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Star Citizen: Arena Commander launch trailer

Jinx says...

They're talking about the ships fragmenting with damage and those fragments having collision etc. Modelling all that physics stuff sounds complex even in single player, but synching all that shit up for multiplayer sounds like a fucking nightmare.

I can't really fathom that there is a game at the end of all this.

A First Drive - Google's Self-Driving Car

L0cky says...

Taken to it's logical conclusion (where all road vehicles are automated) things like processing visuals becomes a lot simpler.

Most of the information will be preprocessed data - the road infrastructure, and knowledge of every other vehicle in the system. That's what it becomes - one homogeneous and optimisable system; not a single robot car making it's own decisions. Processing is done by servers in advance, not individual vehicles.

Real time visual processing then only has to be on the look out for things that are out of the ordinary, such as a deer running onto the road, and take caution. Something that is much easier to do when done with well coordinated cooperation with every other vehicle around you. The car behind isn't going to hit you; nor is the oncoming car in the opposite lane.

Even if every car in the situation doesn't have the stopping distance, they will all turn (where possible) in a coordinated manner to avoid or reduce collisions. The situation may be avoided in the first place, because the system knows about dangers specific to this stretch of road and will have limited speed and increase distance between vehicles appropriately.

If there is one thing that humans absolutely suck at, it's unspoken mass cooperation in an emergent system; our roads being the prime example.

People can't even keep the appropriate distance from the car in front to prevent collisions in an emergency stop; let alone leave enough distance to prevent traffic jams. Imagine a red light (real or virtual) turns green, and every car for a mile back accelerates at the same time. There's no queuing (the cause of jams).

Emergency services get a clear, safe and direct path to their destination.

Who knows, maybe the system even knows you have a flight reservation or a business meeting, or if you're just going to the mall or visiting friends and can prioritise intersections accordingly (though that is getting a little Orwell meets Skynet).

The hard part is going to be getting from our current fully manual and emergent system to a fully automated and coordinated system; but I'm really excited by the prospect it might happen in my lifetime.

Tailgating is bad, okay!

AnimalsForCrackers says...

I don't see this video in terms of good or bad guys, more like multiple shades of idiot.

Tail-gating, vigilante justice as a result (though it's totally possible there was a legitimate reason for breaking that fast that we don't know of), and more tail-gating/inattention from behind.

Though my definition of tail-gating is more along the lines of not providing yourself sufficient space to break and avoid a split-second collision rather than "he can see my headlights so I'm good".

Good Thing Volvo Trucks Have Excellent Brakes

Rider videotapes his near-death escape

Chairman_woo says...

So as a point of pedantry....he could have totally made that corner if he had stayed off the brakes kept a steady throttle and leaned harder to the left (he was on course to make the corner if the car hadn't startled him). Braking is almost never the right thing to when in or leaving a corner, it just stands the bike up and sends you wide.

Target fixation is a bitch!

However, solid white lines mean no overtaking/crossing to the opposite lane for good reason (the entire manoeuvre was technically illegal here in the UK because of said solid lines). It was foolish to even attempt what he did there and doubly so if you haven't mastered proper corner control/reactions to be able to deal with the unexpected effectively (which he clearly had not as evidenced by the vid).

All of that said, we all make mistakes. This chap might normally be a better rider than he appears here and simply made a poor judgement call entering that corner which resulted in him panicking and having to bail. (He may also have been a retard with too much power and a death-wish. Those guys are definitely around)

Also Re: @Darkhand and @bcglorf

Bikes very rarely kill car drivers. It's generally only a side on collision with a door that can do that and even then only at serious speed. Bikes rarely weigh over 250kg and most sports bikes are sub 200kg. They simply don't carry anything like the kind of energy a car would even at 100mph+.

I'm not saying it's impossible but it would be very unlikely here. He however could have easily broken his neck if he'd hit the car head on. My brother had a head on with a car about a year ago at 60-70ish (combined) and fractured his (fortunately made a complete recovery since).

Bikers are almost always a far bigger danger to themselves than anyone else. This was reckless but mostly for himself.

I suspect however that lessons were at least learned!

Rider videotapes his near-death escape

Darkhand says...

I'd be curious to see how many motorcyclists end up killing drivers as a result of their collision. I can't imagine it's that many.

bcglorf said:

Could also be titled reckless bike driver nearly kills other motorist .

Why is the Solar System Flat?

Hazmat Highway to Hell

lucky760 says...

Not a dupe of the first link, which is much shorter and does not include footage of the initial collision, but I think the song does not make it different enough from @deathcow's post.


eric3579 said:

Although this is the fifth video to cover this incident, I personally wouldn't consider this a dupe. The remix of the footage along with the music make me think it's not a dupe. Maybe @lucky760 can confirm the dupe or remove it.

If a dupe more likely of this one. I could go either way. Not sure if the music is enough to make it not a dupe.

Park Train Collides with Parked Car

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'eia, stupid, train, tracks, car' to 'train, tracks, car, collision, Houston, Hermann Park' - edited by chicchorea the skin of his teeth

scheherazade says...

Observing right of way is the single most important factor for avoiding collisions.

By definition, when right of way is observed, co-location is impossible.

Avoid target fixation, keep scanning all around at all times.
Maintain situational awareness, and yield to the right of way.


How to behave in traffic

alcom says...


Agreed, don't film while driving and the free market is very much like a highway.

At times things zip along quickly, but the selfish motives and aggressive acceleration and deceleration of the typical commuter are the main causes of both volume-related and collision based traffic jams. In much the same way, the risky bets in a Wall Street boom result in a painful economic correction or financial traffic jam.

In fact, there's now a mathematical model that demonstrates the cause of traffic jams (the bilateral-control algorithm.)

Nerdy white guy destroys in a rap battle

chingalera says...

Booooooo rap battles!
Spit-poppin' hind-brain in a head-on collision with the Broca's area produces one after another after another to add to Satan's minions of aural adulterers.

When the old world crashes into new...

Payback says...

I think our driver is happy he invested in a dashcam. People often get blamed for livestock collisions just on the basis of the animal is too slow to crash into anything.

fritzo9602 said:

His error was he started to accelerate before the apex. All that horsepower went to his head.

Skydivers Escape Two Airplanes in Midair Collision

shveddy (Member Profile)

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