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newtboy (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Well, there we differ.

I don't engage anymore with people who are so passionate about their beliefs, they insult others. There is nothing I can say that will change them.

What was posted was just fine, just as it was.

Did you know that there are a disproportionate number of vegetarians in Britian? And there are a lot of them? So they have an interesting population to study.

I read somewhere that vegetarians, on average, have a higher IQ than the general population. Makes sense to me -- they read, they empathize, they question. That all takes intelligence.

It really doesn't matter to me if they "go too far." That is just passion. That is how change happens -- folks on the fringe pulling us sluggards in the middle out of our complacency.

I have more trouble the Sanders contingent than I do with vegans. Same dynamic -- they are passionate about their topic, and they don't differentiate between compromise and selling out, and if they keep this shit up, if Hillary gets the nomination, Trump might actually win.

Now THAT is over the top behavior that has real consequences.

Being passionate on the Sift is fine. If you don't like it, I honestly think it is better not to engage. Keeps your blood pressure down. Since trying to change their minds (on any passionately held topic) is fruitless, you are actually ahead.

You get low blood pressure!

(And I agree that we "should" have a mostly plant based diet. For a multitude of reasons -- health, the environment, limited resources, water usage, the list is pretty long before you even get to the abuse that animals in factory farms suffer. Do I have a plant based diet? No. Do I feel shame for not doing what is right? Yes. Am I going to change? No. "Should" I change? Yes. Do I enjoy the passionate and scolding posts made by friends on Facebook? No. Do I stop following them to "save" myself? No.

Instead of the Art of War, I am trying to practice the Art of Disengagement. Better for my health!)

newtboy said:

We've gotten along in the past, so please allow me to enlighten you.
I downvoted him/her.
I DO have loved ones who are vegan for ethical/emotional reasons. They changed their diet after home butchering a lot of their livestock for a party, so I totally understand their reasoning. They, however, do not attack and insult others that don't feel the same way that they do, but this poster does, constantly.

Vegans, like any large group, run the gamut from smart, caring, and intelligent to stupid, self centered, and dumb. Please don't fool yourself into thinking they are all the same. They aren't.

I downvoted them because they repeatedly said (false) insulting things like "enslaved, tortured, confined and violently murdered for their pleasure, preferences and entertainment" about all meat eaters/producers. I take that as a number of intentional insults directed at anyone that has a different opinion or situation from them, painting >95% of people in the worst possible light, and using never ending ridiculous self serving emotional quotes to back up their insults (but never any actual fact).

I would note that this poster also makes absolutely no distinction between factory farms and free range, non abusive, caring farmers that practice humane farming and butchering and calls them all unthinking non-empathetic torturing murdering slave masters, along with all their customers. Every time someone perches on their high horse and makes such insanely overboard insulting blanket accusations (clearly based in ignorance) against nearly all humans, I'm going to downvote it....and I'm not alone in taking offence.

I have no problem with anyone being vegan. I don't have any problem with them talking about it and their experiences with it. I have a HUGE problem with anyone constantly insulting, lambasting, deriding, guilt tripping, and shaming all others that have made a different choice for their own varied and unknown (unknown to the guilt trippers) reasons.

The Blackface Democrat

enoch says...

this is offensive on so many levels.
let me guess bob,because a black man posted this,it must,therefore NOT be racist?

this is incredibly racist,because this man is basically saying that black folk are too stupid to make up their own minds.that they are chumps and sell-outs for simply always voting democrat.

because republicans have ALWAYS been a voice of reason and championed the underclass! right bob?

we could use the same logic and apply it to the mind-numbing meth-head hillbillies who get cock hard at the voice of trump.who are convinced that the republicans represent freedom,liberty and the constitution.

while those very same republicans consistently rob these people,of modest means mind you,to pay their buddies in wall street.who pass legislation to poison their water,dumb down their kids,create food deserts,incarcerate them (while giving their CEO buddies a pass and a slap on the wrist).continue to allow tax breaks and subsidies for their donors.passing laws allowing big corporations to send jobs to china and utilizing prison labor (slaves) and then BLAMING the people!

yeah bob,that coin turns both ways.

so the black man who blindly votes democrat can be criticized for his lack of foresight,but so can the aging white racist who consistently votes republican.

because neither the republican nor the democratic party give a flying fuck about either of you.

you both are sell-outs,chumps and uncle toms to a system that threw you both overboard 40 years ago.

fuck this video,and fuck you bob.


"YOU are WORTHLESS" -the economy

Lawdeedaw says...

As a negative person, I think bob does blame Republicans. At least those that "sell out the core values" etc...

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Meh. How about you try and answer your own questions.

Would YOU blame Bush?

No? because he's only one person who doesn't have absolute control over congress or the fiscal policies they put forth?

Recently, you've mentioned how K Street lobbyists have their claws in everyone..

Does that include all 301 Republicans currently in Congress?

Or are those people magically exempt from the influence of: millions in campaign donations, gifts/perks, & guaranteed, cushy, post-congressional careers?

If so, would Democrats automatically become immune from corruption if they switched parties?

Omg, one party solution! China was right.
(I'm mean.. except for the dirty Commie thing.)

If we just eliminate Democrats and liberals, everything will be fixed!
*pat pat* You're a genius! little buddy.

Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know

bobknight33 says...

That's what happens when K street gets their grips in you. All are bought. All need $ and succumb to this shit and sell out the American people.

Need to make running office dirt cheep. Or have bright, super rich who don't need to be bought to run.

Japanese Taiko Drum group Zero, "Gravity"

Real Time with Bill Maher: 2016 Billionaire Buyers Guide

newtboy says...

Pretty simple. When a republican sells out to business, it's what their base expects them to do so they can be fairly open about it, but when a democrat does, it must be "secret" or they'll lose their support. That makes it easier to buy, and easier to keep a republican. That certainly doesn't mean democrats aren't for sale, just not as open about it.

lantern53 said:

You'd have a hell of a time proving that point, so I'd like to see you try.
And I'm not defending Republicans. Democrats and Republicans are both slimeballs, in general. Democrats in Congress are no better than anyone else.

DeNiro, Dicaprio, Pitt, and Scorsese Sell Out for Casino Ad

DeNiro, Dicaprio, Pitt, and Scorsese Sell Out for Casino Ad

Sagemind says...

Well, Let's see.
They are actors. They act for money.
That's what their entire career was built on.

I wouldn't call acting, for money, a sell out.
I mean, they're actors. That's what they do.

If they've fooled you in some way, then they're just really good actors.
I mean, hey, if someone offered you that kind of money for a script that was that short for you to do what you love to do and are good at..., wouldn't you do it too....?

Evolution's shortcoming is Intelligent Design's Downfall

shagen454 says...

Oh yeah, Science is definitely: " simply our way of understanding what our senses tell us". Smoke DMT... that is Science. After you do that... it takes maybe 5 minutes. Come back and let's talk about Science.

Dawkins is ABSOLUTELY trying to inflect on to the situation with his own agenda. My position is simply not the mainstream, sell-out point of view that the media & educational system taught me considering when someone is bringing up a "nerve", "evolution" & "intelligent design" that this somehow does not denote a motive? I can think for myself. Are you kidding me? I love Science more than anything... go and fucking read some Lanza.. go read that your standpoint is cookie cutter.

dannym3141 said:

If you want to focus on science, then whatever God you prefer - intelligent designer, whatever you want to call it - is completely out of the discussion. If anyone wants a scientific assessment of God, then it goes like this - "I cannot measure it with any instrument, i cannot infer its presence by its effect on something else. There is no way i can measure or quantify any aspect of God or the effect God might have on the physical universe, so why are you asking me about it?"

What is your point? I don't think Dawkins has ever said that he can prove "God" doesn't exist, and if he did he's wrong because you can't prove anything about something that doesn't exist; if it can't be measured or inferred or otherwise observed, it doesn't exist to science, because science is simply our way of understanding what our senses tell us. A non-measurable entity does not form part of that understanding if it has no measurable effect on anything we can sense. It's like asking how loud a smell is - it doesn't have that dimension to it, it's not a measurable quantity.

I'd also like to add that "i refuse to respond to responses to this" is about as arrogant a statement as you can make. "This is what i think, and regardless of any new information i can access about the situation, i will not have my mind changed and i will not even listen to the thing that may change my mind." That statement is pretty much anti-knowledge and anti-understanding and clearly demonstrates the futility of discussing science with someone who believes in so called "intelligent design."

As for talking about Dawkins being able to "create" the "tools for evolution of a giraffe".....? What on earth are you talking about? You just told the man to stick to science - but we have a working scientific explanation for evolution with gene mutation, time and selective breeding. You're the one injecting anthropomorphism into the mix (and worse, implying that Dawkins needs to disprove that nonsense explanation in order to stand so firmly behind the SCIENCE of evolution), he IS sticking to the science.

Surprise - Check out the display in the latest Oculus Rift

billpayer says...

Not only did Occulus sell out to Facebook, after the internet paid for it's development...
Not only did they RIP OFF a FREE design based on a mobile phone
(See Durovis Dive)
They made it WORSE by adding cables.

Occulus rift is just a mobile phone strapped to your eyes.

Russell Brand to Jon Snow; "Listen you, Let me Talk"

A10anis says...

The interviewer is a "sell-out?" Wrong, he was simply asking what Bland envisaged as an alternative to the present system. Of course he had no alternative except; "revolution man." Jeez, he belongs with the 60's revolutionaries who are now all, thankfully, grown up. I just love it when people like Noam Chomsky and this fool decry and denigrate the system without any coherent solutions to the problems they see. Fine, let's have change, but until you know what that change should be, and are able to offer solutions rather than childish (as you so eloquently put it) Blah, Blah, Blah, be quiet.

chingalera said:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. His social commentary works much better than his comedy schtick and this interviewer is a scripted, sell-out cunt. Listen to the fucking words being said, A-ten anis and the opinion not unlike the asshole common to all is but another rusty pore at the end of a shit-snake.

Finally, another interviewer who has attended the Piers Morgan institute of wanking cunts. He's a fucking tool with an agenda designed to keep slave-robots in their stupor. Period.

Russell Brand to Jon Snow; "Listen you, Let me Talk"

chingalera says...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. His social commentary works much better than his comedy schtick and this interviewer is a scripted, sell-out cunt. Listen to the fucking words being said, A-ten anis and the opinion not unlike the asshole common to all is but another rusty pore at the end of a shit-snake.

Finally, another interviewer who has attended the Piers Morgan institute of wanking cunts. He's a fucking tool with an agenda designed to keep slave-robots in their stupor. Period.

A10anis said:

Finally, an interviewer shows what an incredibly naive, vainglorious, empty headed moron Brand is.

Ze Frank - Dear Kitten

The Slow Mo Guys - Cannon Firing in Slow Motion

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