 2005 study by the German government found that Autobahn sections without speed limits had the same accident rate as those with speed limits.

Speeding on the Autobahn

aimpoint says...

This stuff really depends on the freeway. A curvy highway in an urban center is definitely not ideal for higher speeds but in emptier areas where there are less cars and straighter pathing, controlling a vehicle at higher speeds is a lot easier. The one thing I would like to know is the accident statistics for highways like that and how many involve significant highspeeds.

Speeding on the Autobahn

Extreme road rage - Car tries to take out bikers!

Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

vaire2ube says...

I guess we will have to wait for roadsigns to all become electronic in some fashion.. then, we can switch to metric.

invest in LED and solar technology to power our new sign overlords and make this happen. We already have adjustable speed limit signs new on some major freeways here in WA. Maybe its the only way besides a stimulus to recalculate and repaint... interesting>> ^NaMeCaF:

>> ^00Scud00:
I remember discussing why the U.S. still hasn't switched to the metric system in science class one day, our professor figured it came down to cost, if we switched to the metric system then every highway sign, street sign, everything really, would have to be replaced.

True. But why not do it gradually - like have a dual system for a few years while you slowly replace signs, etc?
Get with the program America.

A Really Dumb Invention??

G-bar says...

I'm sorry, how exactly do you put this shit on while on the freeway? The phone is ringing - what do you do? and lets say its ok for driving, you KNOW you won't be caught dead with it outside your car. Its a great one-off product, but eventually I would say it will be picking up dust somewhere on some shelf in your garage.

Man Shoots Unmanned Police 'Speed Enforcement' Vehicle

enoch says...

>> ^raverman:

Is fining revenue gathering? Of course it is.
Is speeding endangering the lives of your fellow citizens? Of course it is.
(It's not a matter of opinion. It's proven and documented statistical probability.)
So the secret to beating the system? Just don't speed.
With any luck you'll hit a tree and remove your idiocy from the gene pool - but sometimes you'll hit one of us and hurt our loved ones. So we asked our government to do something to keep us safe from you. That's why there are laws and enforcement.

you talking to me?
because i speed all the time and i mean SPEED..none of that mamby pamby pussy speeding,im talking red-lining as fast as my car can go baby!(ok..that may have been a tad hyperbolic,but you get my point).

do i do this in a 25mph zone? no.
where residential homes are and possibly children? of course not,dont be absurd.
busy highway? with cluttered traffic? again that would be pretty dumb.traffic by its nature has a flow to it and 5 miles more per hour wont make much of a difference.

i am an adult who can make rational and reasonable choices concerning my safety and those around me and i CHOOSE to let my car rip with the windows down and the music cranking usually late at night when few cars are on the road and always a well lit road and/or highway.
i am not risking anybodies safety but my own.the only thing i am truly risking is getting popped by a cop and that is also a risk i chose.
i am ok with that and i have been pulled over a few times with not ONE citation for speeding (though i obviously was).

because that IS the point of this video yes?
a cop pulls me over on a lone highway doing 110mph and all i get is a warning but an automated surveillance camera does not make those distinctions.nor does it differentiate between 1 mile over the speed limit or 30 mph does not discriminate because safety has nothing to do with its serves entirely as a revenue gatherer...period.

now maybe you are speaking of those drivers who zip in and out of lanes,always having to gain that 5-10 of pavement,cutting in and out and driving aggressively.
or the drivers who scream down a residential road doing 50mph where kids play and people walk their dog.
well i can agree with you whole-heartedly on those points.those drivers are disregarding the safety of other people and should be fined etc etc but (and this is the main point) you will NEVER find one of those surveillance cameras in those areas.
because most people dont drive like that and usually only speed on open highways.
(this is not opinion but statistically documented)
there is more revenue to be had on the open highway than there ever could be on your side street.hence surveillance is (usually) on open highways and freeways.
this is about money,moola,scratch and little to do with safety...or the law.

i am sure you did not direct your post at me @raverman nor people who may speed on occasion like i do.i am just using your comment to make a point and to express something that i am seeing more and more and i have to admit that it is a bit troubling to me.
how many of the people i encounter are becoming more and more comfortable with tactics such as this and then rationalize it in a way that,on the surface,does seem reasonable but i ask you...
i ask all of you..
to think a bit further when a government implements such tactics as automatic surveillance under the guise of safety because when we look at it honestly it is anything BUT about concerns for safety.

i do not obey blindly and i aim to misbehave.
i might just start doing that wearing a nightgown.
lets be honest..that was epic.

Man Shoots Unmanned Police 'Speed Enforcement' Vehicle

Sepacore says...

>> ^Yogi:

I'd like to see people fight speed traps and such things electronically. Like having an App that says where on a major freeway cops like to hang out. If you see one you can quickly report where it is and the phones of other's behind you will warn them to let them know they need to slow down.
I've always wanted to do this with signs and such...with a phone I think it would be even better...and it would be hard for them to police that.

Not sure about other countries, but in Australia the standard notification is: after driving past a speed trap, you flash/flick your lights at the on coming cars a couple times (daylight = lights on, off, on, off. Night = dim, normal, dim, normal.. no blinding takes place) for each few cars depending on how far apart they are.

The drivers that know what it means, likely because they learned it when they were kids from their parents doing it, slow down for the trap if they are going a bit fast, everyone checks the speed limit, then they flash the drivers coming their other direction (the ones behind you).. and if enough things like timing, traffic level's, distance from trap etc are right, then you (and most others) would be flashed before you got to the speed trap too. Aim to only do it within a couple of kilometers of the trap, else people get impatient waiting for it and speed up and get caught.

This tactic is used for pretty much any situation where the police have a presence in some respect. Also, if you see someone doing 150km/h+ in a 110 (max speed) zone, flash em, they WILL slow down, because it's better to slow down for a fake flash then risk the chance of the cops grabbing you and taking your dollars and driving points.

Pretty sure you can actually be fined for doing it, but it doesn't stop people from doing it once they pass the cops (if any are present).

In saying all of this, i only condone a 15% increase of the speed limit.. the cops used to allow for a 10% increase/fluctuation which was safer then not allowing any fluctuation.. safer to watch the road more than watching the speedometer .

Man Shoots Unmanned Police 'Speed Enforcement' Vehicle

mxxcon says...

>> ^Yogi:

I'd like to see people fight speed traps and such things electronically. Like having an App that says where on a major freeway cops like to hang out. If you see one you can quickly report where it is and the phones of other's behind you will warn them to let them know they need to slow down.
I've always wanted to do this with signs and such...with a phone I think it would be even better...and it would be hard for them to police that. allows you to do that.

Man Shoots Unmanned Police 'Speed Enforcement' Vehicle

Darkhand says...

>> ^Yogi:

I'd like to see people fight speed traps and such things electronically. Like having an App that says where on a major freeway cops like to hang out. If you see one you can quickly report where it is and the phones of other's behind you will warn them to let them know they need to slow down.
I've always wanted to do this with signs and such...with a phone I think it would be even better...and it would be hard for them to police that.

That exists already:

The only problem is everyone needs to have it obviously.

When I was growing up people would flash their high beams at you to warn you. Nobody does that anymore.

Man Shoots Unmanned Police 'Speed Enforcement' Vehicle

Yogi says...

I'd like to see people fight speed traps and such things electronically. Like having an App that says where on a major freeway cops like to hang out. If you see one you can quickly report where it is and the phones of other's behind you will warn them to let them know they need to slow down.

I've always wanted to do this with signs and such...with a phone I think it would be even better...and it would be hard for them to police that.

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