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Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

campionidelmondo says...

>> ^dag:

I would also posit that the same thing has happened, albeit in a smaller way, with the iPhone and iPad. finger optimised UI, Flick to scroll, bounce back scrolling, pinch to zoom and more are innovations out of Apple's skunkworks. These innovations exist on Android and Pre phones - but to assume that this would have happened without Apple is naive.

Nope sorry, Apple did not "invent" all of these things. I know about flicking and pinch to zoom being around before the iPhone, there's even a video of a desk-sized tabled demo employing those tecniques around here, but I can't find it right now.

Good thing Apple did not invent the mouse cursor, or else we all would have to use some weird thingy like a crosshair or sth because you can bet your ass they would've patented it.

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

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@Farhad2000 - looking back it's easy to declare that the GUI would have happened anyway, but I would posit that there are certain crucial points where innovation has moved everybody forward in a big leap. I know that Windows has been around for most of your life - and must seem like it always has been - but I remember when "windowing" didn't exist - and the joy of discovering how a mouse works, trash cans, WYSIWYG, etc, etc. I also remember what platform that was on. All credit to Xerox PARC - but Apple brought you the window metaphor, mice and pretty much all the symbology on your Windows® desktop. (wallpaper, screen savers, draggable icons, control panels, paint programs). If Apple didn't change the paradigm of how we use computers at that point, then I would argue with your definition of paradigm changing.

I would also posit that the same thing has happened, albeit in a smaller way, with the iPhone and iPad. finger optimised UI, Flick to scroll, bounce back scrolling, pinch to zoom and more are innovations out of Apple's skunkworks. These innovations exist on Android and Pre phones - but to assume that this would have happened without Apple is naive.

Adam Savage: Banned MythBusters Episode on Cannibal Mouse

MilkmanDan says...

My firefox has AdBlock, Noscript, and a cookie blocker, so frequently my paranoid combination of plugins screws up video sources and I paste the URL into IE if I trust the source but don't want to add exceptions. That was the case for this one, but when I went to IE I got a video that made no mention of Adam Savage and just had a dude with a curled mustache talking about advertising revenue bouncing back.

I watched that for a couple minutes thinking that perhaps he would mention Mythbusters, but I don't think that ever happened.

So I guess I'd summarize that into either a dead or WTF nomination.

*edit - Aha, the first backup link actually displayed the proper video. Thanks!

Huge cyst coaxed from a brain

oohlalasassoon says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

So what's left? A person missing 75% of brain mass in a vegetative state?

I can't speak for this case, but I had a benign tumor the size of a kiwi fruit removed from the left side of my brain 7 years ago, and I'm fine (albeit on anti-seizure meds for probably the rest of my life). How damaging the tumor or cyst is to the brain I think has to do with how quickly it grows,and surely the location; it's probably generally less serious if the tumor/cyst growth occurs on the "outside" of the brain vs inside it.

The brain gets compressed to accommodate the growth, but the brain itself in some/many? cases isn't considered damaged. In my case the compression of the brain finally got to the point where I had a grand-mal seizure -- that was my first clue anything was wrong. After my surgery I basically had a dented brain, but it "bounced back" to its former size over a few months.

My guess is that this person had a similar experience, that they had no clue it was there for quite a while, even though their brain was getting progressively more squashed and they might have been having weird symptoms, like motor or behavioral oddities, or seizures, etc. Depends on the area of the brain that's being stimulated from the compression.

Oh, here's more info on the video from the link provided by Hawkinson above:

The video below uses saline to gradually "float" the cyst out of the brain. The neurosurgeon gently squirts small volumes of saline into the space around and behind the cyst until it neatly plops into the surgical pan, intact. The patient, a 16 year old girl, fully recovered.

- And, what happens to the hole the cyst left in the brain?

"The empty space initially gets filled up by the fluid which covers thr brain called CSF, then the brain which was compressed by the cyst expands to normal state filling up the space."

Thankful For Bold Risks and Trail Breakers (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

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@Farhad2000 - they don't need to do anything we tell them. They don't listen to the likes of us. Very few focus groups or taking cues from us chattering blogeratti. That works for them.

@campionidelmondo. Can you really look at the picture at the top of this post and say that the Nexus One isn't inspired by the iPhone? It's even more evident when you pick one up. Flick to scroll, page bounce-back, pinch zoom, etc. etc. I don't think that Apple should be sueing- but the Google Phone is definitely the sincerest form of flattery.

MSNBC: FED Gave Banks Access to $23.7 TRILLION!

marinara says...

We are serfs, tied to the land which gets traded like gambling chips in the wall street casinos. what i mean is they could buy the world with the gambling debts on the derivative markets.

Naa they just move so much money they can have us bought and paid for and they know it, even if we aren't for sale.
I don't know but i've heard gambling houses love to extend lines of credit. Wall St. has indeed extended credit to gamblers, enough to bankrupt our country, and this is just one reason why our economy aint gonna bounce back.

DJ Q-Bert in Paris - Turntable Drummer

TheFreak says...

This kind of thing throws me off. That was 8 minutes of me bouncing back and forth.

Man this guy is good...I hate this music...
Insane talent...god I can't stand this stuff...
Damn that's got to be this video almost over...

I have immense respect for the skill and hard work that goes into developing it...but ultimately the end product doesn't move me at all. And then I end up feeling sort of guilty about that.

The 912 Teabagger Assault on Washington

Xaielao says...

This is why the republicans won't be in power in 2012. Not because their base contains so many wackos as this video so clearly shows...

..but because to many republicans in power agree with them.

To me it's a constant source of laughter. After 8 years of Bush and only 8 months of Obama, to see these people and FAUX News go so ape shit crazy after only 8 months! And the whole 'loosing our civil liberties' under Obama. Were all these people asleep over the last 8 years? No.. they are so heavily partisan they simply refused to acknowledge what was going on during that time.

And Obama = Hitler because he took over the banks? Hello, that was Bush's cronies that bailed out the banks, not Obama you retards. Don't you guys remember his economic leaders asking for billions and wanting no way it could be tracked and no details on how it would be spent?

Why don't they just outright say he's Satan or the 3rd anti-christ?

Oh thats right.. they already have.

As to people voting for him now leaving. They need to wake up and realize the mans not a god. He wasn't gonna change the country into butterflies and rainbows with a snap of his fingers and an Alakazam. The country was and remains in the second largest economic crisis in history. Things are bouncing back but they take time. I can agree that the mans not be as forceful as he should be at times, and tries perhaps to hard to be bipartisan when republicans fold their arms and go 'HUR!' like spoiled children. But let the man do what we elected him to do for Christ sakes. At least he is finally starting to get tough on health care reform. He's let republicans control the debate for to long. A strong silent majority want a public option and the vast majority of doctors in this country want one with extremely overwhelming numbers wanting reform at the LEAST.

It doesn't help that every single major news organization gives 24 hours a day coverage of tea parties and partisan bullshit. They need to cover the truth, not the debate. CNN is as much guilty as FOX.

Why buying a Mac is simply fucking rediculous. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Sagemind says...

If you need a Mac, Such as if you are a designer, or you do video editing on a major scale, there is no substitute. I have both and both have their purposes. Being compatible with printers and service bureaus goes a long way. Macs also just make the job easier when you are bouncing back and forth between programs. It’s also great for kids who just want to play the kids games. Mac is basically a tool of the trade and the best one for the job.

Windows is more for the serious gamer. It is made for office networking. It is well balanced to be both a business tool and a game component. Microsoft is steering it away from gaming (if it can), that’s why they came out with x-box. It is customizable in so many ways; it is easily tailored to fit most people’s uses.
And it’s what I call the “New Car” remember how guys used to sit around and brag about the engines of their cars, pull things out change it up, customize it… well engines are getting more sophisticated now and a lot of people have switched to computers. “Wow, great computer, whatcha got in it?”

My point is, both are great at what they do. I have two windows computers and a mac at home and a high-powered mac at work. I use them all. Each has their purpose. Now when I upgrade, and that could be sooner than I want; What will I buy? It’s leaning towards Mac, but my expensive software is all in windows…

By the way, does anyone know where I can get a copy of the OS 9 operating system? I need to yank 10.x some old discs no one’s using any more… copies…. anything… download site…

Ladybugs Infestation - Invasion Covers Home And Trees

videosiftbannedme says...

"Cool story but"
"wow, how annoying"
"is that reporting style?"
"Maybe it's just me but"
"presenting the story with"
"one sentence snippets"
"bouncing back and forth between people"
"is very amateur."

"The reporter and editor"
"of this news story"
"need to go back to school."

mauz15 (Member Profile)

Sagemind says...

Hey, No worries. I went looking for something specific on the Apollo lunar landing and couldn't find it, ran out of time and ended up posting that video by default. I thought it was interesting but I wasn't making any claims either way. I was just "putting it out there. As it had received 3 down-votes by morning, I've discarded it. Like I said, I wasn't judging it one way or another. The science tag was because space exploration is based on science and the lies tag was because the video was calling the landing a lie.

I suppose the argument is mute now though, so have a great day!

In reply to this comment by mauz15:
I'm confused, did you post this and tagged it as lies because you know the whole hoax thing is false, or because you believe it was a hoax and think the landing is a lie?

if you posted this because of the former, then could you please remove it from the science channel?

If you posted because of the latter, are you saying this is bullshit? and since 1969 dozens of astronomers have been in observatories pretending they shoot a laser to the moon and the signal bounces back? really, are you telling me there are scientists wasting their time shooting lasers at the moon and the computers that read the signal lie to them?

Moon Hoax - Proof Spotlights Used

mauz15 says...

I'm confused, did you post this and tagged it as lies because you know the whole hoax thing is false, or because you believe it was a hoax and think the landing is a lie?

if you posted this because of the former, then could you please remove it from the science channel?

If you posted because of the latter, are you saying this is bullshit? and since 1969 dozens of astronomers have been in observatories pretending they shoot a laser to the moon and the signal bounces back? really, are you telling me there are scientists wasting their time shooting lasers at the moon and the computers that read the signal lie to them?

Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis (Science Talk Post)

imstellar28 says...


I think unemployment increases when demand decreases, and unemployment decreases when demand increases. Demand increases when wages are increased and wages increase when production is increased.

I think it is a mistake to think you can simply cure a depression. You can do things that put you in the right direction, and try to prevent it from happening in the future, but there is nothing that is going to instantly fix this economy. If it was possibly to simply correct a global recession with a magic wand, why wouldn't we just use that same wand on developing countries with terrible economies and bring everyone out of poverty?

Long term, to increase employment you have to increase production, and you aren't going to want to hear it, but I think resources in the hands of private owners is the best way to do that. You have to let prices drop, companies fail, and people lose their jobs. In 18 months it will be mostly over, which if you think about it, is only maybe 9 more months if the government hadn't intervened in the first place.

Short term, no matter what you do this recession is going to be hard. People are going to lose jobs, end up homeless, and worse. I honestly don't understand why recessions are viewed so negatively; the only distinctly negative symptom is increased unemployment, don't you agree? Yes, prices drop and people lose money, but the biggest problem is people losing their jobs. Look at this graph:

Right now the rate of unemployment is 8% and we are pumping trillions into our economy to fix this, yet in 1990s (a time of relative prosperity) the rate of unemployment was also 8%. In the last 50 years, there are at least 7 instances of it being this high, yet do you remember anyone freaking out to the extent we are today?

I am realistic in that I don't expect to go from complete dependence on the government to zero dependence overnight. Private severance packages, unemployment benefits, and personal savings are all essential in easing the transition between jobs. If we are going to spend several trillion, why don't we just put it all in unemployment insurance? If the market can correct itself in 18 months if left alone, why don't we just combine the two ideologies: let the market correct itself, however brutal it may be, but directly combat the suffering caused by unemployment by increasing benefits to those affected? Keeping our hands off the market, and returning to reasonable spending will help establish a strong foundation for the economy; it will bounce back stronger than ever if we would only let it. In the meantime, we can also help out those in need. Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?

I mean honestly, we are talking about an increase in unemployment from 6% to 8%, do you really want to risk throwing the world into a 20 year depression, debasing our entire money supply, bankrupting the US, or having the dollar lose its status as the worldwide currency over a 2% increase in unemployment?

Police shoot unarmed man, laying face down, in the back

brain says...

This article was interesting:

By now everyone has seen the horrific video or videos of a Oakland BART Police Officer shooting an unarmed, Black man (Osacr Grant) while he lay facedown on the ground and was fully co-operating. The man who was killed execution style was the father of a 4 year old girl and was considered a peacemaker. In fact moments before he was shot he was pleading with his friends who were all cuffed up to calm down and be cooperative with police. Grant was seen begging the police officers who had pulled tasers out and pointed them at the heads of his friends, not to shoot.

For reasons unknown to us, the police officer pushed Grant to the ground. One officer kneeled on his neck while the other officer pulled out a gun and shot him point blank in the back. The bullet went through his back, hit the ground and bounced back up and pierced his lung, killing him. The police then ran around and terrified witnesses by taking away their cell phones and video cameras for 'evidence'. The video which was shot by a witness named Ms Vargus and has been seen by everyone on news stations like KTVU was also going to be confiscated except her train started moving as police attempted to snatch away her camera. The cops obviously did not see the other video cameras buzzing away.

Mattress Salesman Outtakes

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