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This Is What Baby Sloths Sound Like, And It Will Destroy You

Ryjkyj says...

Reality check!

From Wikipedia: "...the fur hosts two species of symbiotic cyanobacteria, which provide camouflage.[3][4] Because of the cyanobacteria, sloth fur is a small ecosystem of its own, hosting many species of non-parasitic insects..."

What sound does a new-born deer make? (You're Wrong!)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^messenger:

Too bad their fawn can't do the same. Details, I guess.>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^grinter:
>> ^bareboards2:
I thought the speckles were camouflage in grass. Not as effective on the gray rocks.

Yeah, what kind of mama deer gives birth on a rocky, wet, windy beach?

I've read that deer often give birth on beaches, and especially on small islands in lakes/ponds/rivers, because they can out-swim most of their predators.

I suspect that's true but the fawn would be just as vulnerable in a field as on a small island. At least near water the mother can survive and have another one next year.

What sound does a new-born deer make? (You're Wrong!)

messenger says...

Too bad their fawn can't do the same. Details, I guess.>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^grinter:
>> ^bareboards2:
I thought the speckles were camouflage in grass. Not as effective on the gray rocks.

Yeah, what kind of mama deer gives birth on a rocky, wet, windy beach?

I've read that deer often give birth on beaches, and especially on small islands in lakes/ponds/rivers, because they can out-swim most of their predators.

What sound does a new-born deer make? (You're Wrong!)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^grinter:

>> ^bareboards2:
I thought the speckles were camouflage in grass. Not as effective on the gray rocks.

Yeah, what kind of mama deer gives birth on a rocky, wet, windy beach?

I've read that deer often give birth on beaches, and especially on small islands in lakes/ponds/rivers, because they can out-swim most of their predators.

What sound does a new-born deer make? (You're Wrong!)

What sound does a new-born deer make? (You're Wrong!)

What happens when a Korean girl group walk into an army base

shinyblurry says...

Phenomena such as Faith Healing, Glossolalia and Snake Handling existed in US christian movements as early as the 1800's. It seems like the video you replied with is more like one christian group trying to distance itself to the embarrassment that is evangelicals, and it's easy to rope in foreign adaptations of Pentecostalism to use as evidence.

Pentecostalism itself is a foreign adaption which is based on a heresay known as montanism (now neo-montanism). It got its start in the early 1800's by the "Irvingites", who followed an outcast pastor teaching heretical christology doctrines. The father of the modern movement (early 1900s), John Alexander Dowie, believed he was the prophet Elijah and the first restored apostle to the church. It also has links with free masonry.

Ultimately your embed is just commentary on internal strife in an overall larger movement that I don't care about, and is a distraction from the real issue. What all of these have in common is the fact that human beings have a fundamental inability to avoid large scale social misdirection, and that is observable through every aspect of our existence regardless of culture, religion, social structure, lifestyle, sports team, et al.

The embed is about the false spirit which has invaded the church, which is the same spirit working in the video above. It is highlighting the abberant behavior that people who don't know much about Christianity assume is normal for Christians. This is due to the proliferation of the pentecostal and charismatic churches. This is not a judgement against pentecostals or charismatics, it is simply to say that this spirit of disorder is not from God.

Yes, there is a herd mentality, which is why the bible tells us to discern all things. Human beings are fundementally vulnerable to spiritual deception. Only God can protect us from this delusion that society is steeped in.

While I wholeheartedly agree with you that the obsession over materialism, commercialism and sexuality as exploited by modern media, such as the original video portrays, is in many ways a poison to the human condition, there are many worse examples of this in every society. Least of which would be this exact scenario played out in Western culture when a pop-star pays a charity visit to support their government sanctioned killers in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Evil doesn't often come dressed in red skin and armed with pitchforks. Evil can be banal and mundane, and it will usually come camouflaged as something good. I don't condemn the good deed, but I think you have to admit there is something profoundly disturbing about seeing grown men, soldiers no less, lose their minds as if someone flipped a switch. And yes, there are worse things, but that isn't really the point. I was pointing out the strings so someone might notice the puppeteer.

I really feel like you come here to show other people your belief as a way to convince yourself. Having a personal crusade to publicly disclaim everything that you judge as contradicting to the beliefs you were raised with makes it easy to put the doubt you have about your own faith out of mind.

I grew up without any religion in my life. I was formally agnostic, and so I understand your perspective. You don't see any evidence of a spirit, and none of it adds up in your mind. To you it's all some kind of mass delusion or hysteria. That's what I used to think until God showed me He is very real, and very much involved in what is going on on Planet Earth. I found that material existence is but a veil to a much larger reality. I pray that God will give you that experience as well, and show you that Jesus loves you, and that He is the way, the truth and the life. I am not here to prove something, I am here to do the will of God and tell you that Jesus died for your sins so you can be reconciled to God and have eternal life. I am here to warn you that the wages of sin is death, and that if you die in your sins without Gods pardon, you face Gods judgement, and hell. I say these things out of love, because I care about what happens to you.

PS - have you ever seen Japanese tentacle porn?

Hell vomited up that garbage, there is no doubt. I find though that true corruption comes by 1000 cuts. By the time a child is six years old, they will have spent more time in front of the Television/media than they will have spent quality time with their dads in a whole lifetime. That is what is really disturbing, and no one is standing in the gap. Modern parenting is putting your kid in front of a TV and giving them whatever the TV programs them to ask for. Sadly, this is just scratching the surface.

>> ^artician

Terrifying Wild Boar Attack! I MEAN TERRIFYING!

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

marbles says...

@MaxWilder: It would eliminate the cash for favors system that corrupts all levels of elected officials!

How so? Corporations control mainstream media and news content. If they control the information, campaign dollars don't really matter. Public campaign financing (ie tax payer financing) just saves them the expense.

Public campaign financing just gives Wall Street puppets campaign camouflage. Not that it matters if people know who sponsors their candidates anyway. Plenty of OWS protestors will be voting for Wall Street politicians in the coming elections.

Condorcet voting is certainly better than first past the post, but it's just as corruptible. Especially when you can manipulate voters with polls and biased news coverage.

As for the rest of your post you spend a paragraph trying to contort something I said in one sentence. I said roll back to it's original limitations, ie follow the Constitution. Yes, the same document that also protects our right to peacefully assemble and protest. But we want to pick and choose what parts we want to follow and THAT has everything to do with the "stranglehold that mega-corporations have over the political spectrum".
Furthermore, with more focus on local and state elections, people might actually have a part in "democracy" instead of feigning it on a national level.

Sniper school at Ft. Benning - Making Ghilie Suits

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'snipers, camoflage, rifles, hiding, vegetation' to 'ghillie, snipers, camoflage, camouflage, camo, rifles, hiding, vegetation' - edited by calvados

Let's get the party started.

Close-up card magic, set to Sting's Shape of My Heart

Drax says...

>> ^westy:

Nice trick but all his hand and finger waving shit was annoying and in my opinion detracted from the performance.

With a string of tricks this long, I think the flourish helps distract from some of the actual odd hand movements he has to do. You get distracted watching one hand while he does something with the other. Like when he flips a card with his left hand under the fan of cards, or when he blatently puts the card in his mouth.

It also sort of camouflages things by blending with the moves he has to do. If he only did it when needing to do an actual trick you'd pick up on it way easier.

That was awesome. All the tricks look like they could be pulled off with a normal deck of cards, except the card that changed when we waved it. No idea how he did that if that wasn't a trick deck.

Master of Disguise - Camouflage Dance Attack

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Real-life M.C. Escher perpetual-motion machine

lucky760 says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

^I think there is trickery with the lights. Perhaps the blur you mention is actually because of some kind of deceptive lighting?

He definitely put a lot of effort into the lighting in order to sell the illusion and camouflage any tells, but there are still some giveaways he couldn't conceal.

I won't even entertain the notion that the illusion is accomplished with CGI because it's totally doable and most likely done with practical effects.

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