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The science behind Singing Sand Dunes

The science behind Singing Sand Dunes

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'sand, dunes, sing, vibrate, sound, granular medium, butt science' to 'sand, dunes, sing, vibrate, sound, granular medium, butt science, booming dunes' - edited by xxovercastxx

The science behind Singing Sand Dunes

grinter says...

>> ^ulysses1904:

Interesting stuff. I assume it's always the same E, F or G frequency just below concert A (440 hz)? or the next octave lower?
I wonder why no F#, or did he leave it out for the sake of brevity. I'll have to read more on this.

If you look closely at the spectrum they show, the energy is just below 100 Hz. So, the G they are referring to is 98 Hz. ..and yeah, it would be continuously variable, so F# is possible.

Ornthoron (Member Profile)

All Your History (S3E13): Blizzard Entertainment Part 2 ...

mentality says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^BoneRemake:
because of Warcraft and Diablo..especially Diablo, I had to buy a new mouse as the buttons wore out !
Fun fact- I hate starcraft

I love Diablo and WoW series, but not a fan of their RTS games. I prefer Westwood Studios' C&C and Dune series. However, old was awesome.

Exact opposite for me. Diablo 1 and 2 had great setting/story, and were fun the first time through, but the gameplay was a mindless clickfest. WOW was great with friends, but the endgame is an endless gear treadmill. Starcraft and e-sports are Blizzard's greatest achievement in gaming IMO.

All Your History (S3E13): Blizzard Entertainment Part 2 ...

ant says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

because of Warcraft and Diablo..especially Diablo, I had to buy a new mouse as the buttons wore out !
Fun fact- I hate starcraft

I love Diablo and WoW series, but not a fan of their RTS games. I prefer Westwood Studios' C&C and Dune series. However, old was awesome.

FESTO creates a robotic flying bird

So, why do they call Chicago 'The Windy City'?

swedishfriend says...

Amazing that no-one was hurt by debris. We had crazy winds one night and lots of people including myself actually enjoyed it. There was something special about that night. Everything looked like a white desert with dunes of snow as high as your head where it piled up down to clean ground where the wind swept it clean. No straight lines only curves everywhere. I had to walk home that night and took my time because it was such a unique feeling. There was a slight feeling of danger from being around trees but nothing happened. From what I heard on the news people were OK that night despite the crazy weather. Something big going on in the collective consciousness that night.


High Schooler Crushes Fox News On Wisconsin Protests

GeeSussFreeK says...

Actually, yes I do. Most of what you named where not clanish but rather dictatorships. Moreover, Irak, or as many of us spell it, Iraq, has only existed since British imperialism merged 3 separate states together. Even Afghanistan isn't exactly what I am talking about, nor a good seed state for any form of anything as it has been racked by centuries of wars and hardships. There is a difference from the pure tribal form, from which I am borrowing, and the idea of clans which I am proposing. It is more along the lines of Dune, but without the condition of it being strictly family or location based. Labor unions are already a close approximation to my idea, just of a more limited scope. Unless you are proposing that labor unions make us like Afghanistan, then I don't really think you have made a point yet.

>> ^Smugglarn:

A clan system? Like Afgahnistan, Irak, Libya, Saudi Arabia... need I go on?

Quadrotors Autonomously Build Towers

Baby Elephant Frolics On The Beach

Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

Shepppard says...

>> ^siftlurk:

I kinda missed the ME1 dune buggy. It was no where near as boring as the scanning. Sheesh, that was miserable.

I disagree, whereas it was somewhat fun on just regular exploring levels, I hated the courses set up for it.

Saving Liara I can't tell you how many goddamn times I'd come to the end of that course, see that it was walled off, and since I'd been driving for 10 minutes think "Oh shit, I have to turn left here" and drive right into the lava, having to start the entire level over again because the auto-save in the first game sucked.

Minneapolis Metrodome Roof Collapse

Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

Minneapolis Metrodome Roof Collapse

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