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Bernie Supporters Boo Bernie Sanders

newtboy says...

I would boo him saying that too. I would never under any circumstance vote for that underhanded unethical candidate. Clearly, they were booing his suggestion that they vote for Clinton, not booing Sanders himself. And so we get more misleading information coming from Clinton supporters.
Clinton is a non starter for those that find morals and ethics important. She's proven time and time again to be completely untrustworthy. Not a single 'mea culpa' or even 'I'm sorry' from them over the clearly biased disaster of a 'primary' where the DNC did everything possible to dissuade and hinder potential Sanders voters.
Clinton is also a bully and a that was just caught in ANOTHER scandal, this time for illicitly colluding with her cohorts in the DNC to marginalize Sanders from the onset and deny his supporters the ability to vote for him.
If you supported her from the start, believing the lies she and the DNC fed you, and continue to support her after the truth has come out, you are the problem.
She should be disqualified for what she and Wasserman Shultz did together. Instead, she's already given Wasserman Shultz a cushy job, and a promise of more if she wins.

Oh yeah, and as for the tag...most of Bernie's supporters AREN'T Democrats...something that's clearly been missed by Clinton and her supporters that expect them to vote for her. Dems aren't eating their own, Independents are walking away from Democrats, which means they lose the election.

Thanks DNC, you just elected Trump by cheating for Clinton.

Sweet Revenge

RFlagg says...

My fear is, that after this video went viral, if not before, she may have been fired for her actions.

I agree with others, that too many prank videos these days are more bullying than the Hidden Camera days of pranks and jokes... and I'm not saying the art form can't evolve, but there's a pretty clear line between prank and bully and way too many of these prank channels bully far more than they prank.

poolcleaner said:

i wish i was her manager so i could give her a goddamn raise, promotion, and letter of recommendation to corporate demanding they pay her tuition, provide a grant, a scholarship, whatever else corporate toolbags get that she don't got -- i dunno free executive level dental and health care? until that happened, i would sacrifice 100 oxen in hecatomb to her every night. it's really the least i could do with my father's oxen empire, if i was a fast food manager and heir to an oxen empire.

Sweet Revenge

sickio says...

Pranks are funny when the victim gets a laugh too. Feels like pranking is just a pc name for bullying when you see half of the assholes in these videos.

Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

newtboy says...

You seem to imagine that the "chaos" that a Trump presidency would be confined to the American political arena. It would not. You can be certain that another world wide recession/depression would follow his election, before he's even in office. Financial markets hate uncertainty, and he is the embodiment of uncertainty. That chaos would not go unnoticed by anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together, nor would it be the only chaos he would incite.
I defy you to show one case in history when a power grasping fascist demagogue seizing the reigns of power has ever led to a net positive outcome.

You also seem to not know or care that Trump has been sued 3500 times in the last decades, has likely broken as many or more federal laws than Clinton, brutalizes women personally (that's what it's called when you take a non-citizen wife because she can't say "no" to you, and it's what it's called when you steal from people because you don't pay your bills or fulfil your contracts, causing hundreds of businesses to fail, some owned by women), is a consummate con man, a bully, an idiot, is incredibly gullible and naïve, is incredibly thin skinned, is hyper reactionary, and is a narcissistic demagogue. I say you either don't know or care because you implied he is "better" than Clinton in these areas, which you could only claim because you are either 1) completely naïve on the subject 2) willfully blind to his innumerable faults or 3) intentionally misleading and misguided. Your choice.

Bernie Bros For Hillary

newtboy says... don't vote for corruption, but you'll vote for Trump? That does not compute. Trump has been involved in 3500 lawsuits over the last decades and often doesn't pay his bills, so often he had to address it and actually said 'if I don't think you did a good job, I don't pay'...that's theft of services, a crime of moral turpitude. You think he doesn't have experience placing obstacles to his adversaries? That's an insane hypothesis, he's shown thousands of times that he does know, and he wrote a book about it. EDIT: In fact, it seems that, in large part, he's made his money by extortion, making it far more difficult and expensive to fight him than it is to just let him rip you off and walk away.
He has clearly and repeatedly said HE is one of the people that paid off politicians to make laws that favor him (he said this in an effort to paint Clinton as corrupt for taking his money). HE is the ROOT of corruption in on earth can you convince yourself he's not corrupt.

Trump will absolutely make an unfair system worse. He's a megalomaniac, and will do everything in his power, legal or not, to grab as much power as possible and put it into the hands of the president with no thought to what that does after he's out of office, and no one will stand up to him in any meaningful way out of fear of certain disproportionate reprisal.

Yes, maybe eventually the damage he does could be fixed, but that damage is FAR worse than you seem to imagine. The rest of the world sees him as a completely unstable, unpredictable person, and if he's the president, there's absolutely no question that world markets would fail due to that uncertainty, causing another world recession at best just from his election without a single act. As was mentioned, our standing on the world stage will also be destroyed, as it would be a clear signal to the world that America is not a partner, but an adversary to cooperation and reason.

Most non republicans would certainly disagree with your description of Scalia's record, as would many republicans. Some progressive laws got past him, yes, but the more progressive ones were usually stymied by him for completely insane reasons.

True, a smart corrupt person could do more damage than an upstanding idiot, but a bullying corrupt idiot with power can do the most damage of all without even trying...and holy shit are we all doomed if he gets upset and tries to do damage.

Sylvester_Ink said:

As a Republican that switched to Democrat for Bernie, screw that!

First off, I'm not a Bernie Bro. That's a derogatory term coined by the Clinton campaign to marginalize the Sanders followers.

Secondly, I don't vote for corruption. There's far too much evidence that Hillary's done twisted stuff, and I'll not be party to it. The problem is that when corruption wins, it makes fighting future corruption all the more difficult. Hillary has enough political experience that she can put into place obstacles for future progressive movements like Bernie's, and that's a problem.

Trump may have his own issues, but at very least he won't make an already unfair system even worse, which would have a longer term impact on the democracy of this country.

Walls can be torn down, Muslim immigrants can start entering again after 4 years, and not all conservative Supreme Court Justices are terrible. (Scalia actually was a pretty bright guy that passed quite a number of laws that had positive effect, for example. And despite him, the more progressive laws were still passed.)

I'm not saying I'll vote Trump, as Stein and Johnson are still options, but I certainly won't help Hillary in any way.

A smart person can do more damage than an idiot.

Don't ride in the back of a van with paint

Pit Bull vs Killer Chihuahua

Bernie Sanders...The Revolution Has Just Begun

Payback says...

I'd just like to point out Bob is attacking what Bernie stands for, and the rest of you are merely attacking Bob. If you honestly want him to listen to your side, to your beliefs, stop attacking him.

If all you want to do is bully up on someone and make them clamp down and ignore you, then please continue, you're doing fine.

The Danish School Where Children Play With Knives

Gratefulmom says...

It's really sad you should feel that way. I understand what you are saying and in words that sound cool, however, at such a young age, most kids today don't even play outside anymore. Sure, you can argue that you can make them do it but that is much easier said than done. Young kids shouldn't be concerned with so much learning academically. They have plenty of years to do just that. Learning nature and how to be comfortable in nature for such young hearts and minds is essential to being a natural part of our planet. When your older, finding time to do this becomes more difficult. As the video says, after this experience, these children are ready to learn all the things you mentioned and they are happy, (didn't see signs of bullying either) and it helps makes them better people and probably healthier, mentally, emotionally, and physically. It's great about your daughter, however, balance is so important. Glorified day camp, pedophile paradise, so much judgment. It's Denmark's way of thinking that makes them the happiest country

SDGundamX said:

Yeeeeaaaah... this looks like more of a glorified daycamp than a kindergarten to me. My daughter is in a "traditional" bilingual kindergarten now and she's already learned her colors, shapes, letters, and numbers in both languages. They've just started learning to spell and do basic addition and subtraction. She also learned how to use the school computers to surf the Net--approved sites only of course, so don't expect her to be Sifting anything anytime soon! Oh, and she LOVES school. The "pedagogue" who says kids that young aren't ready to learn is full of shit. My daughter comes home from school wanting to practice counting and spelling every day.

I think I prefer that kind of education for her future than how to climb tall trees (though I guess that kind of skill might come in handy if we have a Walking Dead-style zombie apocalypse).

And no one formally checks on these kindergartens to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing? Fuck that. Sounds like pedophile paradise to me.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Clinton Campaign Orders Clark County Chairperson Removal

newtboy says...

*promote again, because attempts to change election rules after the vote and bully election officials is an important story for the entire planet, since it might end up deciding who's our president. Trying to remove the HEAD/CHAIR of the credentials committee based on instructions from one candidate's lawyer? That's election tampering plain and simple.
It's also important because it exemplifies how totally screwed up our election processes are. There's no legitimate reason for it to be so convoluted and easily tampered with. This and other stories do not bode well for November. It's like they're prepping us to not be surprised when every state has 'irregularities' that leave us all wondering who was really elected, and who was just handed the election.

More follow up.

Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

enoch says...

trying to see your point on the dude being insanely obnoxious,and i just dont see it.

i do,however,see an incredibly self-righteous and smug chick attempting to bully pulpit her way into that dudes space.

now THAT,is insanely obnoxious.

Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

Babymech says...

No, it's just a very poorly implemented idea in today's culture. Cultural appropriation is real, but it's not just a question of copying someone else's style. There's obviously a problem when, for example, enormously talented black musicians develop new music styles and cultural expressions which are dismissed and marginalized until a white person takes after their styles and makes it acceptable to like them. If white people are given all the credit for jazz or soul or rock or blues or rap, it diminishes the rightful cultural accomplishments of some amazing musical pioneers. That's cultural appropriation because the powerful are unfairly appropriating all the benefits of the less powerful, original creators. If some 15-year old white girl wants to call herself a ratched ho and wear dreads, on the other hand, that's not appropriation, it's admiration. The problem arises when well-intentioned people forget to consider the power dynamic, and instead just translate 'cultural appropriation' into a series of racially permitted dress codes. Which is what the bully in the video was doing.

gorillaman said:

Cultural appropriation has to be the most moronic idea to gain traction in all of human history. Big claim, I know, but consider this: Culture IS appropriation. If other people don't pick up on your ideas and make use of them, then you DON'T HAVE A CULTURE; that's how it spreads; that's the only way it can EXIST. It's also, hey, fundamental to our success as a species. Better put a stop to it then.

CA is literally a null concept. It's like accusing a mathematician of 'cumulative addition'.

Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

dannym3141 says...

It's a bullshit term but i think it's just a sign of the times. There have always been moronic fads that gained traction with a certain type of person. Only now we exist in a time when these imbeciles are on the net broadcasting their gullibility and enthusiasm for buzz topics. Which means more people (and internationally) jump on the bandwagon and before you know it you have entire communities of insular, fact-resistant cliques (*cough*Tumblr*cough*), confirming each other's opinions in the perfect echo chamber.

It's as though they overhear a decent point about something, it gains popularity with others and they get a bit carried away in the furor of it all and black out. The next thing they remember is physically attacking and harassing some poor dude with dreadlocks, laughing at his discomfort and attacking someone peacefully filming it. Does she realise she was bullying someone? Is she laughing because she knows he's male and therefore can't physically defend himself from a female, allowing her to shove and grab him with impunity?

Exactly whose rights are being trampled on here? What kind of equality is she and her sidekick promoting?

Slave Leia VS. Hoth Leia

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