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Harrowing Footage of LGBT Beaten and Humiliated in Russia

newtboy says...

My compliments on 2 non-insulting posts in a row! I for one thank you for the change.

chingalera said:

No sir. Sensible sane and rational people(sarcasm intended) would treat sponsorship of Olympic games similarly if sayyy, the Olympic committee used child labor or trashed the environment building the arena and got corporate sponsors behind them....Wouldn't we then have to listen to the same type of gimps, the same who trash their own powers of reason, come out of the wood-works to protest that horrifying scenario!?? Watch them boycott coco-cola and mc donalds then?


All governments work the same dude, a few people force the masses to perform according to their rules or be fined or imprisoned.

Draaakonian bullshit.

Personally, I boycott coke and mc donalds because their food is non-nutritive shit that causes diabetic epidemics in adults and children-Less is more.

Besides, corporate sponsorship of anything is a waste of resources when the same could be used for advancement both physically and spiritually of the entire species.

It's 2014 sir, and pretty much ALL governments and law enforcement works on the same arcane model, be they called democracies or dictatorships....po-tay-to, fucking pa-tah-to

Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

lantern53 says...

Two things...some Indians call themselves redskins.

Calling a major sports team 'Redskins' is not an insult, it's a compliment.

Now, some Indians don't like it, but if you're looking to not offend anyone...good luck with that.

Picking up a Hammer on the Moon

Chairman_woo says...

That's not what I was saying at all though perhaps I explained poorly.

So imagine you are in a 0 gravity environment. You have 2 balls (lol) one has a mass of 1 kg the other a mass of 100kg. You throw both equally hard. What happens?

One ball travels away from you at 100x less the velocity of the other. This is intertia, it is an effect of mass not gravity. Gravity is an additional force but it's absence would not change the fact that a big heavy space suit requires a significant force to move at a usefully velocity in the 1st place.

It was perhaps misleading to use the example of a fulcrum (lever) but in this context it's quite illustrative. If it was 0 gravity you could apply a tiny force to a massive object and just wait however long it takes to get it where you want (like an infinitely long lever). When gravity becomes a factor duration becomes more and more of a concern (like the fulcrum of the lever gets shorter and shorter).

Concequence: the lower the gravity the easier (less work/deltaV) it is to move an object. However a massive object still requires a proportional large force to move in a useful way (in this case fast enough to overcome 0.16g for long enough to get upright).

I'm not saying gravity has no effect (quite the opposite) I'm saying big heavy thing requires big heavy force to shift even in reduced gravity environments.

As for bases on the moon, mars, stargates, ueo's, void whales, phobos being hollow (phobos is some crazy shit), hexagon on Saturn etc. Etc. I'm not outright dismissive, but to treat it as anything but food for thought/entertainment is a little worrying to say the least. What do you have to go on there other than the testimony of other people who claim to have been involved or whatever?

There's no hard data avaliable to the likes of you and I on such things. Many of these ideas cannot be entirely refuted, but nor can they be confirmed either. That puts us squarely in the realm of superstition and religion.

I'm a part time discordian/khaos magus/git wizard so I do have more time than most for superstition and flights of fantasy but I steer well clear of treating any of that kind of think as objective fact.

The realms of materialism and idealism should stay entirely separate except when they converge and compliment each other e.g. If I can imagine a black swan and then go out and find one (after performing the necessary experiments to disprove any other possible explanations for why it might seem black) then I can tell others that black swans are definitely a real thing. The same cannot be said for say the flying spaghetti monster or the chocolate tea pot orbiting the sun even though believing in such things makes my life more interesting under certain circumstances (and such liberated thought processes can eventually lead to as yet undiscovered ideas which may indeed prove to be "true" or helpful).

"Given all theories of the universe are absurd, it is better to speak in the language of one which Is patently absurd so as to mortify the metaphysical man." -Alaistair Crowley

Translation: if your going to indulge stuff like this don't take it or yourself too seriously or you will go mental!

Praise be to pope Bob!

MichaelL said:

So you're saying on Jupiter or any other super-giant planet, we should have no problem walking about, lifting the usual things such as hammers, etc with no problem because the mass is the same as Earth?
Hmm, didn't think gravity worked like that. I always read in text books that on the moon, you should be able to jump higher because gravity was less than earth... but you say no.
Damn scientists always trying to confuse us...
(Pssst... weight and mass are different things. Weight measures gravitational force... the force that you have to overcome to lift something... less gravity = less force to overcome)

As for the conspiracy thing... you do know we already have bases on the dark side of the moon and Mars right? Look up Alternative 3...

10 Funny & Silly Automobile Adverts

newtboy says...

My ego and other posters don't enter into it, it's about correcting BS information or calling out asshattery, which is nearly ALL you do. I've done it on my own uncountable times.
You don't 'care about the community as a whole here'...that's the biggest load of crap I've heard recently. You care about intentionally being an annoying little fucker, attacking others, and complaining that things aren't 100% the way you want them. That has always been your MO, I and others have your number. That, and 'fucking with other people's shit' in the most disrespectful manner you can come up with.You've admitted this numerous times, and you've admitted that much of what you write is simply 'devils advocacy' done to get a rise out of others, or just feed your own ego with your rants and the replies they garner. That's why no one takes you seriously (or at least no one should), you are simply trying to live up to your chosen name...and often succeeding. You ARE the smarmy talking dingle berry hanging off a cockroach buddy. This is public knowledge around here. It's also obvious from your handle, which means something like annoying little piece of shit or little fucking thing in one culture and big failure in others...appropriate...and your choice.
Again, no buddies. I'm calling you out on your constant intentionally inflammatory BS all on my own, with or without others. I'm glad to see it's getting under your skin. I'll keep going on the same angle, thanks for the feed back.
Coming from the local permanent troll, I'll take the last as a compliment. How's my ass looking?

chingalera said:

If you'd pay attention to something besides your own ego and ganging-up with a few others in your recent cabal of haters bent on fucking with my shit here on the site, you'd realize that I really could give a fiddler's FUCK about votes anyhow-

I care more about the community as a whole here, OH, and bringing more users to the site by stamping-out smarmy-commenting dingle berries like cockroaches.

...always has been my MO young salamander

Votes are for others' enjoyment, hence my desire to destroy the status of poisonous users by finding all their dead videos and declaring them so, in order to reduce their vote-counts and status, and give them something to fix instead of spouting bile-

Yeah so, considering your recent comments on my posts along with yer buddies, perhaps try another angle??

Or you could simply lurk and troll my offerings some more and keep showin' that ass?

Science Vlogger reads her comments

shatterdrose says...

Ok, for any and everyone who says "we're just too weak": welcome to the hyper-macho culture. For starters, you're right, I know your husband beats you, but seriously, deal with it. Grow the fuck up and get over yourself. Right? No?

The problem with certain forms of abuse is that many recognize they may in fact be participating in it, and to defend themselves from feeling bad, they justify it. For instance, in extreme examples, SLAVERY!

I posted a link to another video which makes the point: when you start dehumanizing the subject of your intentions, it becomes okay because they're just objects. That's the real issue here: these catcalls become, if you want to call it, a gateway drug for dehumanization.

And I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks we've just become pansies and these women need to suck it up, well, I'm sorry but __|__

How is being denied a job because of your sex a "suck it up" situation? Oh, you wanted to get the manager position? Well, we gave it to your less qualified male counterpart for more money than we intended to pay you anyway.

Why is there still a pay disparity? Equal work = equal pay? Unless you're female. Not to mention all the women passed over for promotions because they're simply not pretty enough. Or hell, just go to a Hooters . . . or Tilted Kilt, Winghouse or any other establishment that's frequented by males who are simply there because of the "hot chicks". I doubt many of those places could exist on their food quality alone.

While stopping to asshole YouTube comments isn't going to solve women's equalities issues, it will help. Intolerance for intolerance will be the only solution. Letting these YouTuber's harass females (yes, it is harassment, not a compliment) and putting women into uncomfortable situations because you feel like you're giving them compliment will only make matters worse.

For instance, go to a gay club and see how you feel when guys are constantly catcalling you, telling you they'd love to fuck you etc. Trust me, when it happens to you, it's not a compliment. It's damned creepy.

Now, if your female friend did her hair, got a new dress etc and you tell her she looks pretty, that's one thing. Telling a random stranger "Hey beautiful" etc doesn't win you any favors.

Science Vlogger reads her comments

bmacs27 says...

I agree, I restricted my point to things that can easily be changed. That was intentional. Those were the sorts of comments she was complaining about (e.g. that she's being "intentionally unattractive"). Men would receive similar criticism. If straight up sinewy stud wore baggy assed stained hoodies to his weatherman job, or thick rimmed glasses and a pocket protector with suspenders then a handful of people would give him shit for it. I promise you. They would. A handful more will talk about how they don't give a fuck and want to jump on his magnetic pole. The rest will talk about how they hate "wintery mix."

You seem to miss my point. I think it's demeaning to suggest that being sexualized is the problem, or even that it is gendered. Cat calls, come ons and so forth should be seen for what they are. Compliments. The problem is exactly what you said in the last paragraph. What you look like, and the value of what you say should be seen as completely orthogonal dimensions. Unfortunately, in this world they aren't. That's lame.

shatterdrose said:

Men aren't judged by looks as much as women. And you're talking about clothing and things easily adjusted, such as shaving. Both of those are generally considered unkept, for good looking men or ugly men. Has nothing to do with physical merit.

Plus, if you look at, for instance, TV Anchors, how many of those men are in super good shape? Especially sports announcers. How many overweight men do you see on tv, and how many over weight women? Save for Candy, of course. (Wasn't her name Candy? Cindy? Mandy? Andy? Damn I'm bad with names grrr) Point stands, women are held to a much higher standard for physical attractiveness than men in order to be considered "worthwhile" or "have anything relevant to say".

chicchorea (Member Profile)

rougy says...

Cheers, unmet friend. Socking down a shot of Mexican brandy in your honor. Gonna chase it with some vino of indiscriminate origins.

Salute! May happiness be yours, now.

(shudder...good stuff....)

I consulted the "I Ching" today. It told me, and I quote:

"What unnecessary melancholy! You put your imagination and your soul aside and say: 'Look how sad I am!' This is what closes the way. It has no value whatsoever."

A gorilla can't very well buy the book of I Ching a drink, so I am at a loss as to how to pay my compliments.

Hope you're happy. Healthy. Not necessarily in that order.

Above all else...thanks for thinking of me.

You poured a little water on this cactus I call a heart.

It will sustain me....

And I owe you one.

chicchorea said:

Happy Thanksgiving.

Don't interrupt Julian Smith while he's Reading a Book

poolcleaner says...

About a week ago I opened my wallet at a bar or a bank or something, and I received a compliment for having a library card in my wallet. O.G. Huntington Beach and Westminster Library card holder representin'!

Before the internet, the common man was dumber than shit and my edge was that I read books at the library. In fact, it was NOT cool to know things about things.

Now I'm comparitively dumb because motherfuckers be like "3rd law of thermodynamics, pssshhh, I know EVERYTHING bout that." /ALTAVISTA

I mean, that's cool that people know things now --but, damn, having that edge was really nice.

And then I had the internet and no one did, and my edge was even huger. I made bank designing shitty ass webpages for shitty ass old people with shitty ass businesses. Now everyone gots it and the people with money laid down the pressure and it's a machine of controlled behavior and wallet squeezing. (I squeeze wallets for a living but it's more in sync with Winston Smith working for big bro.)

But I digress... Shhhhh, I'm on my iPhone -- nope, A BOOK.

Bring it back! Don't let Barnes & Nobles close dooooowwwwn. You may dis on the B&N, but that's part of the levee of popular opinion; how assholes of the future will monetize. If our corporate overlords and money trading thugs realize that books ain't selling, they won't hesitate to shut down a library. For the people. For the taxes. For God. You got a book. It's the bible now STFU.

Then we'll only have the internet and information will successfully be filtered down into an easily manipulated data stream -- which it is, but it's not fully there yet. We need to INTEGRATE FACEBOOK WITH EVERY ASPECT OF EXISTENCE.

Shut down all printing presses. When you pick up a book in the future it will turn to dust in your hands and then the CAVE PEOPLE WILL DEVOUR YOU.

Brains. Brains. Nom. Guts and gore. Your children will be eaten alive; torn to shreds, while blood flows out of their arteries into the machines of death.. Force fucked women of your sub-species impregnated by the semen of the dead in order to make more food. More foooooooooooooood -- YOUR PROGENY ARE FOOD.

And all because of the system which interrupts a motherfuck for reading a book.

Gordon Ramsay Builds Up a Blind Chef's Confidence

Asmo says...

There's one advantage to being a mean c#nt to almost everyone. When you compliment someone, they REALLY know they've been complimented...

Barseps (Member Profile)


How to Coil Cables

enoch says...

not trying to butt in on your penis waving contest (ok.yes i am).
but i think what some here are trying to convey to you are your broad generalizations.

i am sure your points do apply to some of the younger generation but in no way represents ALL of them.

i am getting long in the greys and i know MANY of my generation that expend far too much energy on:social networks,candy crush and full out gossip and complaining (good lord do they complain).

i know this is veering off topic,but its a worthy topic.

my boys are in their twenties.they all are hard workers of the manual persuasion but they are all having a hard go.
this happens and the times are not ripe for an easy run.
do you know what bothers me the most about watching my boys struggle?
the fear.
they are afraid,uncertain and unsure.
when i was their age i was fearless.

when i was their age i was working for my friend who was a lighting director for russell simmons.def jam summer fest world tour baby!
traveled all over the country and the carribean,duffle bag in tow.
learned how to coil cable right proper too.

ok.not at first.
totally screwed that up the first night.
so my buddy made me unravel every inch of cable (even the ones done right by him and others) and learned the hard way how to coil cable proper.
you have any idea how MUCH cable is used for lighting?
well neither do i but im gonna go in measurements of miles (or hours of lost sleep,you decide).

i guess my point is (if i even have one):
manual labor has its advantages but so do intellectual pursuits.
they actually compliment each other.

but dont judge this generation too harshly.
they are afraid,
and uncertain.
something we (or at least I) never really had to deal with on that scale.

and so ends my rambling incoherent rant.
think ill go fix that broken screen door i have been putting off for ages.
yall got me in the mood to fix something.

Bruce Willis being a Jerk (Red 2 interview with Magic 104.5)

artician says...

That is a man who is sick of playing the game.

He certainly didn't seem like a jerk though. Maybe restraining fatigue and irritation with the whole farce of the scenario, but I thought he was pretty kind, even if his compliments to the host were slightly sarcastic.

Natural Ketchup

worthwords says...

sugar is a natural preservative - it has been used to make just about every relish known to man in order to compliment and balance out other preservatives such as strong acids in vinegar and of course saltyness.
Tomatoes in particular can be very acidic and it's common to use sugar to even out the taste as some varieties of toms are more acid than others and there will be varying ripeness.
Ketchup is a concentrated tomato paste so you are getting 'refined' sugar from somewhere - e.g either added or from sugars in the sweet tomatoes themselves.
I'm not saying that there isn't too much sugar added to food, but there is a reason for using it in cooking. If i'm making home made ketchup - it often needs a pinch or two of sugar to mellow the acidity.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

shinyblurry says...

My first posts were short and small..since then I have simply been replying to what people have been saying to me and asking me about. Yes, I will continue to post scripture verses in answer to questions that people ask me about my beliefs, or to support my beliefs, or because I think they are relevant to the conversation, or for any other reason. I don't critique what you post so why are you critiquing me? Am I interested in all of the things that people post on the sift? Are you?

I wouldn't call a series of left-handed compliments defending someone. What it sounded like is that you support the idea of me being here, theoretically, but would prefer it wasn't me particularly.

Here is the end of the story: this is dags site and he has said many times that he thinks I belong here. Beyond that there is nothing else to say, unless you'd like to actually respond to my earlier reply about "progressing" and continue our conversation.

enoch said:


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