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Why Internet Arguments are Useless

enoch says...

if you come from the perspective that arguments are a zero sum dynamic,"winning" being the desired outcome,then i can see where this video makes some salient points.

then yes...internet arguing then becomes an exercise in futility.

if you make assumptions about peoples intentions based on arbitrary and cosmetic indicators such as avatars and a few comments,then of course the argument will be biased on those parameters.

but if you view an argument as a vehicle to understand the person you are engaging with,then the dynamic changes to a much more beneficial interaction between both parties.

it takes patience and a desire to understand,along with a healthy dose of respect.

i argue with newt all the time.
sometimes we find out we actually agree but were using different analogies or language to express our position.other times we disagreed but respected each other enough to hear the other person out to better understand WHY they felt/thought the way they did,and yet still disagreed in the end,but now had a much fuller picture to better compliment that disagreement.

"winning" should not be the first thing on the agenda.understanding should always be the first order of business,and having someone lay out the logical connections based on their understanding and interpretations is truly the best way to accomplish that goal.

and if y'all could be nice to each other?
yeah..that would be great.

Should videosift allow images in comments? (User Poll by oritteropo)

eric3579 says...

-edit- What he said ^

I think it should be the opposite. How about a link that you can opt in to view image. I can't recall the last time someone linked by url or hyperlink an image they felt like sharing especially an informative one that compliments a video. I just don't think there is a need and if necessary i don't see why a link wouldn't suffice. Like I said i see little upside and potential big downside. Interesting comment threads is one of the best things about the sift. I think big images would visually hurt the flow of a comment thread. I think if it was a text link that could open an image then the flow would be fine but just an image seems like a bad idea.

oritteropo said:

How about if a comment with negative votes gets the image turned into a link?

I'm basing my opinion on how it's used over at liveleak, where it's used for illustrations, diagrams, silly pictures, and generally doesn't cause trouble, at least not that I've seen.

Mila Kunis can't deal with her new boobs

ChaosEngine says...

Miles Kunis has always been beautiful but what makes her attractive is the way she doesn't take herself seriously. She seems like a really genuine geek, and I mean that as a compliment. And now she has boobs, and instead of being self conscious about it, she's enjoying the experience. That is so sexy.

Flirting MasterClass with Hottest Actresses Volume 1

artician says...

Love and miss this guy. The only thing that really ever irked me about him was how legitimately he likes to break the mold, but he had the same formula for every guest: man or woman, compliment them on how they look. It always seemed too pedestrian for someone who otherwise seemed legitimately authentic.

Ellen Dance Dare Gone Wrong- With Cops

newtboy says...

Again, cops are not unique in dealing with dicks and the damage/messes they create, but they are unique in dealing with them with violence regularly (not always, because all cops are not the same).
I agree, your reaction does seem a bit like the Deblasio thing, a man who made one comment that, while based in reality, was not a compliment to cops. Because of that one non-supportive comment, cops now claim he's anti-cop and is supporting cop killers. It's so insanely ridiculous, it reminds me of the 3 year old that can't have another cookie and so throws a tantrum screaming "you hate me, you never give me anything, you're always a meanie and doodoo head, and I hate you now forever". I wish cops would get a grip and see that someone who points out an obvious flaw is not an enemy.
I've posted many a pro-cop video. If there were more of them, I would post more of them. Sadly, there are far more videos of cops doing something wrong than there are of them doing something really good. If you feel the good done is under represented you are free to post any 'cop doing good' video you can find. I think you'll find they are in short supply, and most are produced by PR campaigns. I have a theory why, but it's only an assumption so I'll keep it to myself.
I would point out that, in this video, I stated from the start that everyone here is being a dick....including the dancer.

lantern53 said:

There are plenty of people who believe all cops act this way. Read online comments and you will find them quite easily. And your statement that responsible people find ways of dealing with stress w/o losing it on occasion is simply naive. I'll bet you're the first to agree that PTSD is a real syndrome with soldiers. it's the same for cops. A lot of people deal with assholes you said. Well, cops deal with them, get puked on by them, see their blood and the chaos they create, slip in their piss and get their spit on their uniforms.

Newtboy posts all these videos but he'll tell you that he doesn't believe all cops act this way. He is rather like Mr. DeBlasio, who wants to say one thing out of one side of his mouth, then say something quite different out of the other side. He is no fan or admirer of the police, he creates this scenario that all cops are power hungry racists and you end up with dead cops because people with mental problems see this picture and extrapolate it to include all cops everywhere.

Complementing Breasts In Public

Darren Wilson Speaks Publicly For The First Time

krazyety says...

Everything said just seems too perfect, and yes rehearsed. The interviewer led the entire interview only to get answers that compliment the question. It was scripted and cut, with a purpose. But considering the scope of the situation I cant expect anything other than this to be honest. This is not meant to be an open conversation, this is an announcement to express events we all are meant to remember from a certain point of view. Maybe one to influence a few of our fellow citizens only.

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

eric3579 (Member Profile)


Insurance scam doesn't go as planned

JustSaying says...

Well, thank you for the compliment, fellow masterdebater.
Or did you mean "masturbator"? Then I'd have to disagree, I'm certainly not bad at that.

Yeah, my post was super hyperbolic but it was just a continuation of the thinking going on here. I took it to the next level. The basic message I took from this thread was "Fuck that guy, he's an insurance scammer and got what he deserved!"
I disagree.
First of all, his crime (scamming people out of money) makes him a huge asshole and definately someone I wish not much well being in general. However, he was slowly run over by a car! You have to do some really awful shit to deserve that kind of punishment. If that man was the pope, I'd have applauded the lady and asked her for a re-run because the pope supports child rapists. If that man was Jeffrey Dahmer, I'd ask if I could have a go. But he's, as far as we know, neither a rapist or murderer or anything else as horrible. He could be dead. He could be a vegetable. He could be disabled. None of that is a punishment fitting his crime. Not even a Bernie Madoff deserves that.
The second thing is this whole "he did something stupid and now he got what he deserves" debate. Look, I'm a person of schadenfreude. I have sadistic personality traits that fill my shrivelled, black heart with gleeful joy everytime somebody gets hurt. But there are limits.
My examples are horrible and gross but what sets them apart from what this guy did is mainly they're not criminal activities. Sure, if you shoot at cops and get shot, you deserve that. You committed and act of agression and got pwned. That man was not agressive towards anyone.
He didn't lay under a moving car, he lay beside a standing car that then rolled over him while making a turn because the driver didn't notice him. Misjudgement on his part? Sure. The same as playing russian roulette or shooting at cops? Nope. That's because his activity, running into a standing or slowly moving car and pretending to be hit, doesn't include certain death as certain possibility.
The only reason people here are so comfortable with this man getting run over is because he's an asshole criminal. If that would've happened to him while he was pulling an internet prank, everyone would be horrified. Imagine that guy wearing a ridiculous costume and talking into the camera at the beginning of the video how he'll make that woman think she hit him with the car and what a great prank that'll be. Is he still getting what he deserves?
People give a shit about the man in the terrible accident because they made a judgement that he is a criminal and not worth it.
See, John Oliver has a point when talking about prisons.
I saw a video of a man getting run over. It didn't upset me but the reactions to it did.

lucky760 said:

Wow yourself.

Those are mostly really horrible examples and gross misinterpretation of things that've been said here.

Most of the things you're talking about are not even closely related to someone putting themselves into a position of imminent danger.

Smokers, second-hand smoking, addiction, extreme sporting, and *anyone* who does *anything* *potentially* dangerous? Say what? Your nonsensical examples have no relation whatsoever to what I've been discussing.

Laying under a moving car or playing Russian roulette or climbing into an alligator pit or shooting at cops with machine guns... Yes, those kinds of things are exactly the same as someone with a lifetime of addiction or who uses safety gear and expertise with a reasonable expectation they'll walk away from their sporting activity unharmed. Right? Pshaw.

You're either doing a really bad job of trolling or just a really bad masterdebater.

Edward Snowden NBC News Full Interview

artician says...

In no way is this meant to offend you, it's intended as a compliment, but from your previous posts I've come to expect something quite different from you. I'm happy you feel that way. It takes courage to do what he did, which is essentially throwing his future and life down the drain in favor of justice and humanity. I think a lot of us would have done the same, but chance had it that the NSA just happened to employ someone with morals.
Regardless, glad you feel that way. I hope he can be seen as such by the majority of human beings within his life.

bobknight33 said:

American Hero

Street Harassment Of Women In New York - An Art Project

Hiddekel says...

The bigger the city the more you need to leave other people alone. the press of humanity is maddening. people construct their own villages within the city, and the people they choose can compliment them.

Lann (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Hi Lann!! It's so good to see you, you have been missed! Thank you for the compliment on my avatar. It made me smile so much when I first saw it, I had to use it. Hope to see you back again soon.

Lann said:

Haven't been around here in awhile but I just wanted to come by and say your avatar is very cute!

Zawash (Member Profile)

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