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Which is Nerdier: Star Wars or Star Trek?

00Scud00 says...

They forgot the part at the end where the rest of the non sci-fi watching world chimes in to remind them that both sides are a bunch of nerds as far as they are concerned.

The Martian | Official Trailer #1

ChaosEngine says...

upvote for "I'm gonna have to science the shit outta this".

Hopefully, this will be Ridleys sci-fi redemption after Prometheus.

Also, Matt Damon's gonna start to feel like directors really want to strand him on another planet.

Meet the crew of the Ares 3

America in the Middle East: Learning Curves Are for Pussies

mintbbb (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

This is an interesting story, from Stockholm city police register of the year 1536, using Runes to protect the name of a (high status) married woman found with someone who was not her husband... about half way down this article:

Google translate didn't do a very good job, fortunately my reference filled in the details. It was also interesting that the ring above the 'a' in på was off to the right, and not directly above like modern usage.

radx (Member Profile)

lurgee says...

I was impressed with it. A good Sci Fi flick without a lot of action shots is a rarity theses days. Thanks for the tip.

radx said:

Ex Machina -- have you seen that one?

If not, give it a shot. Best AI-themed movie I've seen in quite some time.

Messed with my head though, big time. It poses the sort of questions that lurk in the back of your head, only to emerge again at night, when you least want your brain to run on all cylinders, if you know what I mean.

Bill Nye - A Better Future Through Science

ChaosEngine says...

There is still plenty of optimistic sci-fi out there (Iain M. Banks Culture novels are probably the best example).

But the problem that most sci-fi writers have is that they're generally reasonably smart people who look at the world, look at what we're doing to it and say "yeah, we're fucked".

I have every confidence that if we worked together science could solve all the problems facing us today.

I have zero confidence that we will actually do that.

Sundays -- another dark sci-fi film to get a movie deal

billybussey says...

Hella dork. This is not the future of sci fi. Try bringing it back away from sci fi and turn it into a real film that happens to be about sci fi. Soon no one will care about compositing effects. We will want real content pulled from real life.

kulpims (Member Profile)

TARS & CASE: The Interstellar Robots Behind The Scenes

Brief History of Graphics

Finnish parliament elections just got epic!

Con Man Teaser (Comedy from Alan Tudyk & Nathan Fillion)

Roundabout Driver Fail

Kitty History

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