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Sean Young home movies on set of Dune with David Lynch 1983

Dune Prologue (Extended Edition)

Human-powered ornithopter

Human-powered ornithopter

Illegal to dig the sand on Florida beaches?

Tymbrwulf says...

Looks like everything is getting lost in the bureaucracy. Those laws seem to have been in place for a reason (not digging in national parks, etc). I would assume it's something akin to keeping off the sand dunes to prevent destruction of habitat for the local wildlife.

This is what bored sheikhs do to their cars...

Monstrous Wildlife: Graboids

Monstrous Wildlife: Graboids

TNG Lessons in Humanity: Habeas Corpus

Fletch says...


BTW, a simple tribble test would have prevented that whole Simon Tarses/Betazoid drama.
>> ^Reefie:

Also let's not forget his appearance in Robin Hood: Men in Tights; or the 1984 version of Dune!

TNG Lessons in Humanity: Habeas Corpus

Reefie says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
>> ^Truckchase:
Jean-Luc Picard 2012.

I forgot how good of an actor patrick stewart became through ST. I just was watching some season 1 and 2, and he is so bad, a ton of overacting. But later on, he nails it perfectly. It is kind of fun watching his evolution from Broadway to silver screen.

I completely agree that Patrick Stewart became a better television actor through being on Star Trek but his real talent came from his years as a stage actor. Much like Andreas Katsulas and Ian McKellen who also gained their excellent talents from theatre I think Patrick Stewart was a powerful and compelling actor before he ever stepped into the shoes of Picard!

Did anyone see Patrick Stewart and David Tennant's performance of Hamlet that was running in 2008 and 2009? Very good, didn't get to go since tickets were scarce for every venue and every night but the BBC filmed it and released it at the end of last year.

Also let's not forget his appearance in Robin Hood: Men in Tights; or the 1984 version of Dune!

Oblivion: Patrick Stewart's Emperor Uriel Septim goes mad

BoneyD says...

^ Haha, that's Thufir Hawat you're quoting, Stewart played Gurney Halleck. But still, 10 points for working in a Dune quote.

As for the sounds, it seems like they modded the game's audio. Makes this clip work a treat. Hilarious!

To Abort Or Not To Abort?

PS3 Error Code 8001050F Rage

PS3 Error Code 8001050F Rage

Avatar and Pocahontas - Two movies using one storyline?

demon_ix says...

Yeah, it's well known. There are so many movies you can say Avatar ripped off, but for some reason, no one seems to suggest they ripped each other off...

There's Pocahontas, Fern Gully, Dune, Dances With Wolves, Firekind (an old comic), The Jesus Incident (another Frank Herbert story), and many more, I'm sure.

So, either Avatar stole the original idea from every single one of these movies/books/comics, or you sort of have to concede that the story is so generic and basic that it's been done and will be done again and again. Avatar just happens to do it really well (and the 3D doesn't hurt a bit ).

If you look hard enough, you'll find similarities everywhere. Examples:

Star Wars - Young warrior joins band of freedom fighters and leads them to victory over the big mechanical empire.
The Matrix - A computer programmer disconnects from the machine he's been hooked up to all his life, discovers he's The (chosen) One and goes on to free his band of freedom fighters from the big mechanical empire (this time with actual machines).

I'm sure I can go on, but this post is long enough, and I've made my point

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