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Umm......In America, it means something TOTALLY Different!!!

bremnet says...

Oh my.

Gets it = crude - usually a negative connotation
Doesn't get it = prude

How about "smart, understands both uses, but something tripped his giggles and he was gone". I don't know Dan Stevens, I guess you do if you know he is fairly crude. In some countries / regions, saying someone is crude is quite the insult. Especially in regions where there are lots of prudes.

Anyway, must dash, pizza man is here man, and I'm completely shagged.

(ooh, another one - is it shagged = fucked, or shagged = tired? Discuss.)

Have fun. Man.

Babymech said:

whu... now, what are YOU even talking about? What label? On who? On British men? Chris Morris, Dan Stevens and I all immediately understood what beating off meant. Because we're fairly crude. The two first are British men. I'm not. What label are you even talking about? How high are you, even?

Umm......In America, it means something TOTALLY Different!!!

Babymech says...

whu... now, what are YOU even talking about? What label? On who? On British men? Chris Morris, Dan Stevens and I all immediately understood what beating off meant. Because we're fairly crude. The two first are British men. I'm not. What label are you even talking about? How high are you, even?

bremnet said:

Yes, that's better, put a label on him. Could it not simply be that it struck him as funny, and he couldn't regain composure? You're such a dick. (now, do I mean 'dick = penis' or 'dick = investigator employed in gaining / exposing information through reasoned deduction'... hmmmm)

Umm......In America, it means something TOTALLY Different!!!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'UK, Breakfast Television, Interview, Blooper, LOLs' to 'UK, Breakfast Television, Interview, Blooper, LOLs, Dan Stevens' - edited by bareboards2

Umm......In America, it means something TOTALLY Different!!!

Babymech says...

Ok? British man Chris Morris knows about it. British man Dan Stevens obviously knows about it. I don't think it's a US vs UK thing but a prude vs crude thing. Prudes don't get it and crude people do.

Barseps said:

It may mean the same thing, but it's not a term that's commonly used here, if it was, Susanna Reid would've known that & not used it.

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

The world's most beautiful sustainable font

serosmeg says...

Typeface tattoos and a halftone patterned shirt? dude means business.

Some guy,
"Is that an italic Monotype Corsiva 'W' 34pt on your right arm?

Dan Rhatigan,
"It's OBLIQUE you jackass!"

God loving parents give gay son a choice

Jinx says...

The thing that is scary is that this conversation frequently happens to younger teens. I think it's telling when somebody like Dan Savage hesitates to encourage young people to come out of the closet before they are able to be independent. That's sad, and I think this video is a lot of peoples worst nightmare.

visionep said:

This is not a kid, he is a young man at 19 years old. Why is everyone so sad for him that he has to go live on his own? $60K on the go fund me site is ridiculous.

When I was 18, a few months after graduating high school, my mom asked me to move out because I was coming home to late. (Fortunately it wasn't quite the heated discussion this guy had to endure) Should I have been crying to everyone I knew about how unfair it was and that my mom didn't love me?

I agree that this guy's parents are horrible and ignorant, but I don't feel bad for this guy. He is an adult and needed to get away from those people if he was going to have any chance of not being like them. If anything being gay will help him move away from the ignorance that he was raised with and hopefully make him a better human than his parents.

Street Artist Drawing Something

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Dan Aykroyd Performs I'll Go Crazy with Bobby Rush

Dan Aykroyd Got James Brown a Discount on a Rental Car

Dan Aykroyd Performs I'll Go Crazy with Bobby Rush

Dan Aykroyd Got James Brown a Discount on a Rental Car

Giant Bubbles Popping in Slow Motion

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'slow mo guys, gav and dan, giant bubbles' to 'slow mo guys, gav and dan, giant bubbles, 2500 fps, soap, bubble' - edited by Eklek

ant (Member Profile)

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