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Dems Reverse Party Platform at DNS With Voice Vote - Really?

KnivesOut says...

This has more to do with the DNC attempting to court Jewish donors than anything about being a country of "God" or "Christians" or whatever. They're making it part of the platform that they recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

That said, I do think that the "let's try that again" thing is bullshit. Hopefully Antonio Villaraigosa will get grilled over this, and they can do it properly. We need to make ourselves clearly better than the RNC by not engaging in this bullshit. Same with speeches, the DNC is better than this.

AWKWARD! "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly."

KnivesOut (Member Profile)

Clint Eastwood Speaks to an Invisible Obama-Chair at RNC

bobknight33 says...

Your 50 million is way off the # was 30 Million and that does don't divide who can afford but choose not to get it and whose who really cant afford healthcare. That # is reported around 12 million.

Now is it worth you paying 2600 more in insurance just to cover 12 Million?

>> ^truth-is-the-nemesis:

YES, 23 Million American's out of work is a disgrace - But so is 50 Million American's who do not have health insurance, when is help coming for them?.

Clint Eastwood Speaks to an Invisible Obama-Chair at RNC

Tea Party is the American Taliban

kceaton1 says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:


And I mean that. >> ^bcglorf:
This can't be overstated. Abhorrent as the Tea Party may be, they aren't actively executing their political opposition and they aren't trying to institute death by stoning for women convicted of adultery(eg. being rape victims).
>> ^messenger:
"EDITOR’S NOTE: While they have way too much in common, the actual Taliban uses political violence to achieve its ends and the Tea Party doesn’t — and that’s an important distinction."

I do agree with this sentiment as the Taliban does it's "thing" differently, it should be made known though that tonight (and other talks too) at the RNC convention there was a large outcry for: making sure we have the best military ever and forever, ever; and, Iran and Syria, we may attack you at random if we have Republicans in office, so just keep yourselves on your toes. Oh and if you didn't know, we didn't need to really talk to anyone in the world about anything because, America is NUMBER FUCKING ONE AND YOU BETTER FUCKING KNOW YOUR PLACE!!!

Atleast, that is how it came across to me as a whole... So, as we have a VERY powerful military I'd say that we are a very active terrorizer of other countries (NOT just Syria and Iran; Mitt decided that Cold War part two was an excellent idea/threat to make). They may not be the Taliban, but they have a Pandora's Box that I imagine if opened and used, kills FAR more than the Taliban could ever hope to accomplish, both good and bad guys...

But, basically that was the entire gist of the "foreign policy" talked about. I'm sure the world is enamored with us right now, we can just ask people on here: If you thought the RNC speech's were extremely pro-American "Empire'ish" making many of the talks rude, condescending, and downright scary... Please vote me up. Otherwise, go for the opposite (remember this should be for the foreign crowd, if your the U.S. just reply or you can vote down, and then I'll just assume your a Teabagger).

@MarineGunrock not really going against anything you said (what you said was right anyhow and feeds into what I'm saying), I just wanted to grab all the quotes you had.

RNC Attendees Taunt African-Americans As Zoo Animals

Yogi says...

Well I actually feel pretty good that it was only Two People. Last RNC one of the Pages ended up plotting to kill the hey it's an improvement! Come on Look on the Bright Side!

Clint Eastwood RNC Full Speech 2012,Talks To Invisible Obama

bareboards2 says...


I just posted this so I could immediately dupe it out, and provide a backup embed if needed.

Man, was this awful.

Does the guy know who got us into Afghanistan?

Clint Eastwood Speaks to an Invisible Obama-Chair at RNC

Clint Eastwood RNC Full Speech 2012,Talks To Invisible Obama

RNC Attendees Taunt African-Americans As Zoo Animals

RNC Attendees Taunt African-Americans As Zoo Animals

NetRunner says...

So you're saying you think there's a situation in which throwing peanuts at someone and saying "this is how we feed the animals" is acceptable behavior?

Part of why I sorta just view the entire conservative jihad as one giant threat to mankind is this way you guys always rally around people you identify as part of your tribe, no matter what kind of horrible thing they've done.

The only thing you guys condemn your own for is ideological apostasy -- bigotry, corruption, cruelty, even murder doesn't really seem to bother conservatives, at least when it's done by a conservative. But if a conservative says the rich should pay more taxes, or that global warming is real, or that gay people have the right to legally marry -- if they do something like that, then you'll immediately grab your torches and pitchforks and run the guy out of town.

>> ^bobknight33:

You and I don't know why they threw peanuts.

RNC Attendees Taunt African-Americans As Zoo Animals

bobknight33 says...

You and I don't know why they threw peanuts. They were not interviewed and given a chance to explain themselves.
Quit jumping to conclusions and making an ass of your self like with CNN and the RNC. I was just asking a valid question.

Too much over reacting by everybody.
>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^bobknight33:
Is the hatred against the camera operator or the leftest media?

oh so it's acceptable to call a fellow human being an animal if they disagree with your political ideology.
no matter how you spin it, it's still unacceptable. So fuck off Bob

truth-is-the-nemesis (Member Profile)

Fairbs says...

There are serious allegations in a number of states that Romney used illegal tactics to manipulate the results during the GOP primaries. Do a search on youtube. Some of the states were Maine, Minnesota, OH, and OR. Also the GOP changed the rules right before the convention so that a states delegates couldn't vote against the primary outcome even as a protest. So if you felt that the primary was stolen and your role as a delegate was usurped, I'd imagine you'd be pretty upset.

In reply to this comment by truth-is-the-nemesis:
I am seriously having difficulty understanding the logic of the Ron Paul supporters, they knew that Paul was not speaking, they knew that Romney was the candidate for the republican party & they also know that Paul did not agree to the terms of speaking & not choosing to opt for a third-party run. So, it seems like they just wanted to rant and rave at how corrupt the system is because THEIR guy didn't win.

Occupier calmly and logically rants to a line of NYPD

enoch says...

>> ^lantern53:

Any 'Occupy' event is protected by free speech as long as you are assembled in a lawful manner. When you 'occupy' an area in violation of the law, you risk arrest.
But meeting at the local church is out because these people don't like Christianity, and they won't meet any other legal place because it would not elicit the press coverage they desire.

you have no idea what you are talking about.
many of the rights you enjoy were hard fought by practices implemented by the OWS movement but they are in no way a "new" practice.
this is about clogging the cogs of the machinery of government and business and little to do with press coverage.
because those in power will ALWAYS attempt to marginalize the voices of those who challenge said power.
as we speak the senate is voting on NEW restrictions which makes certain protest areas a felony and no longer a misdemeanor.
think that is a coincidence?
that the bill being passed just happens to coincide with the OWS protestor population rising?

and lets not forget st paul and the RNC convention in 2008 and the authoritarian practices implemented by the st paul police and the so-called "free-speech" zones set miles away from the actual events.

you can go all the way back to the early 1900's and find how protestors got their message across.the labor movement comes to mind.
or the civil rights.
vietnam protests.
there were deaths at the hand of police and hired security firms.
beatings and maimings.
intimidations and bullying.
but those protestors used the very same tactics being used by OWS...
hell,they perfected those tactics.
and they are extremely effective.

i could go on...
but you are obviously an authoritarian and the magnificent history of peoples movements in america are lost on you.
and the comment about the OWS movement disliking chritianity just seems fabricated,or at its best painted with an extremely broad brush.
it still smacks of you not knowing what you are talking about.

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