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The Vagina is full of 8s

poolcleaner says...

EDIT BONOBO: Deleted comment, then added edit 1.

EDIT 2: Added second edit, reason for edit and several random spaces at the end of sentences.

EDIT 3: Added edit 3, then added a 1 to the first edit, then subtracted the 1 and decided to add it at the end of edit 1 comment.

EDIT 4: Deleted the comment for real, then lied about it in EDIT 1, which is now titled EDIT BONOBO. (Don't ask.)

EDIT 5: Hi.

Unusual Sexual Practices in Nature and Animal Penises

TED: Susan Savage-Rumbaugh - Animals which are a lot like us

Girls Gone Wild: Not just for humans anymore

Monkey Using Frog as Sex Toy

bamdrew says...

who says humans are the only animals to use tools?

p.s. I think its a chimpanzee; legs are a bit short for it to be a bonobo, otherwise I would have thought it was a bonobo, as they are ridiculously sexual (by our standards).

Bored (Cinema Talk Post)

I assumed the roast wouldn't be as short as Gorgon's....nose (Parody Talk Post)

my15minutes says...

kickass new avatar pic, though. srsly. perfecto.

and you were right, once again, doc.

the monkey that types for me?
is a lazy bitch when it comes to the shift key.
and the bonobo that serves me coffee is on fuckin' thin ice as well.

A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question

sometimes says...

to those who talk about homosexuality being unnatural, I hasten to point out some other things that are unnatural:

air conditioning

Additionally, homosexuality occurs in many animal species: Big horn sheep, bonobos, lesbian rhesus macaques, penguins, American Bison, giraffes,
oh, and look: lions too!

Now the traditional counter argument to this is "we shouldn't use animal behavior as a justification for human behavior". that's fine, just as long as you pick one or the other. either use the "it's unnatural" argument, and allow the "but it's natural for these critters" argument, or drop the "natural" argument altogether, you can';t pick some "natural" behaviors and ignore others.

for those who talk about homosexuality being wrong because it can't make babies, and making babies is what sex is for:
fine, please give up oral sex, wanking, and recreational sex.

what percentage of hetrosexual behaviors lead to making babies?
if the average adult lives to 75, that's 55+ years having sex.
over the course of a lifetime, americans average out to 60 times per year.
that's 3465 times.
the average american has 2.5 kids.
that means one out of 1386 times having sex leads to making babies.
that's 0.07215% of all sex acts leading to babies.
boy, that feels statistically significant.

Worst Director Ever beats up his critics

Worst Director Ever beats up his critics

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Unfortunately for Mr.Ew Bowel(movement) these tests of tough-guy manliness have no bearing on the truth ; that a bonobo has more vision and cinematic cognizance than he. Even if he got his ass handed to him, Lowtax still comes out no worse for the wear...

Hell, like most anyone who's seen his films, I'd jump at the opportunity to box Boll...lose or no.

TED: Susan Savage-Rumbaugh - Animals which are a lot like us

Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker

BicycleRepairMan says...

I wonder why the results were so polarized. I also wonder which type are we (mammals)?

Yes, we are mammals, more specifically primates: african, hairless apes, our closest living relative is the chimpanzee and the bonobo, (We do NOT decend FROM them, they decend from the same thing we decend from, we share ancestors) a little further back we share ancestors with orangutangs and monkeys, If we go all the way back, 3.5 billion years, we share ancestors with all living creatures, including the 99% that are currently extinct.

I am currently half-way through Dawkins' book "The Ancestor's Tale" which I think I can already safely say is an amazing book, that really puts things in a bit of a perspective, and it quite definitely answers those questions you are asking here

Dear Religious Fundies: Homosexuality is Natural

mauz15 says...

Not the best translation, but I'll give it anyway (in parenthesis are the things I'm unsure if they are correctly translated)

From the heights of the Canadian mountains,Valerius (G...?) observed the hitting on the legs of a male ram similar the female cobo (I guess it refers to ram). He wrote:
"To conceive this magnificent creatures were homosexual was too much for me, but I finally decided to call it by its name and admit the the rams live in a homosexual society...But while the majority of female cogo also mate with males,a
lot of young ram or of lower status, have to wait and mature sexually before having heterosexual experiences"

The young American Bison also reveals homosexual behavior, sometimes for more than 5 years...Normally after a period of fighting, they mount one another. The adult Bisons do not let the young to mate with females; that is why their behavior is interpreted as a sexual frustration (incorrectly used). Some studies separated the adult males and even when there where plenty of females available the males continued to have homosexual relationships.

Most of these first interpretations had a thing in common; whether they served as a practice or to arouse the opposite sex, the animals with homosexual behavior have a unique intention, to improve their possibilities in the future reproductive sex.

Then in a forest of Central Africa, a group of monkeys appeared that forced the scientists to reconsider the purpose/intention of any kind of sex.
(The first pair of monkeys that keep looking at each other are male and female)
But the Primatologist Frans (D...?)states, "The Bonobos will have sexual relationships with males and females, old, and young while eating, playing or carrying their young. And have relations frequently, sometimes for the entire day"

The sexual behavior of the Bonobo is the more flexible that we know of (leaving out the human race), I tend to define them as pansexuals; I cannot say they are homosexuals because they do not have an exclusive orientation to one gender or the other. They use sex in all the individual combinations, they feel free to do so.

The females only have offspring every 6 years, but have sexual relations whether they are in heat or not, and even when they are pregnant or are breast-feeding their young. Even the young have sexual relationships face to face. The Bonobo is one of the few species that discards the common scientific assumption that animal sex is united only to reproduction.

There is a theory that pretends to give sex a social purpose by relating it with dominant behavior. (@ minute 3:00) A male of higher status establishes dominance to a much younger male. But this theory does not seem to apply completely to the Bonobos, because the young as well as members of inferior status also tend to mount the elder members; Sex in this cases appears to be reciprocal.

Why do Bonobos waste so much energy trying to have sex so frequently and with many different individuals?
"The choice of sexmates is dictated by the social ties or strategic politics. It is also due to the tension. Our data reveals that the increase in social tensions
between Bonobos ( is translated )as sexual behavior. Food creates competition, and instead of fighitng for it, they have sexual relations in order to share the food later. That is why we say they make love and not war"

This type of monkeys tends to have sexual relations face to face, a posture that in principle was thought to be exclusive of humans.
There are dangers if we relate these monkeys with humans, but there is a point in which (the Primatologist argues)the Bonobos are stronger:

"The Bonobos show us that the sexual life of our closest relatives is extremely rich and flexible. Those who claim that the only function of sex is reproduction are mistaken with the Bonobos, and it is possible that they are mistaken about us as well because sex can have multiple functions and vary/change greatly in a big society."

"And homosexual behavior is marginalized only in certain cultures. Is like just for having homosexual interests they end up being seen as exclusively homosexual; they could be bisexual, which may occur with a lot of heterosexuals. There is a kind of division that might not have been created naturally, but by intolerance."

Within the Bonobo's societies and other primate societies, the individuals who demonstrate homosexual behaviors do not seem to be marginalized/excluded; on the contrary it is just another part of their daily life.


This is probably the longest post on VideoSift, but I felt you guys were missing a lot in this video. I hope This gets to the front.

Chimp Playing Ms. Pac-Man.

What's Morally Wrong with Homosexuality?

bamdrew says...

I don't like this all that much, but its okay. He talks like a youth minister. I do like your comments, bnsa. And angelsvn actually starts with a good comment, because the parts fitting is a silly, throw-away point.

Go to a zoo with Bonobo monkeys. They look very similar to chimps (sometimes called pygmy chimpanzees), but a larger part of their social interactions revolve around sex (hetero and homo) and masturbation than with chimps. I'm talking they spend like 50% of their day doing it. They're kinda gross animals,... but resolving conflicts with sex instead of fighting is pretty damn advanced if you ask me.

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