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20 Foot Front Flip

cybrbeast says...

Some athletes and physics say that a somersault would increase the max distance of the long jump, however the technique has been banned for safety reasons
Would make the sport a lot more interesting to look at.

Here is an article on it:

July 29, 1974
The Flip That Led To A Flap
The sport's august officialdom is alarmed by a new long-jumping technique that could endanger a few necks—and the 30-foot barrier


In contrast, Ecker points out that the flip enables the jumper to take off from the board almost at full speed and at a more desirable higher angle. When he tucks and rolls into a somersault, wind resistance is cut. And since rotation is working with him rather than against him, his feet will land—assuming correct execution—well ahead of his body, and the latter should follow on through so that he does not fall back in the pit. In practice, the hardest part of the new technique to learn is landing. "Wiping out in the flip," Delamere says painfully, "is coming down butt first." To preclude that dire end, the East Germans reportedly have theorized that a half-twist should be added to the flip so that the jumper lands facing the board.

Few things in sport prove as easy in competition as on paper, and the flip is no exception. While the dynamics of the new technique may satisfy the laws of physics, the danger factor is at least a worrisome possibility.


Freemason Mystery Building Discovered At Province Capitol

Freemason Mystery Building Discovered At Province Capitol

Hot chick riding big poles

Bernanke is right, No Inflation Is Going on now. (Money Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:
What. The. Fuck. The currency's value is driven specifically by its supply. Never in history has it not. In any economy! Stop spreading your partisan misinformation, please!

Okay, deep breaths. Reread what I said that followed the portion you quoted. Read (or reread) the article marinara linked.

Back? Awesome. Now, say I can buy a loaf of bread for $1 today. Let's say after the store closes, the Fed "prints" enough money to double the money supply, gives it to banks, and the banks say "just put it on our account and keep it in your vault, we don't wanna lend that out right now". So the Fed just carts it from the printers to their vault.

Will a loaf of bread cost $2 when the store opens the next day?

Bonus question: Will a euro cost me twice as much that next morning, as soon as the exchange hears about what the Fed's done?

Because Austrian economics is just libertarianism? Well, in that case, I'm glad you recognize people like Thomas Jefferson to be Libertarian in nature. Though, I doubt you could consider Andrew Jackson, the racist father of your Democratic party, to be Libertarian. Obviously neither studied Austrian Economics, but both were adamantly against a centralized bank system. What does that do for your bullshit hypothesis that Austrian Economics is thinly veiled Libertarianism? Probably nothing good, right? Yeah, what I figured.

Okay, let me walk through your reasoning here. You're saying Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are neither libertarians, nor Austrians, but were anti-central bank. This disproves my theory that Austrians based their theories on axioms designed to support libertarian ideology how?

Here's how you'd go about proving me wrong: name one government policy that Austrian Economic theory recommends that libertarians and anarcho-capitalists would disagree with.

Actually, being against an elitist, big money, powerful central bank is not an idea solely indicative of Austrian Economics. It's a universal idea most agree with... except those who tow their Democratic party lines so blindly and carefully.

There are plenty of people who might disagree with something the Fed's done, or give a negative job rating for the Fed at any given time, but that's different (as in the difference between saying "I hate what Obama's doing" and "I want to eliminate the Presidency entirely"). I think a far more accurate statement would be that most people have no clue what the Federal Reserve is or does -- I'd be shocked if even 20% could accurately tie it to money supply or interest rates.

I want to see some polling backing up your overtly partisan claims. I'd say the number of people who actively want the Fed abolished utterly is pretty small, and tightly linked to the number of people who're blind followers of fans of Ron Paul.

Some obscenely impressive body control/strength in NY

Bananular says...

Seriously, when Is the palm plant back-flip EVER going to do you any good? I'm more of a fan of parkour, getting from point A to B as fast as possible. I agree, these guys are insanely talented, but I don't see them running up walls, falling from heights into rolls, or doing any kind of creative EFFICIENT technique of vaulting over an obstacle. Sure, the beginning was pretty amazing when they were flipping over the railing, but then they just wanted to show off by doing handstands on it. These are grown men showing off to four year olds in a playground how many one handed pull-ups they can do. I'd put money on them being able to do more impressive stunts including more obstacles.

I can do a handstand on my skateboard while moving, jump from my hands onto my feet and keep rolling. do I get a medal? maybe they're gym rats and could break my left arm in a right handed arm wrestle, but I think my skateboard handstand requires more coordination than any of these moves.

EDD (Member Profile)

spoco2 says...

Ha! How awesome is that?

My wife and I just looked agog on the set when he opened it... and both thought 'my god, how OLD is that set?'.

Apparently had we not let him play with it we could have got around $250 for it, but hey... it's meant for playing with, and how many kids can say they got and played with a 35 year old lego set for their birthday?

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Wow, just wow, spoco - my first Lego possession was that exact same set And yeah, completely agree with all of the above, what a nostalgia trip

>> ^spoco2:

LEGO Secret Vault Contains All Sets In History

LEGO Secret Vault Contains All Sets In History

LEGO Secret Vault Contains All Sets In History

LEGO Secret Vault Contains All Sets In History

LEGO Secret Vault Contains All Sets In History

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'nostalgia, LEGO, preserved, for, posterity' to 'nostalgia, LEGO, original, sets, vault, preserved, for, posterity, danish, denmark' - edited by kronosposeidon

Crake (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

LEGO Secret Vault Contains All Sets In History

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