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Bill Maher talks to Richard Clarke about Bin Laden

ravioli says...

This guy appears to be funny with his witty one-liners but it's the same language used in the diplomatic leaks revealed last year. I am amazed how these diplomats think in a uni-dimensional way. I know he had to crunch the intell and condense it in one sentence for the commander in chief, but gee....

Manau - La Tribu de Dana

Kanahtare says...

And for the frenchies:
Manau - La Tribu De Dana lyrics

Le vent souffle sur les plaines de la Bretagne armoricaine,
je jette un dernier regard sur ma femme, mon fils et mon domaine.
Akim, le fils du forgeron est venu me chercher, les druides ont décidé de mener le combat dans la vallée.
Là, où tous nos ancêtres, de géants guerriers celtes, après de grandes batailles, se sont imposés en maîtres, c'est l'heure maintenant de défendre notre terre contre une armée de Simeriens prête à croiser le fer.
Toute la tribu s'est réunie autour de grands menhirs, pour invoquer les dieux afin qu'ils puissent nous bénir. Après cette prière avec mes frères sans faire état de zèle, les chefs nous ont donné à tous des gorgées d'hydromel, pour le courage, pour pas qu'il y ait de faille, pour rester grand set fiers quand nous serons dans la bataille car c'est la première fois pour moi que je pars au combat et j'espère être digne de la tribu de Dana.

Dans la vallée de DAna La lilala.
Dans la vallée j'ai pu entendre les échos.
Dans la vallée de Dana La lilala.
Dans la vallée des chants de guerre près des tombeaux.

Après quelques incantations de druides et de magie, toute la tribu, le glaive en main courait vers l'ennemi, la lutte était terrible et je ne voyais que les ombres, tranchant l'ennemi qui revenait toujours en surnombre.
Mes frères tombaient l'un après l'autre devant mon regard, sous le poids des armes que possédaient tous ces barbares, des lances, des haches et des épées dans le jardin d'Eden qui écoulait du sang sur l'herbe verte de la plaine. Comme ces jours de peine où l'homme se traîne à la limite du règne du mal et de la haine, fallait-il continuer ce combat déjà perdu, mais telle était la fierté de toute la tribu, la lutte a continué comme ça jusqu'au soleil couchant, de férocité extrême en plus d'acharnement, fallait défendre la terre de nos ancêtres enterrés là et pour toutes les lois de la tribu de Dana.


Au bout de la vallée on entendait le son d'une corne, d'un chef ennemi qui appelait toute sa horde, avait-il compris qu'on lutterait même en enfer et qu'à la tribu de Dana appartenaient ces terres. Les guerriers repartaient, je ne comprenais pas tout le chemin qu'ils avaient fait pour en arriver là,quand mon regard se posa tout autour de moi, j'étais le seul debout de la tribu voilà pourquoi. Mes doigts se sont écartés tout en lâchant mes arme set le long de mes joues se sont mises à couler des larmes, je n'ai jamais compris pourquoi les dieux m'ont épargné de ce jour noir de notre histoire que j'ai contée.
Le vent souffle toujours sur la Bretagne armoricaine et j'ai rejoins ma femme, mon fils et mon domaine, j'ai tout reconstruit de mes mains pour en arriver là, je suis devenu roi de la tribu de Dana.


Matt Damon defending teachers [THE FULL VIDEO]

ChaosEngine says...

Was anyone else reminded of a Christmas Carol whenever that stupid interviewer opened her mouth?

"Are there no prisons?" asked Scrooge.

"Plenty of prisons," said the gentleman, laying down the pen again.

"And the Union workhouses?" demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation?"

"They are. Still," returned the gentleman, "I wish I could say they were not."

"The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?" said Scrooge.

"Both very busy, sir."

"Oh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their
useful course," said Scrooge. "I'm very glad to hear it."

Personally, having had some experience teaching part time while in uni, you could not pay me enough money to do it. So I have nothing but the utmost respect for those that are willing to put up with non-stop stress, abuse and crappy pay and still try to educate kids. Damon is absolutely right.

TEDxCopenhagen - Why We Shouldn't Bike with a Helmet

Kofi says...

I am in the south-east but I guess I am mainly referring to road cyclists and uni students. Plus I am kind of biased as I used to do amateur road/mountain biking and NO ONE didn't wear a helmet but then again they are far more seriously about it than teenagers mucking about after school etc. However, if I see someone riding without a helmet it usually sticks in my head . I used to live in the north and you are probably right. Not that they are necessarily bad kids but they do seem to respect authority less.

In copenhagen where this guy us referring to the roads in the CBD are bike oriented and they don't have helmet rules to encourage everyone to ride. There is far more adequate road safety there where you don't have to compete with cars like normal cities. So while his argument is slightly less invalid in Copenhagen it does not transfer to almost anywhere else.

Superman Classroom Fail of the Day: Superman at Uni Fail.

In Line

kymbos says...

This happened once when I was at uni. This guy, who I don't know but will remember as a personal hero, gave someone the biggest serve and shamed him to the back of the line. It was truly a beautiful moment in my life.

RSA Animate - 21st century enlightenment

kranzfakfa says...

That these come from a society of arts surprises me not. Having studied art at the University of Fine Arts, the lightness on facts and analysis and heavy on the self-righteous and judgmental brings me back to the kind of simplistic discussions that we were encouraged to pursue in the Uni (as long as, you know, you cover everything with a shiny coat of complicated words or nice pictures - can't have anyone going around exposing our hypocrisy by making sense).

Art has divorced itself from reality since post-modernism, perhaps even before. The argument made here that enlightenment ideals have failed and we need some new bogus spiritual (and I'm using the word in a broad sense, not talking just about religious spirituality) way of looking at the world just sounds to me like a perfect way to plunge the world into a new dark age of thought.

Enlightenment didn't fail, it was corroded over time by the usual suspects - greed, ignorance, selfishness. It doesn't need replacement, it needs renewing. "Every generation needs its own revolution" because conditions and forces on the terrain are always changing, but the ideals of reason and progress, have no doubt, are eternal and the only tools that can save the naked ape. Lazy thinking bestows us no miracles.

More WTF Per Minute Than Any Other Music Video

Zero Punctuation: Two Worlds II

Matthu says...

I like this game a lot. I give it 78/100.

Magic is just damn fun, it's a blast.

@kceaton1 I'm level 22 and pure necro, I don't know what you're talking about waiting 5 minutes and necro being underpowered. If it's a minor fight, I just summon 1 or 2 skeles then blast my target with spectral magic, he dies fast. I finished all the arena challenges, and they were great, a lot of fun, just challenging enough after I levelled up a bit. For the final few arena challenges I would rush it start summoning like mad, summon 8 or 9 skeles then go to work with missiles. Mabe you haven't yet realized that you can stack the same cards on top of each other for lengthier summons, more summons and summons of a high level.

I really enjoyed that whole quest line with the crime boss and the chick and that guy mirage, and the tongue. By the end I was truly engrossed and was sad to see some characters leave you at the end of that quest line. There was not a single quest line that really engrossed me like that in Oblivion.

Anyways, I'm sure the ps3 version I'm playing is better than the pc version. The ps3's version has an interface that doesn't frustrate me at all, fast and easy to navigate.

I find the feeling of character progression in TW2 is better, in Oblivion, there's the mobs levelling with you problem and the lack of items which ends up with you having nothing to do by level 25 aside from finish the story and concoct spells at the Uni.

This game is an excellent way to get your fix until Skyrim.

90 Pregnancies in One High School

Reefie says...

>> ^bareboards2:
I'm not sure that this is the reason. You think these kids don't know what a condom is? This isn't a rural isolated school.
There have been anecdotal reports of young women getting pregnant so that they will have someone who will love them. To me, this epidemic of pregnancies is a reflection of low self-esteem and poverty, of young women seeking to feel relevant and empowered.
Teachings about condoms isn't going to fix that.
>> ^Skeeve:
In all seriousness though, I'd be willing to be this has something to do with abstinence-only sexual education and a lack of education about, and availability of, protection.
When are people going to realize that teenagers have sex whether you want them to or not? Providing education and protection is the only real solution.
>> <

Sounds very much like why my youngest sister got herself pregnant. That plus the benefits situation in the UK can help someone generate an income for the next 16 years, longer if the children stay at home while attending uni or other forms of further education. You're right that teaching these teenagers about condoms might not fix the problem, but teaching them what it's like to raise a child might be a good way to put them off - let's have all teenagers (boys and girls) work in old folks homes for a few months so they get first-hand experience of nappy-changing, bathing, feeding, and overall the responsibility of having to look after another person.

Google's increasingly worthless search results (Blog Entry by dag)

kevin spacey is really, really good at impressions

Richard Feynmann explains to ICP how magnets work.

A Different View on the Science Behind Global Warming

GeeSussFreeK says...

Given your bullet reply I will do likewise. (even though I think that turns our conversation into more of an argument, and I hate arguments)

I) Both sides had only mathematical constructs with a central notion of understanding behind the numbers. What I mean is, there was no NASA or anything to go look...there was only math. The Heliocentric model was exactly that, a (very) complex mathematical model (of exceptions) to explain the motion of the planets based on observed phenomena. Geocentrism had data as well, but lacked the cultural bias for it to be accepted as a valid view point. Which adds to my point, not detracts from it; as my point what theories get mocked or accepted has more to do with culture than premise.

A) I bet you didn't read the link I posted, and I can't blame you (Quine on a weekday and all!). But what I wrote was a hasty, and perhaps, oversimplified version of Quines waxing and waning on the politics of science. You can see examples of this today where scientists and large hang on the breath of the great intellectuals of the day, like Stephen Hawking. Or, how quickly Einstein is falling out of favor now that quantum doesn't quite add up. More than likely, within our lifetime, you will stop hearing about space time curves and it will be supplanted by some other thing. The main difference between planet orbits and the general laws of the universe are that you can go outside and look at the orbit (with a rocket). You can't go just "see" the laws of nature and therefore have no reason to thing Enstein was any more right about space time curves than of fundamental forces. You can explain, using Newtonian language and adapting its math, relativity and motion. The reason we don't has more to do with culture and self advocacy than evidence. And to the point, that still doesn't address the primary problem, that of which, the PEERS that review are under the influence of culture, they are the rose colored glasses to which I was referring all along.

B) See, I understand a bit of that. But ultimately that seems like an undersell to how life works on this planet. No doubt, change will bring hardship on certain species, but wouldn't also create new opportunities for others? A lack of snow on the tundra is bad for snow foxes...but good for regular foxes. Change is one thing life on this planet handles for individual members their fates are less certain.

C) I disagree on 2 counts. One is my first example. Simply put, even if you idea treads water, it can be framed in such a way as to be demeaned of any value, regardless of merit. You can see this in media smear campaign stuff, if you can frame someone as a nut job, it will discredit them. For example, "The Industrial Revolution and its consequences" is a great read and has many, good observations....but is written by the uni bomber so not high on anyone's reading list. It isn't culturally acceptable to go...hey, the uni bomber is right, this is a problem! Same goes for here, it doesn't matter if it's 600 or 6000 scientists that disagree with the climate change model, if your ideas aren't popular, no one is going to be there to listen.

And second, you can't prove a negative. The only way the could prove that climate change isn't human caused is to completely understand the whole system and then point out how humans are trivial factors. In other words, they would have to be able to do the thing that no climatologist can claim, to know the whole truth about the weather and all its complexities. The burden of proof is actually on those making the claim, not the ones countering that claim. So really, the only thing they have to proof is nothing and just make the assertion that the doomsays math doesn't add up (and why). They just have to poke the holes in the boat in other words...which is what I think they are getting ostracized for. Get on board or get out kind of thing. But that is just an outsiders opinion.

A DIY Rail Gun! 1.25kJ Homemade Magnetic Coilgun

Reefie says...

Gunpowder, your future is safe for now.

Good railgun effort. Looks like it was done for a uni project but maybe the guy is very enthusiastic and did it for fun! I was misled by the video's description, I thought he'd be using the railgun to launch domestic appliances

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