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Reefie (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

Ha, i wondered if calling you English might get me in a bind. All i had was the UK to identify your geographic location from and i went with the best guess. So American of me... yall the same to me

Reefie said:

Ohmigosh, how offensive! How dare you call me English! My Celtic blood is boiling, that's Scottish wank to you hehe *grins*

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

D'aw. You're gonna be all butthurt now because called you mildly aspy?

All I want is to restore the Videosift community to the somewhat thought-provoking and stimulating place it used to be.

If you made a good point, I would acknowledge it.

However.. You generally nitpick, trivial points on about minor details which - again - completely miss the point of the video.

Not my fault if you can't reason well Chaos. Have a nice life tho.

ChaosEngine said:

Yeah, silly me for thinking the point of this site was to comment on videos. Fuck knows what I was thinking.

and since you clearly have nothing of any value to add other than bitching about other peoples posts... ignore

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

JustSaying says...

I'll quote you again for emphasis:
'Fuck the Irish and Jews, they don't get murdered at rate of 1 every 28 hours.'

Dude, fuck you for that statement. I'm german, most of my life I've been told to feel sorry for the fucking holocaust. It ain't my fault.
I take issue with parts of the jewish community that keeps complaining about their history and ignoring all the other, smaller holocausts, the ethnic cleansings and whatever else you want to call the genocides happening after WW2 but I will not accept you taking a dump on it.
You have it bad, no doubt, and black people in the US always had to endure unimaginable suffering. I have absolutely no clue how horrible the shit you and your ancestors had to go through is.
My great-grandfather and his peers build fucking corpse factories. My ancestors shipped people in train cars to a place to literally destroy them, to murder them. They called it 'Endloesung'.
My ancestors industrialised genocide. The Shoah claimed at least 6 million lives.
As justified your rage and your hurt is, as much unimaginable suffering your ancestors and those like them had to endure, you don't get to tell those that survived and their families it to fuck themselves.
I wouldn't dare to do that to you or your ancestors.

There's a lot of terrible shit going on around the world and it's part of why I'm not fond of my own species. We both wish the world would be different and I like to think I understand, or at least have a vague idea, why you're so angry. But how could I? I never suffered that awful shit. I'm sorry but that's just what I was born into. Nobody ever asked me what I thought about it.
However, maybe I'm wrong but telling a group like the jews, a group of people whose history of being treated horribly as long or even longer than your own people, to go fuck themselves...
you're just loosing me here. I have no other choice than calling you out on that. You're dead wrong on that. How can you do that? Don't you have any decency, haven't you seen the mountain of corpses?

They murdered them. All of them. Blacks and jews. It doesn't matter. They're all lost. We lost them.

GenjiKilpatrick said:


Fuck the Irish and Jews, they don't get murdered at rate of 1 every 28 hours.

If i were to break all four of your limbs, then tell you:
"Stop crying, some people have it much worse you know."

You would look at me EVEN CRAZIER and probably wonder:

"WTF does that have to do with me?!
I'm suffering MAJORLY right now, right here! Help me!
Oh god please, help me."

But when you or any other "mildly racist" white asshole say it..
It's like some Zen Buddha shit.

"we all suffer. we all are one."

Get the FUCK outta here with that bullshit!

Go read my fuckin' sift talk already.
Then come back and tell me if you'd ever say to a women:

"Well, you know. LOTS of women get Raped, hun. Even men too. They don't seem to complain about it a lot."

No.. you won't.. crazy assholes.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

lantern53 says...

Why would I want to sit down with someone who takes every opportunity to call me a racist, or shitty, etc?

Perhaps if you could work on the charm part of your personality...?

Do I call you names?

All I want for you is for you to make the best of your circumstances, but you only seem to want to look at your circumstances, make everyone tell you how sad your life is, that you have no hope etc.

You seem quite content in your life, so perhaps that is your atunement.
When you are ready to move on, you will put all of this behind you, including me, and you'll make something of your life. (I only assume you've done nothing with your life because you never say anything about it other than 'woe is me', white people are racist etc)

At least you have internet! You could google 'famous black people' or something like that, and see how they became successful.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Here's an idea.

You, Me, & your biracial son-in-law all hangout.

We can all sit down, scroll thru your past comments, and we'll let him decide which comments he thinks could be construed as "racist as fuck".

That way, it's someone you know. Someone you trust. Someone on your team helping you realize..

"wow, if I ever said any of this shit to my biracial grandkid.. they would definitely be upset, angry, and feel like shit."

Don't be a coward. Take me up on my offer. We can use Google Hangouts or Skype.

Don't even have to leave your house.

Oh wait, you don't give a fuck. Oh well.. guess you'll have to keep being a shitty person.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I call you a racist @lantern53 cause YOU ARE A RACIST.

I love Videosift.

You & Bobknight & formerly Quantumushroom ruin my experience of an otherwise engaging discussion of current events.

It's bad enough that everytime i go on Reddit, I have to read thru thousands of thinly veiled racist comments..

But like a said, you don't care that your racist.

So, if you're gonna annoy and frustrate the fuck outta ME with YOUR willfully ignorant comments.

I'm gonna dig into you untill you learn that it's extremely offense & not-okay to publicly voice those stupid opinions.

Especially considering, YOU"RE A COP!

Goddamnit I hate racism & racist.

Is the Universe a Computer Simulation?

newtboy says...

What you still fail to grasp, although it's been repeated ad nauseam, is no one talked about an AI, it was simply in the article about genetic algorithms, which show clearly that no creator or intelligent design is required for solutions, only a working evolutionary process applied to the problem.
You're stuck on AI, which was simply one (but far from the only) place you find genetic algorithms used.
Only YOU are talking about AI, no one else. You grabbed onto it, not understanding what was being said to you, and you continue to do the same, wheather willfully or out of confusion I can't say.

Many things are intelligently designed by creators...for instance, some bird and ant nests (proving 'intelligent design' does not require what we would call 'intelligence'). The universe does not appear to be one of those things, but I grant there is about a .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance it is, not 0%, just no facts or data yet point to intelligent design in anything we've discovered about the real universe and it's laws. OK?

I might call you stupid because you can't (or willingly won't, I'm unsure) understand a simple, repeatedly repeated point, that we aren't talking about AI, we're talking about genetic algorithms. I did not call you stupid yet....but I'm tempted.
You just can't get it...come on man, get it....please....just get it.
Do you like fish sticks?

Mordhaus said:

What both of you seem completely unable to grasp is that to have the AI, you have to have a creator. Not a deity, but you have to have something create the AI. The point you are arguing is that there is no such thing as a creator because that would mean that there is 'something' intelligent that can create things.

As far as my intelligence vs yours, I never claimed to be smarter than you. But it is clear to me that both of you will utterly refuse any possibility of intelligent design simply because it goes against your convictions.

The fact is you can complain, call me stupid, refuse to accept anything that counters your opinions, or any other number of methods to make yourselves feel better. I'm personally done with both of you because it seems clear that any time someone posts a video with one of your trigger subjects, you knee-jerk into posting whatever you can to try to prove them wrong whether they are or not.

The fact remains, to even have something to do your algorithms you must have something create it. You can disseminate and try to muddle the picture, but that is the basic fact. An AI doesn't create it self from thin air, whether you want it to or not.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Also, @lantern53 I don't answer you or any other illogical, irrational person cause you've already made up your mind.

I can't change your mind.

I'm not going to try.

I'm just calling you out on your racist, jingoist bullshit.

Because there is literally nothing I can say that would make you stop and think..
"Oh wow, maybe I DO have a bunch of privileges and advantages based purely on my skin color."

If you sincerely want an answer, message me when you feel like acknowledging facts.

Facts like the American Caste System.

And the fact that white people are at the top of that system.

India has one. Britain has one. America has one. The globe has one.

Acknowledging things like that would be a great first step to help fix problems in the global community.. let alone the black community.

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

lantern53 says...

Name-calling, you lose.

Perhaps you should call newtboy, he sounds like a good street lawyer who can drum up 20 charges out of one incident.

Don't you people think that one reason no other cop came around was because they are doing a raid on a gang of some sort, and they don't need to be distracted by one dipshit who got distracted by a woman with a phone?

Use the brains that God gave you, except for you atheists who can use the brains that evolved over millions of years.

I'm still waiting to hear what kind of jobs you guys do, because I'm interested in knowing the one job in the world that attracts perfect people who always behave perfectly.

Raw Video of Metrolink Beating

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Only called you that when you told me how I must act/react as if you were my keeper/parent...I found that smarmy.
What strawman? Explain

GenjiKilpatrick said:

I think you mispelled my usersname there.

@newtboy @GenjiKilpatrick.


Or did you miss the part where Newt called me a smarmy dick?

I approached this new thread in a calm, polite manner.

Then, when asked not to drag our personal debate into this new thread..

Newtboy proceeded to insult me & cherry-pick a strawman argument.

Two wrongs? Eye-for-an-eye? That's perfectly acceptable now?

This is why the videosift community is a joke.

release us-a short film on police brutality by charles shaw

newtboy says...

LOL! Too funny coming from you after your past comments, you probably don't even realize what you wrote. I believe citizen arrests are investigated like you said, but not the one's made by officers, which you tried to imply. There is no accountability for most criminal cops, and you know it well.

I hate to tell you, but a citizen would loose their job, especially if their job entailed driving, but often even if not, and it costs an average of over $15000. Sounds like some serious strings got pulled for this drunk driving cop to still be employed and only fined <$5K.
You are a repeatedly caught bold faced liar (and likely lie in your 'duties' as a cop, causing irreparable damage to people's lives with those lies), so you have no standing to call someone else a liar, and no, I don't lie even about little things (there's no such thing as a white lie) and it gets me into trouble all the time, so fuck you you whining tantrum throwing baby. My parents raised me to be honest at all times, so I'm no liar, unlike you.

By your own stated rules, because you had no argument against my post so devolved into name calling, you lose another argument...the last one with me, you aren't worth a minute of my abundant free time.

When a racist brings up race in a negative connotation time and time again, they should be called a trolling racist bastard.....and ignore.

lantern53 said:

Where I work, accountability is something that is taken very seriously. If a citizen makes an arrest, the facts are investigated and if the departmental policy was broken, the person was reprimanded, suspended, or fired.

We had a cop who had an accident while DUI. He was suspended, busted in grade, an interlock was installed in his probably cost him over $5000 total.

A rookie cop we had was calling up women he met on the job and asking them out, he was shitcanned immediately.

Also, thanks for playing the race card, I knew that wouldn't take long.

Credit Card Fraud! Beware! (Money Talk Post)

newtboy says...

Credit seems less secure every day lately. We need legislature that makes the business that 'leaks' your info 100% responsible for all losses. Then they'll stop keeping your info on their unsecured servers without notice they are doing so.
Good luck getting it solved.
I suggest you put a fraud alert on your credit...just go to any of the 3 major credit reporting sites (transunion, esperion, I forget the third) and you can get a 90 day fraud alert that stops people from getting new credit with your info, and calls you if someone tries. It's free, and setting it up on one informs the other two automatically.

Our Women Should Not Be Allowed to Drive Lest They Get Raped

ChaosEngine says...

Hate speech, cute.

I'm not "defending" anything, nor am I saying the issues with women in Islam are anything trivial.

What I am doing is calling you on your ignorant bullshit.

I've done more than my share of criticising Islam, but you're crossing the line from attacking the ideology to pretty much straight up racism ("sub human animals" etc).

Most Muslims, like most Christians, Jews, etc, are decent people who are probably embarrassed by the stupid shit said and done in their name.

gorillaman said:

What are these trifling issues with women in islam? Could they be the result of following a cult founded by a habitual rapist and misogynist and his holy book that endorses rape and misogyny, and commands muslims to follow strictly the example of their prophet, the rapist and misogynist?

Choose a better cause to defend. How do you think these animals can go on television to talk such nonsense? Muslims are fundamentally broken; they can't reason. They're not alive in the same way humans are alive.

Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

dannym3141 says...

The NHS is a non-theistic universal health care system.

Still the pride of the nation despite corrupt politicians trying to sell it off, and creating confusing policy changes and overhauls to try and slow it down and clog it up to make it look like it needs privatisation.

Are you trying to play down the positive influence that atheistic people have had on the world? Because even the pope would call you an imbecile for trying to suggest that the world would be better off without contributions from those who worked under an atheistic remit (i.e. one which was prepared to challenge the traditional, often religious answers). And vice versa - the problem with the world is people who can't find the value in things they don't understand or agree with.

How very small minded of you to think that a life without theism is a life not worth living. I'm sure an alcoholic would say the same to a teetotaller. I couldn't find meaning in a life without god =/= there is no meaning in a life without god.

I tell you what; i'll have a life without meaning as long as you're a coward who is crippled delusional by their fear of the possibility they will one day cease to exist. Do you think your god approves of your behaviour?

If there is a god, he'll prefer my company over yours - i didn't need the promise of sweets later to be good now. I did it because i'm good.

lantern53 said:

yeah...that's what Christians do...

when they're not building hospitals, feeding the poor, raising their families, defending the nation, going to work every day.

Good luck finding that atheist hospital before you drop into your nihilist, nonexistent afterlife! lol

also, I'm curious... what is precious about life when it has no meaning?

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

Unfortunatly, it's not just Merkel and her cabinet. It's the press, it's the economics departments at universities, it's politicians at all levels. Call it an economic nationalism, hell-bent to defend what they know to be the moral way of doing business. Everything left of this special flavour of market fundamentalism has been systematically attacked and suppressed for at least 30 years.

For instance, our socialist party, still referred to as the fringe of what is acceptable, runs on what is basically a carbon-copy of social-democrat programmes from the '70s. Similar to the British Green Party and Labour. Krugman, Stiglitz, Baker, Wolff, DeLong -- they'd all be on the fringe in Germany. Even the likes of Simon Johnson (IMF) or Willem Buiters (City Group).

If you speak out in favour of higher inflation (wage growth) to ease the pressure on our brothers and sisters in southern Europe, you'll be charged with waging a war against German saver. "You want to devalue what little savings a nurse can accrue? Don't you support blue collar workers?"

The same blue collar workers have been stripped of their savings by 15 years of wage suppression, the same blue collar workers are looking at poverty when they retire, because the PAYGO pension system was turned into a capital-based system that only works to your benefit if you never lose your job, always pay your dues and reach at least age 95. The previous system survived two world wars without a problem, yet was deemed flawed when they realized how much money could be channeled into the financial system – only to disappear at the first sight of a crisis, eg every five to ten years.

Similarly, you could point out that a focus on trade surpluses might not be the greatest of ideas, given the dependence it creates on foreign demand, a weak currency and restricted wage growth domestically. But they'll call you a looney. "The trade surplus is a result of just how industrious our workers, how creative our scientists and how skilled our engineers are. It's all innovation, mate! Are you saying we force the others to buy our stuff? That's madness."

You simply cannot have an open discussion about macroeconomics in Germany. Do I have to mention how schizophrenic it makes me feel to read contradictory descriptions of reality every day? It's bonkers and everyone's better off NOT reading both German and international sources on these matters.

Any compromise would have to work with this in mind. They'd have to package in a way that doesn't smell like debt relief of any kind. People know that stretching the payment out over 100 years equals debt relief, but it might just be enough of a lie to get beyond the level of self-deception that is simply part of politics. If they manage to paint Varoufakis' idea of growth-based levels of payment as the best way to get German funds back, people might go for it. Not sure if our government would, but you could sell it to the public. And with enough pressure from Greece, Spain, Italy, and France most of all, maybe Merkel could be "persuaded" to agree to a deal.

As for Syriza's domestic problems: it's a one-way ticket to hell. Undoing decades of nepotism under external pressure, with insolvency knocking on your door? Best of luck.

Italy is hard on Greece's heels in terms of institutional corruption. Southern Italy, in particular, is an absolute mess. Given the size of the Italian economy, Syriza better succeed, so their work can be used as a blueprint. Otherwise we're going to need a whole lot of popcorn in the next decade...

Edit: Case in point, German position paper, as described by Reuters. As if the elections in Greece never took place.

oritteropo said:

It's interesting that Syriza has been getting quite a lot of support from almost everyone except Angela Merkel. I'm starting to think that a pragmatic compromise of some sort or another is likely rather than a mexican stand off on The Austerity... the 5 month delay they are asking for takes them nicely past the Spanish elections and allows for much more face saving.

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