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Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

newtboy says...

That is why I called what you said a Theory, not a claim of fact.
What you claimed was possible, and perhaps even likely in certain circumstances, but not at all borne out by the facts not in dispute, and the video seems to start as the group starts to pass the car.
It's funny that you got upset that you thought I misunderstood your position, but in the next post you continue to posit the same position, that the driver must have caused it, apparently because it has happened to you.
I point out that this car is not in traffic, so the splitting lane/getting cut off idea can't fly in THIS situation. The video shows the ire was garnered because the driver was calling the cops (or at least on the phone). It was then the bikers who decided it was there right to punish the guy for "snitching" by stopping him on the freeway and attacking him repeatedly with knives. That makes THESE bikers aggressive fags that deserved to be run my opinion. I only hope more of them come to justice and have their bikes taken, or more get run over next time.
I'm not against bikers in the least, I'm against assholes that attack families as inconsiderate fag gangs with knives.

Chairman_woo said:

If you actually read what I put you will see that I tried (but apparently failed) to make it clear that I was suggesting a scenario where the Car driver MIGHT have been at least somewhat at fault for instigating.
I went to great pains to NOT make a direct statement of fact regarding what happened here, but rather to elucidate my own experiences of angry/dickish car drivers to suggest another possible angle for the disputed events leading up the the video. At no stage did I say this is actually what happened, I don't know exactly what happened (and NEITHER do you for that matter, the build up wasn't filmed and reports understandably conflict).

You might also notice I added a paragraph immediately afterwards to make it clear that I could just as easily envision a sequence of events where the Bikers totally started it (or at the very least acted completely disproportionately).

I actually had a semi argument with one of my best biker friends over this vid trying to make the opposite argument to the one I posted on here (i.e. that under the circumstances driving over the bikes might actually have been a valid response to a direct physical threat just as you suggested).

What I was doing here was trying to introduce a little objectivity and present and angle some may not have considered, clearly I failed in this regard.

A Flock Of Starlings Flying Over Belfast.

artician says...

I've seen this a few times in life. Once it was a flock that was so much larger than this I can't even make a good estimate because I think most people would believe I was exaggerating. It covered most of the sky. Was driving on the I5 freeway in Northern California, midday, slightly overcast, farmland everywhere around. It was like the sky had a blanket that came loose in the wind. They just morphed and undulated for hours. I wasn't the only person who stopped on the side of the road to watch. It was one of the few breathtaking things I'll remember for as long as I live.

Moose On the Loose in Maine

Working Pair of Pliers Carved from Wood

Mieders Alpine Coaster - Frustrated Guy Crashes

newtboy says...

Ahhh, I just watched again, they all 3 (4?) stopped suddenly in front of him in a hard turn after going full speed, hitting each other to stop so suddenly. He had absolutely no chance to brake. Now who's the douchebag? Maybe the ones who intentionally stopped short on a high speed course, knowing full well they were being followed at speed by someone already pissed off that they were creeping down and stopping repeatedly?
If you disagree, let me know where you live and what you drive, I want to come cut you off and screech to a stop in front of you on the freeway so you can buy me a new car. ;-}

chingalera said:

Dude, the guys a douche: He should have asked the woman in front of him (who wasn't really into the adrenaline rush as much as he was) to trade frikkin' cars with her at the first opportunity-Whip-lashing her from behind when he could have braked....DOUCHEBAAAAAAG!

Mieders Alpine Coaster - Frustrated Guy Crashes

newtboy says...

yes, he could have tried that, except that the woman was with a group of 3 that continuously STOPPED on the track until they see him coming, then repeatedly the one in front (dad?) starts up again, so there's no way he could get in front of the 'jam'. They knew full well they were causing a slow down on a fast ride, and should have known that ruins if for many. Perhaps when they saw he caught them 30 sec into the ride, they could have asked him if he wanted to switch cars with the one in front (and again for the next guy, and the next guy...). Of course, that assumes it's possible to switch cars in mid-ride, which I think is not possible or safe, and also leaves a stopped jam in the middle of the track while they all switch cars over and over, ruining it for MORE people behind. Instead they take off, constantly riding the brake and completely stopping on a fast, blind corner track. Just plain stupid and dangerous. If the ride's too scary for you to ride, stay off it.
It's like the idiots that drive 30 mph on the freeway, thinking they are being safe by going slow. They are doing the opposite, making a dangerous situation, AND interfering with everyone else using the freeway properly as intended. In Houston, they had to implement minimum speed limits, and you get a ticket for blocking traffic if you can't drive near the limit. Now, I don't advocate ramming these people (but it happens daily by accident), but I do advocate removing their license if they can't drive near the speed limit or with the flow of traffic.
The same goes for those who want to do adrenaline filled activities, when they see it's too much for them and they are screwing up everyone elses time, they should remove themselves, not force others to be asshats until they realize their mistake.
I blame the leader of the group here, I hate people that take their kids on things they aren't prepared for and think nothing of screwing it up for everyone else without a second thought and usually with indignance.

chingalera said:

Dude, the guys a douche: He should have asked the woman in front of him (who wasn't really into the adrenaline rush as much as he was) to trade frikkin' cars with her at the first opportunity-Whip-lashing her from behind when he could have braked....DOUCHEBAAAAAAG!

"Midnight Drift" - (Very Impressive U-Turn)

Cargo Plane Falls Out Of The Sky

Cargo Plane Falls Out Of The Sky

Cargo Plane Falls Out Of The Sky

jimnms says...

I'm confused. This video got discarded as snuff when the crash is barely seen in the corner of the video because four people died in the crash. This video clearly shows the crash in which all on board were killed, but no one is crying snuff. IMO, neither one is snuff because they aren't posted for "entertainment."

Welcome to America (Cop vs German Tourist)

Mordhaus says...

The camera was in the passengers lap and the officer came up on the passenger side. On a freeway it is standard procedure to come up on the non-traffic side in case someone sideswipes the car.

I just wish I could see his badge number because he should be on write-up for that crap. It's people like him that give other DPS officers a bad reputation.

The reason why he let them go is because Reckless Driving in Texas is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine and/or 30 days in jail plus the speeding ticket. Most officers will not bother with this if the person is foreign because they will most likely not be in the country long enough to show up for trial. If he had been a long time resident, it would be up to 200 dollars for the fine, up to 300 for the ticket (depends on location, we have some different scales in certain cities), 2 points on his license (doesn't block you from keeping it, just means that you have to pay extreme renewal fees), and the possible jail time. Anything over 10 days would be served at County, so I guess it is possible for anal violation, but I've never seen someone get more than 10 for RD.

Drivers stoned on marijuana test their driving skills.

Drivers stoned on marijuana test their driving skills.

shagen454 says...

I do not know if going twenty five on the freeway is more careful, I honestly think I swerve more stoned because I am so paranoid that I psyche myself out.

direpickle said:

This is exactly why you actually probably drive better on MJ than on alcohol.

Alcohol: "I am fucking awesome at this driving shit!"
MJ: "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck drive careful drive careful."

Owl Trapped Inside SUV's Grille

Video shows crash-landing of Russian airliner

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