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Jim Carrey Presents Golden Globe For "Comedy"

RFlagg says...

As I understand it, the studios submit to which category they want to be nominated in. Think Drama will be a too tough, got a few moments of light humor, Comedy. So blame the studio for going for the Comedy nomination... and then blame the Foreign Press for going, "yeah, sure, we can accept it as a comedy".

Back when I worked at Borders. The buyers or whomever was in charge of such things at the home office, put City of Angels in the Comedy section of videos. I think their explanation was that it was Comedy/Fantasy and something, but shouldn't Fantasy be in the Sci-Fi section? Indeed, most normal Fantasy movies were in the Sci-Fi section. So I'm still at a loss to figure out how City of Angels was considered a Comedy by Borders.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Star Wars Fans Are "Prickly"

ChaosEngine says...

You really do. Iain M. Banks was an amazing writer.

Excession is probably my favourite, along with Look To Windward and Use Of Weapons.

His non-sci-fi work is fantastic too, especially The Crow Road (any book that opens with the sentence "It was the day my grandmother exploded" is instantly brilliant IMO).

He was also a wonderful speaker. Listen to this (skip to 29:32 if you haven't read Use Of Weapons, it spoils the whole plot) I love his analogy of writing fiction is like playing a piano and writing SF is like a massive pipe organ.

RFlagg said:

I really need to read more of the Culture series... I don't even recall the one I read very well... I just recall being a fan of the overall idea.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Star Wars Fans Are "Prickly"

Sylvester_Ink says...

There was a lot of posturing from Star Wars fans (from, I think) for a long time, with exaggerations about the power of imperial starships. However, some fans have done an extensive (and pretty ridiculous) amount of work to make a lengthy comparison, that, while only as accurate as can be interpreted from the provided material, does come out in strong favor towards Star Trek technology:
So yes, NdGT is correct, and really, you don't need to do the extensive research the fans did to confirm that. Logistics in a post-scarcity civilization alone gives a significant advantage.
But this is to be expected. When you have a TV show as focused on science and technology as Star Trek, it will certainly excel.
Meanwhile, Star Wars isn't supposed to be about high end technology. For them the technology is only there to highlight the story. The charm of the Millenium Falcon is not that it's a god-like ship that can mop the floor with everyone else, but that it's some guy's souped up junker that's full of surprises. The Death Star isn't the ultimate weapon, but a weapon of fear. (A weapon that destroys excessive amounts of available resources is impractical for anything else, and that especially includes Starkiller Base.)
And if there really needs to be some sort of sci-fi-peen competition, you can go the complete nonsense route with Doctor Who, where one Dalek could probably conquer both the Trek and Wars universes with minimal effort.
Or the overkill route with the Culture, where wiping the rest out would be an idle task, pursued for entertainment.
Star Wars fans just need to chill and embrace their universe of junkers and quaint technology. Star Trek fans have already embraced the fact that their universe isn't about action and explosions. (No, we don't include the Abramsverse.)

"SINGULARITY" * - by The Bicycle Monarchy

jmd says...

No, nothing about this was cool. It reproduced everything that was BAD about sci fi action movies.

The obscene amounts of light flicker, despite the fact that POWER SYSTEMS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY, would make JJ Abrams blush.

Star Trek Beyond - Trailer 1

dannym3141 says...

Presumably you reboot something because you want you capitalise on some combination of the styles, plots, essence and fans of the thing you're rebooting. So if it becomes unrecognisably Star Trek then fans won't be impressed.

But this looks to be going in a different direction than not just Star Trek but the first two films of the reboot as well. To me it could have been any sci-fi action adventure film because nothing stood out that distinguished it as Star Trek (the old or new definition).

Also, who the hell buys Pegg as Scotty really? I love Pegg, but everything about his character is jarring - he's Simon Pegg doing a funny accent and laying the slapstick on far too thick for comic relief only to pop up in an action scene 2 minutes later.

Edit: Maybe because it's a different director? Edit2: Who apparently directed some Fast & Furious films - that makes a lot of sense.

Boomerang POV Camera

Warcraft Trailer

Sarzy says...

Well, Jones is finally making Mute next -- the original sci-fi film he's been trying to get off the ground for like a decade -- so if nothing else, Warcraft has raised his profile and allowed him to make more films he's passionate about. So whether or not it's a waste of his talents (which remains to be seen, though this trailer is pretty meh), it'll bring us more films like Moon, so clearly it's not all bad.

ChaosEngine said:

@mentality, is it ok now if I say this looks like a waste of Duncan Jones talents, or do I actually need to sit through this second rate hobbit/games workshop ripoff?

Warcraft - Trailer Tease

ChaosEngine says...

Fair point about Pirates of the Caribbean (the first one, at least).

As for the quality, I never said it wouldn't be a quality picture. I'm sure it will be well executed.

But we have HEAPS of big summer blockbusters and fuck all clever sci-fi like Moon, so I'd rather see Duncan Jones doing something more interesting than this.

And OF COURSE I can comment on a movie based on a teaser. If that's all they put out, that's all I can comment on, and what I see here is IMO, a waste of a good director.

If you find that condescending, that's your problem.

mentality said:

Acknowledging that you may be wrong does not mean you were not being incredibly condescending.

Will this be the next Citizen Kane? No. And no one is asking it to be. It has the potential to be a well crafted summer blockbuster. And no, a big budget blockbuster is not inherently inferior to a small indie movie like Moon. It's that kind of elitist attitude that is condescending.

And no, you cannot comment on the quality of the movie based on a 15 second teaser, so far before release. All it shows is that Duncan Jones respects the source material, at least visually.

And as for Warcraft not being known for its story? Well, they made a good movie out of a Disney theme park ride, so anything can happen.

'Med Drunk,' a film by drunk people

'Med Drunk,' a film by drunk people

Improvised Movie Moments

ChaosEngine says...

You have a list of great improvised movie moments, pretty all biased towards action/sci-fi and you leave out Han Solo's "I know" in Empire Strikes Back?

For shame...

also, Viggo Mortensen hitting that knife is pretty impressive. Did that really happen?

How To Talk Minnesotan

The Martian-Official Trailer #2

Lendl says...

Reading it now. My fiancee, who is an avid reader but not usually the sci-fi, read it in 3 days and could not contain her excitement (ie: spolied it a bit for me). I think she liked the funny, but glossed over the science/math, whereas I love the science/math. Can't wait for the movie.

SwimWithSharks said:

who hasn't read it yet: read the book, it's awesome!

The Martian-Official Trailer #2

South Park - Battle in the Breastriary

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