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Motorcycle Gymnast flips out over wreck

Drachen_Jager says...

"The story circulating about this video is that the man on the motorcycle is a gymnast. Just before he smacked into the side of a truck, he intentionally vaulted over the handlebars."

That's total BS, the frame before impact he's just sitting there.

Guy's an idiot who wasn't paying attention, if he'd had enough presence of mind to do SOMETHING before the accident you'd think he'd have hit the brakes or turned to the left slightly. He was just lucky to be catapulted clear, has nothing to do with skill, whether he's a gymnast or not.

Joan Sutherland 1936-2010

Stormsinger says...

>> ^Enzoblue:

>> ^Stormsinger:
-Where- do I know this song from? I'll bet it was a cartoon, but damned if I can think of which one.

Check the Wiki page here, it's been in a lot of things.
Promote for Jan

That was the first or second place I looked. Sadly, it doesn't list specific cartoons...nor does any other reference I can find. That just seems like something that -somebody- on the internet should have assembled: a list of opera songs and the cartoons they appeared in. Ah well...

I can almost see the had fairies frolicking in the woods. Sliding down leaves and vaulting off the ends to do dives into "swimming pools" like some bromeliads. I'm thinking something way older than loony tunes, maybe from around the 30s or 40s.

Stephen Fry on American College Football

Torchlight II, With Multiplayer, Gamescom 2010 Trailer

Financial Reform Bill Ensures Wall St. Scams Keep Running

quantumushroom says...

Liberal insanity (doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results).

Every time Sh;tgress takes a break from their year-round vacations to draft new legislation, we're screwed. Are you beginning to understand?

We could seal every last one of the bastards in a vault for 10 years and leave the laws as they are and be no worse for wear.

But let's assume for a minute that this new garbage legislation does exactly what the left wants it to do. Even in this pristine fictional form, the very real consequences will be higher taxes or more debt (someone has to pay for those new bureaucraps/police) more crippling regulations for businesses and, oh, I almost forgot, the average joe (whom taxocrats claim to be standing up for) not only is taxed more, businesses will simply pass along costs.

With thugverment---a necessary evil and nothing more---the cure is almost always worse than the disease.

Top Of Boat Crushed By Table Bridge

Paul Reubens introduces Pee Wee's Big Adventure 6/26/10

rougy says...

I hope they put this film in a classic vault.

One of my favorites.

I especially like the big but...because everybody's got a big but.

Awesome Asteroid Impact Simulation Set to Pink Floyd

MaxWilder says...

She was also unaware of how amazing her performance was when they recorded it. She came out of the booth and apologized. Just goes to show, you are not always a good judge of your own work.

In regards to the asteroid, videos like this make me want to start making Vaults around the world. Of course, Lunar and Mars colonization would be good too. It freaks me out to know that every living thing we know of could still be wiped out if the Earth was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We need to have some backups.

"Survival Under Atomic Attack" - 1950s Civil Defense Film

Pole Vault Fail

Goldfish - Fort Knox

Don't Steal Bikes Bro

Raaagh says...

A mate told me his ... cousin(?) had his bike stolen, and a few weeks later was sitting out front of a cafe when he saw a dude sitting on his bike at the lights. He vaulted out onto the street, and poleaxed him saying "This is my bike" and rode off with it.

I always wondered if the dude he took out bought it innocently from a second hand store.

Bar Collapses Through Second Story Floor

Vib Ribbon - Overflowing emotions / Roll Along

Stormsinger says...

I assume you had to hit controls at precise times to initiate the "jump/slide/vault/step over" the obstacle, in time to the music. Something like guitar hero with strange little animated music videos. Am I close?

Glenn Beck Tragically Alive After Fatal Car Accident

deputydog says...

News ticker stories (stolen from Reddit)...

- Black & Decker named official torture device of the 'hostel' series.
- New fertility drug promises to help couples realize dream of having TLC show.
- Media watchdogs criticize Calvin Klein's 'Penetration' cologne.
- Report: Wikipedia ushering in golden age of Holocaust revisionism.
- Haagen-Dazs released new line of ice creams for barren women.
- White house reluctantly accepts Collect Call from Indonesia.
- IRS rebrands itself 'The S' to appeal to younger demographic.
- Happening Now: Cottage cheese ruined by mental image of grandmother eating cottage cheese.
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas re-released from Disney Vault.

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