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RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

newtboy says...

Well, I've been disappointed all too many times by those I respected selling out for a dollar to put too much trust in someone that takes a job with a propaganda company. That doesn't mean he sold out and is now just a shill, but it means he's now suspect, imo. I would still listen, but with a jaundiced ear, like I try to do with all "news".

I don't disagree with the conclusions about being blacklisted by mainstream media, but moving on to a propaganda house is not the road to virtue.

The media I choose is mostly mainstream, biased to shit, misrepresented as often as not, and a steaming pile of shit....but it's the best I can find. As long as I look at it that way, I can usually listen close enough to know when they've moved into opinion or conjecture, and watch enough and I can figure out which facts are at least agreed on, if not which are correct.

Sadly, as you said, the media machine and responsible journalists don't mix well today.

EDIT: The mistake I mean Hedges made was choosing RT to move on to. It's possible he had no other option, but not likely. There are many non-mainstream media outlets that likely would love to have him that aren't well known propaganda machines like RT is....but probably with less money to pay him.

enoch said:

i agree in theory,but disagree in practice.
as i stated in my comment:discernment.

it appears we approach news and journalism differently.

i do not consume the institution,but rather the individual reporter.which is why i will watch a report by shepard smith from FOX,but ignore anything by tucker carlson or bill o'reilly.

the HUGE mistake you make about hedges,is just that,an assumption.

chris hedges mistake.
is the same mistake that other media personalities have made,such as cenk uynger when he was on MSNBC.

hedges criticized power.
in fact,in the run up to the iraq war hedges was pushing out story after story that was highly critical of the bush administration,and..ironically..was using the very intelligence reports that you mentioned.he was challenged by the new york times editorial board to either cease and desist,or face disciplinary action.

he chose to retain his integrity,and honor his father (great story right there,he always chokes up when telling it) and walked away from a successful career,full of adulation and respect,rather than bow at the foot of the kings throne and kiss the feet of the powerful.

the man has guts,in spades,and i admire him very much.

but if you think my opnion is biased,then let us take phil donahue who was hosting the most popular show on the newly founded MSNBC.

he too,was critical of the bush administration and had guests on that were countering the avalanche of white house narratives flooding the cable news networks.

he was fired,while simultaneously hosting the most popular and highest rated shows on MSNBC.

what i am saying,is exactly what hedges is saying:
criticize power and you will be branded,blacklisted and shunned from the "mainstream media".you will be relegated to the fringe for your defiance to power.

/chuckles..i find it interesting that pretty much everybody uses the term "mainstream media" to epitomize:lazy journalism,propaganda,fake news and yet the media THEY choose to consume..well...thats not mainstream at all.the media THEY choose to consume is top notch journalism.

i am not saying my choices are right,but i do choose them carefully.i do not subscribe to institutions but rather individuals who have proven the test of proper journalistic integrity:chris hedges,matt taibbi,bill moyers,henry giroux,laura poitrus,jeremy scahill,amy goodman,paul jay

you may notice that every one of these people are critical of power,and the basic premise of the fourth estate.

the washington post,along with the new york times and wall street journal have become rags.just my opinion,feel free to disagree.

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

newtboy says...

Sweet zombie Jesus.
Most of them weren't even vets, and those that were didn't serve with him. It was 100% lies about Kerry and his service from liars that falsely claimed first hand knowledge that contradicted his service record, not from him. Those that did serve with him corroborated his official record. Proven conclusively to be all lies from liars, totally debunked, but Fox has you still believing the lies.

It's so well known to be a debunked and blatant smear campaign that it's now used as a term to describe other smear "swift boat" someone is to make up a false story about them to hurt them politically.

How was he a sell out?...explain yourself if you can with fact.

bobknight33 said:

Swift Boat Veterans is going back a bit but yes they were defending themselves fro the Kerry lies.

Kerry was / is a sell out of the American people.

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

bobknight33 says...

Swift Boat Veterans is going back a bit but yes they were defending themselves fro the Kerry lies.

Kerry was / is a sell out of the American people.

newtboy said:

Let's not forget the Swift Boat Veterans, a republican organization created to smear Kerry and his service in favor of a draft dodger with proven lies and slander, repeated ad nauseam on Fox as fact, and no one was "let go"....shameful hardly covers it.

Transformers:The Last Knight Trailer

Mordhaus says...

When the hell did this turn into a mixture of Highlander, King Arthur, and some fucked up version of the Transformers of my past?

Really, there can be only one? Why not just call the enemy bad robot the Kurgan?

Plus, and I'm sorry for saying it, but C'mon Anthony Hopkins, have some pride. You played Hannibal Lecter, don't sell out and become like Sean Connery in Highlander 2.

The only good point of this movie is that it is the last to be done by Michael Bay.

How It's Made - McDonald's Fries

New Poll Numbers Have Clinton Far Behind And Falling

newtboy says...

What do you do? Pressure anyone who will listen to push for an immediate disqualification of Clinton and Sanders nomination, fuck the primary vote tally, it clearly wasn't in any way valid.
What you shouldn't do is vote for Hillary anyway, rewarding that behavior and guaranteeing more of it, but also don't vote for Trump...I'll be writing in Sanders....
.....but do vote for any other Democrats/Independents/Non Repulicans so Trump doesn't have a Republican congress, and hope the Democrats grow a pair quickly enough to thwart his disastrous 'plans'...whatever they may turn out to be on the day he tries to enact them, and just refuse to hold any confirmation hearings on supreme court justices while a psychopath is in office.
If America can't get it's head out of it's ass enough to at least do that, we deserve the civil war that a Trump led Republican government is going to cause. Maybe it will kill a few hundred million of us and we can have a decent nation again sometime in the future...assuming it's not all glowing with the ground thoroughly salted.

What else should you do? Sell out of the stock market in late October and buy gold bouillon. ;-)

ChaosEngine said:

No, I totally agree. I've made the point several times that in a sane political system you could have a choice between a big business, centre right hawk (Hillary) and a pro-environment, tax and spend socialist (Bernie). That would at least be a valid choice.

It sucks what the DNC did.

But now you have to live with it and what do you do?

Because the wolf is at the door and the stakes are too high to let Trump win.

Bill Maher and Colbert - Police Culture has to change

Lawdeedaw says...

Settle the fuck down there Social Justice Warrior...I said nothing personal to you so cool your jets. I am honestly getting tired of taking the sane, reasonable route in everything I do. I just got off facebook responding to one of those "233 blacks, 411 whites" posts that "show" cops don't kill more blacks...and I get flak for not defending cops. I come here, point out that Marah and his minions are full of shit on one point, and I get flak...fuck both polar sides.

With that said let us get into the meat of your tantrum. I never even implied, hinted, suggested or whispered that many police actions are somehow mitigated or diminished because things are better. In fact, that whole distraction you ranted on is irrelevant to the whole meaning of my post. What the point was is this--THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO INCENTIVE FOR A SIDE TO BECOME A BETTER GROUP WHEN THE OTHER SIDE NEVER ACKOWLEGES PROGRESS. This is why Democratic and Republican lawmakers are so polarized. Why cops and blacks are so polarized. Why religions are so polarized.

I mean if we talked to our children like we talk about this, we would seem pretty fucking stupid. "Hey Timmy! I know you improved your D to a C+, but fuck you! That's not good enough you shit head. You miswell be an F student in this house!" Yeah, see how little Timmy might not come around to his dad's way of thinking? I swear, you mention some positivity and people flip the fuck we are selling out to the bad cops or some stupid shit. And this is exactly what Marah's point was and is. His words were clear---NO PROGRESS. (You could argue that he meant only that there has been no progress in the thin blue line but then you would have to be a really belligerent asshole who takes words out of context to fit their meaning...)

Next, you mention all the tax dollars our police force gets...BWAHAHAAHA! Holy fuck, and I am sure the education system is overflowing with money too! Just because the numbers are large doesn't mean the actual tax dollars are significant nor does it mean the money flows to the actual police either. Now this does bring up your very serious observation that I find worrisome as well...the militarization of police...unfortunately our politicians cut sweet deals with companies that make war toys, just like in the military, and basically give away huge percentages of the police "budget." This drastically reduces the actual money police have to do their jobs while lining the politicians' pockets with contributions later.

As far as the shooting one unarmed person per week comment you made that should give YOU some perspective of how utterly stupid the side you are on is. 52 deaths a year in this manner (Say if your hyperbolic statement was actually right instead of being smartass.) 39 thousand deaths happen as a result of car accidents. Do I minimize the deaths? No. Do I put them in perspective? Of course.

I personally think that the no snitch code to crimes, whether on the street or in the force, should be a crime. Nowhere should be safe, period.

Babymech said:

We've seen what the police really do, and it's unacceptable - that's his point. It might be better than in the 1950's* - fuck you, it might be better than in the 1200's for all I care - the point is that right now it's not as good as America deserves. America doesn't deserve perfection, but for all the tax dollars it spends on police, for all the freedoms it surrenders to government, it deserves in return a police force that won't shoot unarmed citizens once a week. Maher cares what the police actually do - that's why he's saying this.

*Also, even though some of the issues you raise have improved, we've also seen steady police militarization since the 1950's, both in the training and in the equipment police are given. In some ways that means things have gotten worse since the 50's - many cops on the streets now see themselves as roving tactical assault units, rather than boring civil servants.

How Peter Braxton defeated a patent troll and still lost

phyman says...

Thank goodness TechDirt and the NYT continued to follow this story and outed the troll: Smart Options (in context even the name is f'ed up). It's a good read and even has cringingly terrible troll on troll fighting:

Stories like this simply crush my desire to strike out on my own in software development. We seriously need patent reform!

artician said:

Thanks for summing up the thoughts from the angry-human perspective that I share so much.

In seriousness, the guy is probably being the more respectable individual by not drawing attention to the offending party's identity. What you propose could easily happen today. (Though I've mixed feelings about it, generally trending toward the more vengeful, sadly).

Sen Warren Endorses Clinton, explains why

bareboards2 says...

This is true. Because the world isn't perfect, people aren't perfect, and the President is President of the entire country, not just a small sliver who hold Purity Tests and Only Want Their Way or they bawl "sell out."

That covers both Bernie Bros and Tea Partiers who screech "RHINO, RHINO."

I do wish they could both catch a clue that there are diverse people in this country who hold diverse views and the world isn't perfect.

And people aren't perfect.

00Scud00 said:

"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent
They all disappoint you in the end don't they, although I imagine Sanders would have probably done the same even if he became President.

Bill Maher: Bernie Sanders Interview – May 27, 2016

newtboy (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Well, there we differ.

I don't engage anymore with people who are so passionate about their beliefs, they insult others. There is nothing I can say that will change them.

What was posted was just fine, just as it was.

Did you know that there are a disproportionate number of vegetarians in Britian? And there are a lot of them? So they have an interesting population to study.

I read somewhere that vegetarians, on average, have a higher IQ than the general population. Makes sense to me -- they read, they empathize, they question. That all takes intelligence.

It really doesn't matter to me if they "go too far." That is just passion. That is how change happens -- folks on the fringe pulling us sluggards in the middle out of our complacency.

I have more trouble the Sanders contingent than I do with vegans. Same dynamic -- they are passionate about their topic, and they don't differentiate between compromise and selling out, and if they keep this shit up, if Hillary gets the nomination, Trump might actually win.

Now THAT is over the top behavior that has real consequences.

Being passionate on the Sift is fine. If you don't like it, I honestly think it is better not to engage. Keeps your blood pressure down. Since trying to change their minds (on any passionately held topic) is fruitless, you are actually ahead.

You get low blood pressure!

(And I agree that we "should" have a mostly plant based diet. For a multitude of reasons -- health, the environment, limited resources, water usage, the list is pretty long before you even get to the abuse that animals in factory farms suffer. Do I have a plant based diet? No. Do I feel shame for not doing what is right? Yes. Am I going to change? No. "Should" I change? Yes. Do I enjoy the passionate and scolding posts made by friends on Facebook? No. Do I stop following them to "save" myself? No.

Instead of the Art of War, I am trying to practice the Art of Disengagement. Better for my health!)

newtboy said:

We've gotten along in the past, so please allow me to enlighten you.
I downvoted him/her.
I DO have loved ones who are vegan for ethical/emotional reasons. They changed their diet after home butchering a lot of their livestock for a party, so I totally understand their reasoning. They, however, do not attack and insult others that don't feel the same way that they do, but this poster does, constantly.

Vegans, like any large group, run the gamut from smart, caring, and intelligent to stupid, self centered, and dumb. Please don't fool yourself into thinking they are all the same. They aren't.

I downvoted them because they repeatedly said (false) insulting things like "enslaved, tortured, confined and violently murdered for their pleasure, preferences and entertainment" about all meat eaters/producers. I take that as a number of intentional insults directed at anyone that has a different opinion or situation from them, painting >95% of people in the worst possible light, and using never ending ridiculous self serving emotional quotes to back up their insults (but never any actual fact).

I would note that this poster also makes absolutely no distinction between factory farms and free range, non abusive, caring farmers that practice humane farming and butchering and calls them all unthinking non-empathetic torturing murdering slave masters, along with all their customers. Every time someone perches on their high horse and makes such insanely overboard insulting blanket accusations (clearly based in ignorance) against nearly all humans, I'm going to downvote it....and I'm not alone in taking offence.

I have no problem with anyone being vegan. I don't have any problem with them talking about it and their experiences with it. I have a HUGE problem with anyone constantly insulting, lambasting, deriding, guilt tripping, and shaming all others that have made a different choice for their own varied and unknown (unknown to the guilt trippers) reasons.

The Blackface Democrat

enoch says...

this is offensive on so many levels.
let me guess bob,because a black man posted this,it must,therefore NOT be racist?

this is incredibly racist,because this man is basically saying that black folk are too stupid to make up their own minds.that they are chumps and sell-outs for simply always voting democrat.

because republicans have ALWAYS been a voice of reason and championed the underclass! right bob?

we could use the same logic and apply it to the mind-numbing meth-head hillbillies who get cock hard at the voice of trump.who are convinced that the republicans represent freedom,liberty and the constitution.

while those very same republicans consistently rob these people,of modest means mind you,to pay their buddies in wall street.who pass legislation to poison their water,dumb down their kids,create food deserts,incarcerate them (while giving their CEO buddies a pass and a slap on the wrist).continue to allow tax breaks and subsidies for their donors.passing laws allowing big corporations to send jobs to china and utilizing prison labor (slaves) and then BLAMING the people!

yeah bob,that coin turns both ways.

so the black man who blindly votes democrat can be criticized for his lack of foresight,but so can the aging white racist who consistently votes republican.

because neither the republican nor the democratic party give a flying fuck about either of you.

you both are sell-outs,chumps and uncle toms to a system that threw you both overboard 40 years ago.

fuck this video,and fuck you bob.


"YOU are WORTHLESS" -the economy

Lawdeedaw says...

As a negative person, I think bob does blame Republicans. At least those that "sell out the core values" etc...

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Meh. How about you try and answer your own questions.

Would YOU blame Bush?

No? because he's only one person who doesn't have absolute control over congress or the fiscal policies they put forth?

Recently, you've mentioned how K Street lobbyists have their claws in everyone..

Does that include all 301 Republicans currently in Congress?

Or are those people magically exempt from the influence of: millions in campaign donations, gifts/perks, & guaranteed, cushy, post-congressional careers?

If so, would Democrats automatically become immune from corruption if they switched parties?

Omg, one party solution! China was right.
(I'm mean.. except for the dirty Commie thing.)

If we just eliminate Democrats and liberals, everything will be fixed!
*pat pat* You're a genius! little buddy.

Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know

bobknight33 says...

That's what happens when K street gets their grips in you. All are bought. All need $ and succumb to this shit and sell out the American people.

Need to make running office dirt cheep. Or have bright, super rich who don't need to be bought to run.

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