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TYT: Rep. Walsh Runs From Occupy Protesters

honkeytonk73 says...

Iron Maiden: Run for the hills.

White man came across the sea
He brought us pain and misery
He killed our tribes, he killed our creed
He took our game for his own need
We fought him hard, we fought him well
Out on the plains we gave him hell
But many came, to much for Cree
Oh will we ever be set free
Riding through dust clouds and barren wastes
Galloping hard on the plains
Chasing the redskins back to their holes
Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children, a cowards attack.
Run to the hills - run for your lives
Run to the hills- run for your lives
Soldier blue in barren wastes
Hunting and killing's a game
Raping the woman and wasting the man
The only good "injins" are tame
Selling them whiskey and taking their gold
Enslaving the young and destroying the old
Run to the hills - run for your lives
Run to the hills- run for your lives

The moral of the story? They fucked over the Indians. Killed them. Took their land. Took their traditions. What makes us think they won't fuck the rest of us over too?

The Use of Guard Lamas and Donkeys

legacy0100 says...

Nice. I hear that herders mix Goats with their sheep flock to prevent sheeps from devastating the ranch ecology by eating only one kind of grass. If the sheeps are with a goat, they start eating various kinds of vegetation, which prevents the farm from becoming a barren land. No training required, it's just the way they naturally behave.

How much would you pay for the universe?

ForgedReality says...

Considering the universe is a whole lotta nothin, I'd probably pay a whole lotta nothin. Everything we've seen and explored is a depressing, barren wasteland of nothingness. How about we go find a suitable planet to live on and wipe out all the dinosaurs on it so we can make a new home and build stargates between the two worlds so we can send nukes back and forth and wage war trying to control sections of that new world and destroy it just like we have this one?

I mean come on, people! Let's push up!

World's Fastest Turtle?

Ydaani says...

I must say, it's been awhile since I payed but that was oddly familiar to what happens in T
he Barrens around the Stagnant Oasis when you run far enough away from the mean ass turtles that live there.

Truth-Telling In Israel Is Very Very Unpopular

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Seriously, if religion wasn't so intertwined with this area of land no-one would care & certainly no-one would kill for it or be killed because of it. its barren tradition, superstition & ideology that keeps this feud going & if it were removed they would see that they're fighting for undesirable 'desert-land' within a wealth of possibility.

Joe Rogan on Retiring the Word "Faggot"

kronosposeidon says...

BTW, has he finally stopped wearing backward baseball caps? I hope so, because he's too old for that fratboy look. If he wants to cover up his balding pate the watch cap is a better look. Better yet, just accept your barren scalp and wear nothing.

Can I take this thread way off-topic now, or should I wait for more immature jackasses to show up?

Keith Olbermann Special Comment: False Objectivity vs. Truth

kceaton1 says...


I pretty much agree with everything you just said. I think the prose you wrote above would make an excellent deface to the preface of the new book I prefaced called, 'Elephants That Became A Morass Relay System That Were "Gored" Into A Multi-Platform Supported Prostitute', written by John C. Dvorak and prefaced by me and your stuff near the back. Right before the end; you'll kindly remind the readers that they read 259 pages of nothing. Literally, (literally) nothing, but THIS (plus our stuff):

"Then on that dissmal day did I look fondly over the barren San Francisco skyline and remembered the quote I had stated so long ago, and now..."

'Apple makes the arrogant assumption of thinking that it knows what you want and need. It, unfortunately, leaves the “why” out of the equation — as in “why would I want this?” The Macintosh uses an experimental pointing device called a ‘mouse’. There is no evidence that people want to use these things. I dont want one of these new fangled devices.'

I think from there we all know that he commited suicide. Strangling himself, to death, from the ledge of his 12-story condo using blue-tooth enabled mice (he hated blue, and as well logic).
That's how are (our) books will be in 16 years (sentance? (sp?, seantance?); if we don't do something quick (sic)!

Hopefully, my satirical take on the full-on double stupidity that is the U.S. Government will never reach the severe end of either spectrum. I do think we would more easily be pushed right than left. My opinion. Although I think strangely that the Internet may make a mark on the future of our local and national decisions as well as elections. The good thing about this is that people can educate themselves and be far more "aware" as to who is playing in the process and how (coffers, law, and lives). Those "W" and "H" questions will be, if lucky, the biggest decider in the future.

This requires the 'old guard' to leave. The lawmakers need to lose some power methinks by way of term limits/lobbyist repels/no laws made regarding themselves (who the hell left that out)/one law-or-bill-at-a-time/etc... They also need to have a oversight committee ran by the FBI and cases tried by the Supreme Court. Awww, who am I kidding. I'd be lucky to see even one of those go in. It's pretty easy to see what part of the system is incredibly ruined (house of representatives of Scrooge McDuck with minority whip Haliburton).

>> ^Tymbrwulf:

@kceaton --> Post above. Deleted for obsolescence and a one light year re-post of a post for a new post. Trust me, it's the *new* thing. As soon as I can get the new process to redact itself into a very simple and yet hard to learn html/xhtml (I like to pronounce it hate-in-the-mail) code.

Carrying on... No grammar check again! Have at it!

World of Warcraft - Cataclysm Cinematic Intro

HugeJerk says...

1. Tower in Barrens being toppled.
2. Statue at Booty Bay about to eat a giant wave.
3. More Barrens destruction with a chasm opening.
4. Blimp crash in Durotar.
5. Thousand Needles (which is below sea level) having the ocean flow in between the pillars of rock.
6. Unknown Mountain Range... could be near Iron Forge.
7. Docks in Darkshore at Auberdine.
8. The Dam above the Wetlands at Loch Modan.
9. Stormwind.

TDS: Mosque-Erade

Xaielao says...

Wait wait, Islam is the most murderous religion in the world? Considering even the extremism bent on the religion dates back only around sixty years ago (and can be near on directly linked with our own activities in the region at the time), Islam doesn't hold a 'candle' to the millions of people slain by practitioners of Christianity over that last millenia.

And last, they aren't even building a Masque. And it is in an otherwise completely barren part of NYC. If it weren't for the fact that it is about two blocks from the most distant end of the crevasse we call the 9/11 site, nobody would ever raise a single word against it.

TDS - Sarah Palin's Mamma Grizzly Coalition

The Silent War: Israel's Blockade of Gaza

geo321 says...

Yes. No holy sites for you.. Hands off the holy sites and walls. No, I don't think that would go down well. I think the answer to that would be war. The answer to everything is war first there.>> ^gwiz665:

So like children. "I want it" "no, I want it"
If you can't share, we're going to nuke the damn place, then none of you can have it!
And by "we" I mean, the US. So I can protest them at the same time. It's called "having your cake and eating it too".
>> ^geo321:
That would be great. Give them their own islands thousands of miles apart. But both the Palestinains and the Israelis want those holy sites. As did just about every neighbor.>> ^gwiz665:
If no one can agree on who's piece of land it is, why don't we move them all out and leave it barren and uninhabited?
If you can't play well with your toy, I'm taking it from you.

The Silent War: Israel's Blockade of Gaza

gwiz665 says...

So like children. "I want it" "no, I want it"

If you can't share, we're going to nuke the damn place, then none of you can have it!

And by "we" I mean, the US. So I can protest them at the same time. It's called "having your cake and eating it too".

>> ^geo321:

That would be great. Give them their own islands thousands of miles apart. But both the Palestinains and the Israelis want those holy sites. As did just about every neighbor.>> ^gwiz665:
If no one can agree on who's piece of land it is, why don't we move them all out and leave it barren and uninhabited?
If you can't play well with your toy, I'm taking it from you.

The Silent War: Israel's Blockade of Gaza

geo321 says...

That would be great. Give them their own islands thousands of miles apart. But both the Palestinains and the Israelis want those holy sites. As did just about every neighbor.>> ^gwiz665:

If no one can agree on who's piece of land it is, why don't we move them all out and leave it barren and uninhabited?
If you can't play well with your toy, I'm taking it from you.

The Silent War: Israel's Blockade of Gaza

Mumford & Sons "Thistle and Weeds" & "Dust Bowl Dance"

calvados says...

The young man stands on the edge of his porch
The days were short and the father was gone
There was no one in the town and no one in the field
This dusty barren land had given all it could yield

I've been kicked off my land at the age of sixteen
And I have no idea where else my heart could have been
I placed all my trust at the foot of this hill
And now I am sure my heart can never be still
So collect your courage and collect your horse
And pray you never feel this same kind of remorse

Seal my heart and brake my pride
I've nowhere to stand and now nowhere to hide
Align my heart, my body, my mind
To face what I've done and do my time

Well you are my accuser, now look in my face
Your oppression reeks of your greed and disgrace
So one man has and another has not
How can you love what it is you have got
When you took it all from the weak hands of the poor?
Liars and thieves you know not what is in store

There will come a time I will look in your eye
You will pray to the God that you always denied
Then I'll go out back and I'll get my gun
I'll say, "You haven't met me, I am the only son"

Seal my heart and brake my pride
I've nowhere to stand and now nowhere to hide
Align my heart, my body, my mind
To face what I've done and do my time

Seal my heart and brake my pride
I've nowhere to stand and now nowhere to hide
Align my heart, my body, my mind
To face what I've done and do my time

Well yes sir, yes sir, yes it was me
I know what I've done, cause I know what I've seen
I went out back and I got my gun
I said, "You haven't met me, I am the only son"

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