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Bill Maher's Interview with a Low IQ Senator - Religulous

jonny says...

I hope his opponent in the next election uses that last bit in an attack ad.

[edit] Oh, he'll be running essentially unopposed this November - Green Party candidate Rebekah Kennedy will be the only challenger. Funny you should mention his father, Zonbie. His dad, David Pryor, had previously held that office for 3 terms.

McCain's New Ad: Celeb with Paris Hilton, Britney Spears John McCain's oil lobbyists

Olbermann on Clinton

talso says...

Hillary's campaign is so in debt they have to continue on as normal to scrounge up donations. She knows she isn't going to win, the attack ads are a just doing damage to Obama's credibility to allow McSame a chance at actually winning. Alas they're all CFR members so it's a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich AGAIN.

Hendrix Clinton Experience (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

Farhad2000 says...

Actually this campaign has been awfully mild so far when it comes to attack ads. I mean in 2004 a Vietnam war veteran was basically questioned on his patriotism by a president who skipped the war in the Texas Air guard.

This will of course change as we get closer to November. Though the right will have a hard time pinning something on Obama without it backfiring.

Instant Runoff Voting: The Way We Should Be Voting

dgandhi says...

In so far as this is basically an attack on "political machine" elections I favor it over the current scheme. Unfortunately the Republicrats don't want to disempower themselves, and they would have to sign off on such a plan, so anything they pass (like the "help america vote act") is likely to help them more then it helps democracy.

The application of such a system would be revolutionary, and may cause imbalance in the US, specifically with federal elections, since our federal system is designed to be less democratic to avoid "tyranny of the masses".

The video pretends that IRV helps major party candidates, but in their theoretical vote many more people may have voted for C knowing that their vote was not wasted, which seems to me a good outcome, but they didn't even touch it.

They also seem to think that it will counteract attack ads, but in San Francisco, where they have IRV, the attacks continue. Attack ads are a consequence of soft money politics, it's easier to spend money on "don't vote for" then on "vote for" because of campaign finance regulations. Campaign finance and attack ad problems can not be effectively addressable without restricting the "free speech rights" of corporations and PACs.

We should also consider that pluralistic voting is why Lincoln was elected president, what would the US look like if that had not happened?

Republican YouTube Debate (Election Talk Post)

Grimm says...

I'm not a big fan of Thompson to start with so my opinion could be biased. But to me he really blew it with his own video that they showed. Instead of using the 30 seconds to tell us what he will do for this country he went for the "attack ad" approach and told us why we shouldn't vote for Romney and Huckabee.

Also another thing I noticed about what made this debate suck was that at least in the Dems YouTube debate that had many of the people who's videos were used in the audience and allowed them to follow up or at least say if they think their question was answered or not. I believe they only did that once in the Rep debate.

And what is with the stupid "I am not smarter then a 5th grader" questions they keep using to end these debates? The last one for the last dems debate was for Hillary "Do you prefer pearls or diamonds?" and the last for the Rep debate was for Giuliani about "Yankees vs. Red Sox". WTF? I mean literally WTF?! This is supposed to be a big joke to us?

Rep. Pallone on Rush Limbaugh's "Phony Soldiers" Comment

Farhad2000 says...

I did not think the ad was a good intiative in the first place, it was unbecoming of a progressive organization to spend money on an attack ad like that, the money should have been spent on creating new forms of progressive media expansion.

But its striking to see how much fervor was generated over an ad that really has no bearing on the Iraq War. So much so that the Senate votes on it, while other amendaments to give troops the same leave time as combat duty, troop withdrawl and such get fillibustered.

Will Rush get the same treatment? Hell no. Because unlike he is pushing forward a beneficial agenda for the GOP and the current administration, perpetual involvement in Iraq.

Hannity & Colmes: Piyush (Bobby) Jindal Interview

Vote Different

Fedquip says...

"It may be the most stunning and creative attack ad yet for a 2008 presidential candidate -- one experts say could represent a watershed moment in 21st century media and political advertising.

Yet the groundbreaking 74-second pitch for Democratic Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, which remixes the classic "1984" ad that introduced Apple computers to the world, is not on cable or network TV, but on the Internet. "

Michael J. Fox talks Stem Cell research

winkler1 says...

Parkinson’s Foundation Debunks Limbaugh’s False Smears of Michael J. Fox

Rush Limbaugh has repeatedly attacked actor Michael J. Fox for appearing in television campaign ads promoting stem cell research. Fox, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, appears “visibly racked by tremors” in the ads.

“He is exaggerating the effects of the disease,” Limbaugh told listeners yesterday. “He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s purely an act. … This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn’t take his medication or he’s acting.”

According to the National Parkinson’s Foundation, Limbaugh has no idea what he’s talking about. The Washington Post reports:
      In an interview in Ladies Home Journal’s September edition, Fox said he was taking a medication that causes jerking, fidgeting and other abnormal involuntary movements, known as dyskinesia. Fox said he was taking another medication to lessen those side affects.

      An official of the National Parkinson Foundation said movements like those exhibited by Fox are the result of taking medication to treat the disease, which would otherwise result in rigidity.

      “When you see someone with those movements, it’s not because they have not taken medication but because they probably have taken medication for some time,” the official said. “If you don’t take the medication, then you freeze.”

Limbaugh continued the assault today, calling Fox’s video “an attack ad” that is “filled with disinformation about embryonic stem cell research.”

These Are the Stakes: 2006 GOP Campaign Ad

theo47 says...

These ads are clearly backfiring. As Quboid said above, the GOP is pretty much inadvertantly airing attack ads against itself. All those threats just magnify how much the GOP's foreign policy and homeland security policies have failed.

So - thanks, GOP, for the free ad.

Zucker's new viral campaign ad that GOP won't even run

Arianna Huffington vs. Bill O'Reilly (4:51)

James Roe says...

Here is a little background on the Kurdish Development Corporations ad campaign. The company running those advertisements was the company that ran all of the stop Michael Moore campaigns during Fahrenheit 9/11.

Surprising or not depending on your political leanings this marketing company has no prior history supporting advertising campaigns for corporations or foreign governments, all though they do have lots of prior experience promoting republican candidates and lauching attack ads against teh dirty leftist commie pinko liberals.

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