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John Pilger's 2007 film "The War On Democracy"

SDGundamX says...


I wouldn't call anything in here untruthful, only one-sided (I agree with Engels on that). He treats Chavez with kid gloves (for example lightly glossing over Chavez taking control of the country for 18-months when he by-passed parliament or Chavez's increasing move away from capitalism towards socialism). But I suspect, as I said in the last post, that's because the film is meant to be counter-point rather than a "truth-finding" film. The truth most likely lies somewhere in between these two portraits (Western media and the film) and to find it I would rather rely on more unbiased information such as that from Amnesty International.

Patrick Stewart speaks about Domestic Violence

Obama Backs Mosque Near Ground Zero

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

So it's an attack on freedom for a Federal Judge to rule that a state amendment violates individual freedoms under the federal constitution? California... Homosexuals... Prayer... Insurance...

Arizona, California, Misouri, Florida... It doesn't matter. There are MANY examples, and the point is Obama's hyocrisy. He selectively chooses to stomp on things he doesn't like, while at the same time he gives free passes to real violations. The Black Panther case was a blatant violation of civil rights - but his administration dismissed it because in thier OPINION black people can't violate the civil rights of others.

The mosque is simply one note in the sad litany of his hypocrisy. He approves the mosque on the basis of limited involvement in city/state government as well as the bill of rights? This comes off as hypocritical to anyone who hears it given his extensive record of ignoring the rights in order to force feed his agenda at national, state, local, and individual levels.

Arizona wants to enforce legitimate laws & protect citizens? Louisiana wants to build sand berms? BP wants to bring in non-union oil skimmers? Texas want to lift my oil drilling ban? It's against the constitution to force people to buy my Obama brand insurance? Banks are refusing to take my TARP money? The people don't want my financial reform bill? The people don't want my Health Care reform bill? The people don't want my Cap & Tax schemes? The people don't want my plan for illegal amnesty? Bah! I'm Barak Hussain Obama and I disallow such freedoms in MY America!

Oh - but you radial Cordoba freaks can build your mosque at Ground Zero. No, you don't have to disclose where money comes from. No, I don't care this is a documented terrorist tactic. No I don't care Germany just shut down Cordobas because they were terror cells. No, I don't care that by definition a mosque can't possibly be a "community outreach center".

Anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain knows clearly that Obama LOVES to violate the constitution and interfere with state/local policy. But now all of a sudden he changes his mind and state's rights and religious freedom matter? Anyone living through this nightmare dud of a president knows he's being a two-faced slimeball on the issue and that his motivation is his personal bias. That's why he's getting shellaqued in the ratings, the polls, and even (albiet reluctantly) in the press.

I could list lots of decisions Obama has made that I don't agree with, but he got it right on this one and I hope to see more of it.

You won't. This was a biased decision to favor an opinion/ideology that he sympathizes with. As evidenced by just about EVERY other thing he's ever done, Obama will do the exact opposite on any issue he finds politically convenient.

The Tea Party History for Dummies

Throbbin says...

It is a commentary on his lack of experience...

Sure Winstonfield, sure.

In the last 18 months these RADICALS...

Have you ever considered that you are the radical (or reactionary)? Is it possible that paranoid gubmint hating god fearing folks are the nutjobs? Any objective view Obama suggests he is still very much right of center, even if it doesn't fit into your worldview. It takes a certain kind of true-believer to suggest Obama is nearing communist territory - and a healthy disregard for political scaling or measurement. Ask anyone who isn't a partisan or teabagger. Better yet, ask anyone from a different country. They'll tell you. Hyperbole is so much more fun though, right?

doubling down on leftist economics, europe in shambles, right-wing economics to the rescue

Even Britain's Conservatives are wild-eyed radicals in your mind. Federal money for kid's hospices? Communist!!!

Lousy polling?

45.7% after a months-long oil spill....this man is clearly hated by the country and 'Real Americans'TM are clearly lined up against him.

I guess in your mind the following numbers are proof positive of a complete outrage on behalf of 'Real Americans'TM? Or does this suggest that maybe Americans enjoy government intervention?

And what's this? Majority of Americans support the creation of a public option? Heresy!

I can't tell if you really believe all this, or just like to fuck with people. I don't know which scenario I dislike more.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

gotta love the understated racism (man-child)
Incorrect. It is a commentary on his lack of experience, his spoiled & selfish behavior, and his general lack of any ability to actually deal with opposing ideas with any degree of maturity. But false accusations of racism when faced with opposition is a tradition on the left - as we've seen all too often lately.
the hyperbole (radicals)
In the last 18 months these radicals have implemented a plan to ration health care, quadrupled the national debt, established huge unconstitutional increases in federal power over finance and other industries - all against the will of the people. Bailouts, industry takeovers, tax increases, cap & tax, amnesty, health care reform, and on and on and on - all things solidly opposed by a 2/3 majority of the people (or higher). This administration and congress is the most left-wing, radical, out of step clot of extremists that this nation has ever seen in positions of power. The only people that 'like' what they're doing is the 25-30% or so of the country that occupies the far left. Conservatives, Repubicans, and Independents are roundly rejecting everything these radicals are doing - and they make up 65-70% of America.
the blanket portrayals of Europeans as poverty-stricken communists
While Obama & the other radicals are doubling down with leftist economics - Europe is doing the opposite. Greece, Italy, Spain, Britain, Germany - day after day the stories pile up about how they are turning to 'privitization' in order to save themselves from fiscal disasters. It isn't that they're poverty-stricken communists. It is that they have followed the misguided principles of leftist economics, and now they turning to capitalism to pull themselves out of the hole... All while the Man-Child is doing the opposite and putting American further in debt in a time of economic turmoil & trouble. Says something, don't it?
And the rhetorical attacks on Obama (how's his polling these days?
Pretty lousy - actually...
Isn't there majority support for Health Care reform? Isn't there still majority support for a Public Option?
In NeoLib-Lala-Land maybe, but not on planet Earth. The only thing there is 'majority support' for is for repealing the bill.
Folks on the left need to learn a lesson quickly. YOU ARE THE FRINGE. The left likes to walk around thinking they are mainstream and popular. You aren't. Leftist policy and philosophy is radical and unpopular. And when you try to ram it down people's throats it makes you even more radical and unpopular. Leftism isn't compassion. It is cruel. Leftism doesn't lead to prosperity or tolerance. It leads to poverty and balkanization.

The Tea Party History for Dummies

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

gotta love the understated racism (man-child)

Incorrect. It is a commentary on his lack of experience, his spoiled & selfish behavior, and his general lack of any ability to actually deal with opposing ideas with any degree of maturity. But false accusations of racism when faced with opposition is a tradition on the left - as we've seen all too often lately.

the hyperbole (radicals)

In the last 18 months these radicals have implemented a plan to ration health care, quadrupled the national debt, established huge unconstitutional increases in federal power over finance and other industries - all against the will of the people. Bailouts, industry takeovers, tax increases, cap & tax, amnesty, health care reform, and on and on and on - all things solidly opposed by a 2/3 majority of the people (or higher). This administration and congress is the most left-wing, radical, out of step clot of extremists that this nation has ever seen in positions of power. The only people that 'like' what they're doing is the 25-30% or so of the country that occupies the far left. Conservatives, Repubicans, and Independents are roundly rejecting everything these radicals are doing - and they make up 65-70% of America.

the blanket portrayals of Europeans as poverty-stricken communists

While Obama & the other radicals are doubling down with leftist economics - Europe is doing the opposite. Greece, Italy, Spain, Britain, Germany - day after day the stories pile up about how they are turning to 'privitization' in order to save themselves from fiscal disasters. It isn't that they're poverty-stricken communists. It is that they have followed the misguided principles of leftist economics, and now they turning to capitalism to pull themselves out of the hole... All while the Man-Child is doing the opposite and putting American further in debt in a time of economic turmoil & trouble. Says something, don't it?

And the rhetorical attacks on Obama (how's his polling these days?

Pretty lousy - actually...

Isn't there majority support for Health Care reform? Isn't there still majority support for a Public Option?

In NeoLib-Lala-Land maybe, but not on planet Earth. The only thing there is 'majority support' for is for repealing the bill.

Folks on the left need to learn a lesson quickly. YOU ARE THE FRINGE. The left likes to walk around thinking they are mainstream and popular. You aren't. Leftist policy and philosophy is radical and unpopular. And when you try to ram it down people's throats it makes you even more radical and unpopular. Leftism isn't compassion. It is cruel. Leftism doesn't lead to prosperity or tolerance. It leads to poverty and balkanization.

blankfist (Member Profile)

G20 Toronto - Police Rape Threats, Strip Search - Amy Miller

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

Unsubscribe Me from Forced Position Torture

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'amnesty international, cia, torture, waiuardsting for the g' to 'amnesty international, cia, torture, waiting for the guards' - edited by kronosposeidon

Unsubscribe Me from Forced Position Torture

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'amnesty international, cia, torture' to 'amnesty international, cia, torture, waiuardsting for the g' - edited by kronosposeidon

Why Do So Many Republicans Believe Lies About Obama?

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

A more apt question might be, "Why do so many Democrats discuss polls from Media Matters as if they had credibility?"

To be frank about this - why lie when the truth is better? Back in the 00s, Democrats created a whole bunch of talking points about Bush, Rove & their agenda items. Horror stories of the military industrial complex, deficits, debt, neocons, and such were easy to sell to the left because there was some truth to it. Bush did hike military spending, increase the deficit, run up debt, and philosophically tilted towards pro-Israel foreign policy. There was meat on the Democrat propoganda bones. Like all demagogues, there was ridiculousness mixed in - but the core wasn't all that off the mark.

"Lies about Obama..." So far they aren't so much lies as they are very slight exaggerations. The GOP says Obama is socialist, is running up unsupportable debt, is taking over key industries, wants single-payer health care, energy taxes, illegal amnesty, and so on. So far I'm not seeing anything that disproves those as 'lies' any more than Democrats were 'lying' about Bush.

As far as I can tell, what the GOP is saying about Obama's agenda is just about spot on. The icky health care bill is indeed designed to wipe out private insurance and redistribute wealth while not saving money at all. Obama is warming up to hit the entire US with pointless energy taxes next. He's already leaking talking points for illegal amnesty. He's already 'bailed out' big labor pension plans using the TARP money, and is looking like he's out to use more funds to bail out other labor goons including the Teacher's union & state pensions. The CBO just released a projection that by 2020, 90% of the entire nation's GDP will be needed to meet government obligations. Please explain how the GOP is wrong in their analysis of Barak Obama as a radical leftist, socialist, big government tax & $pender who is well on the way to ruining the economy.

Obama Schools John Barasso

Stormsinger says...

In many ways, I agree...he clearly -does- understand. Now, if he could just translate that understanding into -doing- what he says he'll do. So far, on every single issue I cared about, he's failed to move in the direction he said he would.

No single payer.
He voted for amnesty for telecoms who illegally wiretapped.
Nobody is going to be held responsible for the use of torture.
Guantanamo is still open.
We're still involved in two hopeless wars.
We still don't have -any- financial reform, much less something meaningful.
We still have don't ask, don't tell.
We still have the Defense of Marriage Act.
The Justice Department has -expanded- the state secrets defense even farther than the claims made by the Bush administration.

I'm not really willing to give him much more benefit of the doubt, until and unless he starts living up to at least -some- of his promises.

Aristide and the endless revolution (2005)

NordlichReiter says...

This guy is a very good speaker. His gestures are.. He strikes me as a lie. A living lie.

I'm going to Godwin this now, there are other good speakers, and one that he reminds me of is Hitler.

US, plutocratic actions on Haiti, if true are deplorable.

Accusations of widespread human rights abuses

Human Rights Watch accused the Haitian police force under President Aristide, and his political supporters, of attacks on opposition rallies. They also said that the emergence of armed rebel groups seeking to overthrow Aristide reflected "the failure of the country’s democratic institutions and procedures."[27]

The OAS/UN International Civilian Mission in Haiti, known as MICIVIH (its French acronym) found that the human-rights situation in Haiti improved dramatically following Aristide's return to power in 1994. [28] Amnesty International reported that Haiti was "descending into a severe humanitarian and human rights crisis" after Aristide's departure in 2004.[29]
[edit] Accusations of drug trafficking

Drug trafficking was allegedly a major source of money. Canadian police arrested Oriel Jean, Aristide's security chief and one of the most trusted friends, for money laundering.[30] Beaudoin Ketant, a notorious international drug trafficker, Aristide's close partner, and his daughter's godfather, confessed that Aristide "turned the country into a narco-country. It's a one-man show. You either pay (Aristide) or you die." Aristide denied the allegation, and the U.S. has not charged him directly with involvment in the drug trade.[31]
[edit] Accusations of corruption

Haitian investigators claimed to have discovered extensive embezzlement and money laundering by Aristide's administration, in which millions of dollars of public funds were allegedly lost to sophisticated financial transactions.[32] Aristide has forcefully denied these accusations. [33] The Haitian government filed a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) lawsuit in the U.S. in Miami, Florida, in November of 2005, alleging that Aristide and his associates took hundreds of thousands of dollars in kickbacks from the long distance company IDT, and that IDT diverted into a secret offshore bank account controlled by Aristide payments that should have gone to the Haitian company Teleco. The lawsuit was suspended by the Haitian government on June 30, 2006. [34][35]
[edit] Accusations of embezzlement of telecom revenues

According to a report by Christopher Caldwell in the July 1994 American Spectator, Aristide stole Haiti's telecom revenues while in the United States. Caldwell claims that, between 1991 and 1994, Aristide ordered that the proceeds from Haiti's international phone traffic, handled by the Latin American division of AT&T, be moved to a numbered offshore bank account in Panama.[36]

Some officials have been indicted by an US court.[37] The companies which made deals with Aristide included IDT, Fusion Telecommunications, and Skytel; critics claim the two first companies had political links. AT&T reportedly declined to wire money to "Mont Salem".[38][39][40][41]

TDS: Jon Stewart Rips the Hysterical Democrat Wusses

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I always make sense, and Obama is a far-left radical. It isn't hyperbole. It is unequivocal fact. His agenda items are all leftist radical wet-dreams. Cap & trade. Universal health care. Government ownership of businesses. His background & education? Radical left wing. His heroes & mentors? Radical left wing. His preachers and colleagues? Radical left wing. If it's educated by ducks, associates with ducks, and all its policies are ducks then just MAYBE it's a duck. When a duck is a duck, it isn't 'hyperbole' to call it a duck. When a man governs like a far left radical, then it isn't hyperbole to call him a far left radical.

Now - I know for a fact that the far left radicals of the U.S. don't think Obama is radical ENOUGH. HuffPo, KoS, DU and all the radical left wing blogs are desperately buzz buzz buzzing about the Brown election. The mental gesticulations - the absolute warping of fact & reality - that they are spewing out is amazing.

According to the radical left, Obama was elected by a country of far-left leaning independants and progressives so that he could change America into Euro-Socio-Rouge-land and try everyone they disagree with as war criminals. Obama didn't make that happen - and THAT is why independants voted for Brown. Oh - I see - so a bunch of far-left indie voters didn't get ENOUGH radical left wing policies enacted and so they decided to vote for a guy who ran on a platform that was DIAMETRICALLY opposed to their own? Ooookaaaaay... :cuckoo!:

Brown has made no bones about it. He's pro-life, anti-global warming, anti-universal health care, and pretty much "anti" everything the radical left wants. Croakley was everything the radical left wanted. She was a rubber stamp for abortion, universal health care, immigration amnesty, cap & trade - the whole ball of wax.

And so these geniuses on the left wing blogs expect everyone to believe that left wing voters were so angry because they didn't get ENOUGH far left radical agenda passed that they pulled the metaphysical equivalent of voting Rush Limbaugh into office. Yeah. Right... B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b

Laura Ingraham vs. Devout Atheist

hpqp says...

wow, no one has given me such homicidal urges as this braindead bigot has...

One thing that really pisses me off is when christians use the "humanitarian aid" and "charity" argument. All the main and most widespread humanitarian aid groups are secular (UN, CICR, MSF, Amnesty International, etc.), while a lot of those "missionaries" do much more harm than good, feeding on the misery and lack of education of people in need to push their sick beliefs, some of which are counter-humanitarian (I'm looking at you, pope).

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