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Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

ant says...

>> ^gwiz665:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since November 16th, 2006" class="profilelink">calvados I was surprised at the lack of quality in the speak. I mean, she speak the lines well and all, but just production values. At one point she even blows into the mic and it's really, really clear "woosh". I mean, couldn't they have done another take? Were they in a hurry to go the the strip club or wtf?
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 136, 0);">ant @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since October 21st, 2006" class="profilelink">EMPIRE I loved dune 2000. I remember recording from one computer to the other with a mini-jack to mini-jack from one sound card to another. Good times.
Emperor was a more bold game, which tried to do a lot of things. It was one of the first 3D RTS games, which pretty much killed it for me, not because it was ugly, but because it freaking killed my PC at the time. The story was much more true to the book in that one too, with different houses and factions.
Dune 2000 was a straight re-make of Dune 2, but with the lessons they'd learned from C&C and Red Alert, ie. it was great.
>> ^calvados:
This was a really good game. Does the intro narrator have to speak so slowly though? It sounds like she has a nailgun nail in her frontal lobe.

I didn't like Dune 2000 that much. It wasn't bad.

So old Dune2ers, did you try yet?

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

gwiz665 says...

@calvados I was surprised at the lack of quality in the speak. I mean, she speak the lines well and all, but just production values. At one point she even blows into the mic and it's really, really clear "woosh". I mean, couldn't they have done another take? Were they in a hurry to go the the strip club or wtf?

@ant @EMPIRE I loved dune 2000. I remember recording from one computer to the other with a mini-jack to mini-jack from one sound card to another. Good times.

Emperor was a more bold game, which tried to do a lot of things. It was one of the first 3D RTS games, which pretty much killed it for me, not because it was ugly, but because it freaking killed my PC at the time. The story was much more true to the book in that one too, with different houses and factions.

Dune 2000 was a straight re-make of Dune 2, but with the lessons they'd learned from C&C and Red Alert, ie. it was great.
>> ^calvados:

This was a really good game. Does the intro narrator have to speak so slowly though? It sounds like she has a nailgun nail in her frontal lobe.

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

ant says...


I really miss them too. I loved the Kyrandia games. I was REALLY into adventure games back then, and very recently I bought back a Legend of Kyrandia III: Malcolm's Revenge copy I had sold

Ah, I couldn't get into those adventure games, text games, etc.

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

ant says...


Yes I did actually
I liked Emperor. But nothing replaces the original. If nothing else, for that feeling of nostalgia you can never recreate.

Ditto. I finished it too. Dune 2000 was OK too. I laugh at Dune 2 now because it is SO old. I love Command & Conquer (excluding Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 3, and C&C4) too. I miss Westwood Studios!

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

ant says...


this is definitely a classic. I loved this game. And this is one of the best cinematics ever done IMO. Westwood had in general really good cinematics.

Speaking of EMPIRE, did you play that version?

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

Sean Young home movies on set of Dune with David Lynch 1983

Sean Young home movies on set of Dune with David Lynch 1983

Sean Young home movies on set of Dune with David Lynch 1983

TickTock says...

I agree - Dune is ace! One of the Sci-Fi classics from my childhood.

When we were younger my brother and I would always hold the other one down and say the "A little spittle..." line as we goobed in the others face. Thank you David Lynch!

I wonder what it's made to this point. Sure it cost 45mil but only made like 20mil in the box office, but since then? VHS, rentals, DVD, Blu-ray, digital, TV? That shit has to add up after a few decades.

Grimm (Member Profile)

Sean Young home movies on set of Dune with David Lynch 1983

Sean Young home movies on set of Dune with David Lynch 1983

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