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Parents Plead Not Guilty In Faith-Healing Death

spoco2 says...

I'm not going to watch this (I know the case in point), and I'm not going to comment on this video other than this, because this sort of thing REALLY, REALLY gets me going.

A child puts their faith in you, not religious faith, but faith that you will do the right thing by them, that you will protect them, that you have their best interests at heart.

They trust you.

And when you betray a child's trust to the point that you kill them because of a stupid belief in something that you have NEVER been shown to exist over medical science that has shown time and time again it can heal the affliction your child has. You should be medically made barren. NEVER allowed to have children again and held up as a shining example of the sort of absolute horror that blind faith can lead to.

Fuck them... no, actually don't, that might lead to more children.

Ted Leo & The Pharmacists - Biomusicology (Live)

Spiff says...


Had we never come across the vastness of pavement
The barrenness of waves and the grayness of the sea
Never lost or ne'er been misguided
We'd have ne'er reached seas so shining

Or come from out of a hansom in Camden
To a bar in the basement
While all the while it rained
Or come around to the friendliest of faces
Handsomest in ugly places

Or come from out of the tunnels we dig in
To see that tunneling's not living
And working doesn't work
Or come to find that loving is labor
Labor's life and life's forever

Or come to see that keeping's not giving
You get what you've given
You get what you deserve
And in the midst of all of the action
Maybe only there found satisfaction

Chasing sea-foam dreams
Around another dirty old town
Parallel run streams
Toward the gray ocean from the green ground
'Oed und leer, das meer
But look beneath the glassy surface
All the songs you hear
Down there they have a purpose

All in all we cannot stop singing
we cannot start sinking
We swim until it ends
They may kill and we may be parted
But we will ne'er be broken hearted

8217 (Member Profile)

Baboons cartwheel down a hill

9453 says...

It reminds me of the opening of 2001. A bunch of primates living in a very dry barren world. What did those proto-humans eat before they learned to bludgeon neighboring family groups with decomposing femurs? What do those baboons eat without bludgeoning each other to death?

Ellen DeGeneres asks McCain why he opposes gay marriage

asynchronice says...

>> ^MINK:
wow ellen attacked so weakly i found myself agreeing with mccain.
marriage between a man and a woman is unique. You wanna know why? It's called reproduction. Go look it up.
Ellen might as well complain to God that he said "you can carry babies there, but you can't carry sperm there".

uh, what ? What does reproduction have to do anything ? They just want the same status as a married couple. So if a man/woman couple are married, but the woman is barren, should they not be allowed to marry ?

I could see sanctifying marriage if we had some sort of population shortage, but we don't need to sanction breeding at this point.

Evil Dead 3 - Army of Darkness - Alternate Ending

ashes2flames says...

There were two endings. This is the one that didn't make the cut.
Maybe that's a good thing.

"US and UK versions feature different endings. The first ending has Ash battling a she-demon in a department store in the present. The alternative ending has Ash imbibing a secret potion that would make him sleep one century for each drop of the potion he drinks. He then goes to a cave to sleep. However, he drank one drop too many and wakes up to find a barren post-apocalyptic landscape. The final shot is Ash screaming in rage at a red sky. The Great Britain video version shows the ''potion'' ending, and the version shown in US theatres showed the ''she-demon'' ending."

from IMDB:

Alicia Guastaferro, Beauty Queen From Hell

spoco2 says...

I'm upvoting this because... well... I'm aghast that these people exist, that they are such soulless, brainless, disgusting examples of human beings, and I want to get as many people as possible to confirm that they'd never raise a child like this.

What the F*CK is going to happen to the lump of a girl when her parents die? She can ONLY be looked after if she finds herself a dumb ass husband who makes so much money he can afford for them to have a maid because she won't be able to:
a) Go out and earn a living herself thereby allowing her husband to do housechores (Because she has NO talents AT ALL)
b) Do any housechores herself as she has NO idea how to (or any thought that maybe it's a good thing to do them once in a while)
c) Live without someone preparing everything for her
d) Not end up in a dependent, abusive relation relationship
e) No die horribly unfulfilled and bitter towards her parents for not preparing her for the REAL WORLD.

One can hope beyond all hope that she's barren and can never continue this travesty of genetics.

And yes, she's unattractive, as indeed are her parents (in physical as well as mental ways).


Woodchip Industry in Tasmania

persephone says...

You know from the size of the tree trunks where I live, that nothing here is older than about 50 years old. That means that almost everything at some time has been cleared. In some ways,this realization offers some consolation, because to look at, you wouldn't think we live in a barren wasteland.

There's quite a lot of greenery and trees, so it shows that nature can regenerate and regrow. You only have to look at some old photos of the timber-getting days to realise however, that this greenery is but a sad shadow of what used to exist. Trees with trunks so thick 5 men couldn't touch arms around it, were everywhere, then. There's nothing like that anywhere, now.

There's no majesty in nature here, now. Just a struggling attempt at regrowth that gets knocked down every few months with each new housing development that our corrupt and immoral government allows with its stamp of approval.

How Chimp Chromosome #13 Proves Evolution

BicycleRepairMan says...

the theory of evolution says nothing about creation, and as such does not rule out a creator

Nothing can, even in principle, rule out a creator, it is simply impossible to do. Thats what we are trying to show by postulating celestial teapots and invisible unicorns, you cant rule anything out.

To say evolution "says nothing about creation" is a bit like saying "the football coach hasnt scored a single goal this season" it is correct in one sense, but a pretty pointless argument against the coach. The answer in both cases is "well, not exactly". You still need a coach, thats my point.

Evolution explains how all life went from really simple to really complex with no need for, and perhaps not even room for, a divine intervener. In other words, God is shown quite certainly to be ruled out of the entire circle of life as we know it, and he/she/it is reduced to a previous gap, this time not to explain the wonderful diversity and beauty of the life of this planet (Which is the reason we invented him in the first place), but to explain how he twisted the cosmological constant knobs into place and made lifeless, barren rocks unevenly distributed in galaxy clusters so far apart it shouldnt even count..

Ann Coulter Wants Jews to be 'Perfected'

What should the penalty be for having an illegal abortion?

Kreegath says...

I think some people who try to dismantle the pro-choice movement by applying the choice argument to other, real if you will, offenses need to give a second thought to the reason why women look to abortion.

In earlier posts I've seen the thought that prematurely born babies should be terminated aswell as the fetuses women choose to abort.
"I'm sure if I wanted to, I could find a few pro-choicers who would like to extend the law to allow the termination of prematurely born babies. After all, they're the same age as those in the womb normally right?". Wrong, but that's not the point.
To me, this looks like a person who haven't really considered why women decide to abort, and this person also doesn't seem to fully grasp the difference between a prematurely born baby and an undeveloped fetus, so let me try to explain my point.
A prematurely born baby is saved and kept alive because the mother did not have an abortion, obviously, but also because it's wanted and have developed enough to have a chance at surviving. You'll be surprised to know there are some fetuses who are so prematurely born that they're unable to survive no matter how much the parents would want it to. A woman having an abortion usually does so for a reason, of which there are plenty good enough to stop a life from starting.

Consider the reason before anything else, like the offspring of a rape, the parent/s being unable (for a plethora of reasons) to support the child in any or all ways. For these reasons women will have abortions regardless of the law, which makes it toothless and in effect meaningless unless of course you want to legislate morality (in which case we could come up with lots of fun laws).
In conclusion, I feel having a baby is a huge undertaking, and writing off abortion as murder is to me completely unacceptable. To make a similar stupid generalisation for everyone to ponder, torture comes in many more forms than just the ones used in Abu-Ghraib, like for instance raising a child in an unsafe, financially- and emotionally barren enviroment. I guess the sanctity of life ends when the child is born, eh?

James Randi encapsulates my worldview in < 60 seconds

Memorare says...

While he's correct, what Randi and the other debunkers fail to provide is an alternative to the comforting fantasy of religion and the supernatural. People flock to such stuff because they're literally sick of the reality that Randi offers.

as Thoreau said "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation"

Or as the girl in Woody Allen's film 'Play It Again Sam' said when asked what the painting meant to her:

" It restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of Man forced to live in a barren, Godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation, forming a useless bleak straitjacket in a black absurd cosmos. "

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

quantumushroom says...

Mexico is a sh-thole, and now illegals want to recreate that sh-thole here while drinking from the neck of American welfare.

The communists, anarchists and Mexican legals who aid illegals hide behind these protests, welcoming the chaos.

California was lost to savages and moronic movie stars because Whites and Westernized minorities were too lazy and stupid to preserve Western values. They got soft, and now life is hard.

Now as the true minority, Whites must suffer the chaos and filth of an inferior non-American culture run rampant, a culture which has left Mexico, a country rich in natural resources--including oil--a barren wasteland.

We should've given Mexico to the Jews. They would've made it a Paradise with not a bomb-strapped Arab in sight.

These views are the sole property of Quantumushroom. If you don't agree, the worst that will happen to you is you'll be wrong. ha ha ha ha. ha.

Thailand's Ministry of ICT Temporarily Blocks YouTube (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

hey man, complicated is complicated, many people turned out for the funeral of the king of Morocco?? Rather have a beloved monarch than a benevolent dictator....and dag, I'd really rather be charged with populating some barren continent, on accounta' prisons were fillin' up!!! fact, Australia is the model for a re-try!!!

Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet

lucky760 says...

Thanks for the input, Baqueta. I also always thought it was "sings the streets a serenade," but when searching for the complete lyric listing I've found that "streetsuss" appears the only form ever used. After a little more searching, I feel certain that you've pegged it; "street-suss" seems a fairly common term.

From :

Robert McNeil finds some aggressive street-suss being directed at the Festival luvvies. ...
"Meanwhile, the bar-room hangouts of the Edinburgh habitues resound to the sound of bitchily dismissive critiques of a 'scuzzy' circus which markets itself with an aggressive sense of street-suss, and which wins popular support by the barrel-load, but scores 'nil points' in Edinburgh's teaming enclaves of fey, androgynous arty-farty folk."
From M-W:
Main Entry: suss
Pronunciation: 's&s
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: by shortening & alteration from suspect
1 chiefly British : FIGURE OUT -- usually used with out
2 chiefly British : to inspect or investigate so as to gain more knowledge -- usually used with out

So, Romeo serenades the bitter night with the fires of street wisdom burning in his soul, completing the sorrowful harmony which echoes through the alleyways and withering branches of barren trees ineluctably entering Juliet's solitude with an offer of sweet remorse.

...or something.

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