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2 planes collide midflight, everyone survives

2 planes collide midflight, everyone survives

2 planes collide midflight, everyone survives

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by kulpims. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

2 planes collide midflight, everyone survives

Skydivers' Miraculous Escape As Planes Collide Mid-Air

shveddy (Member Profile)

Skydivers Escape Two Airplanes in Midair Collision

Car gets hit by the slowest train ever

spawnflagger says...

but at the same time this trolley driver had plenty of time to see the car, slow down, and stop. He must not have been paying attention because he didn't slow down at all until after the collision. Or Russia.

I don't understand why trolley drivers get paid more than bus drivers when they don't even have to steer...

Payback said:

In San Francisco, trollys have right of way. Against ANYthing. Including police cars and fire engines. Looks like it's that way in this video's country too.

Heat Sensitive Nissan Skyline R33

poolcleaner says...

As a person that has driven cross country in the US, I have experienced insane hot rains that nearly (and sometimes completely) blot out visibility. Does this not seem like a bad idea to make your car become "invisible" (dark color change might not register with human vision if the color change occurs at the moment that visibility is impaired) with different temperatures of water? I imagine seeing this red car disappear and then THUD CRASH BANG: rear end collision.

Lamborghini Aventador gets cut in half during accident

rancor says...

I like the exchange from Hot Fuzz that goes something like this:
"We call them collisions, not accidents."
"Accident implies no one's to blame."

How to Get a Driver to Stop Talking on a Cell Phone

Car Wreck Fail - Guy Blasting Music Wrecks His Car

Crosswords says...

Driving on the wrong side of the road while trying to pass 20 some cars and getting in a wreck; who'd have thought something like that was possible? I really hope that audio wasn't added later, because the collision was at the perfect time, suck my DI**CRUNCH**

kulpims (Member Profile)

Russian Gas Truck Explodes In An Accident

LiquidDrift says...

So surreal to hear the lyrics "Everybody let's lose control" "Everybody let's hit the floor", ".. let's let it blow" "Scream and shout and let it all out" While there is flaming wreckage and secondary explosions going on.

Personally I would have turned off the dance music the second I saw the collision and stopped safely.

Slow moving car take a biker out

Kofi says...

The biker seems to be doing 50-60kph (35ish mph). I don't see how people think that he could possibly be at fault. That he didn't brake or avoid the collision in an obvious way in no way makes him culpable. He might have just thought "WTF" and didn't have his hand/foot on the brakes at that exact moment ready to emergency brake. Or maybe he was checking his mirrors. Fact is, the car pulled in front of the bike when it was evidently not safe to do so. The bike could have tried to swerve in which case he would have probably thought he'd hit the car with the camera.

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