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TeaParty Congressman Blames Park Ranger for Shutdown

VoodooV says...

I never argued that one side was "good" but then again, I despise moral abstracts such as good and evil because they simply are not accurate, quantifiable descriptions, and are often used to manipulate emotions.

One side is harmful...the other side is less harmful.

If you can come up with a better system, more power to you, but when you have a situation like this, you don't throw out the whole system, you get rid of the part of it that is causing the most harm and re-evaluate

Even though I think parties should be abolished, you can't stop people from peaceably assembling and picking people that they support. All you can do is stop officially recognizing them and disband any organization like the DNC/RNC or any lobbying group as lobbying needs to be abolished as well. with the advent of the internet and email, ANYONE can communicate with their congressperson easily and get their point across. Lobbying is obsolete as well as corrupt.

We've got to get rid of the private money in our political system

silvercord said:

I've worked as a professional counselor long enough to know that it always takes two to tango. Money changes everything on both sides. I would more likely agree with a statement that said, "both sides are evil, one is just more evil than the other." I won't go as far as to say that one side is evil and the other all lightness and puppy dog toes. From where I stand, both parties serve the status quo and that status quo hurts all of us.

Black Christians = Uncle Toms

VoodooV says...

not true and you know it.

even the RNC chair admitted and apologized for using the Southern Strategy, appealing to racists to boost their vote.

Every time you keep trying to spew your racist lies, I'll shut you down

bobknight33 said:

Slavery is a common back in the day of old and still continues today. Luckily the Republicans stopped the Democrats from continuing this abomination.

Coming Soon! Unstoppable Malaria

Teen: NYPD Paid Me To Bait Innocent Muslims

shagen454 says...

I just got done watching Better This World which was about an activist gone FBI informant that encouraged and trained a group of anarchists to go to the RNC and fuck shit up. Its crazy that the government really does create these situations *ehem nine eleven*

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

VoodooV says...

And how is that an authoritative source? It's from a stupid obviously very biased blog.

none of which even touches my argument about diversity.

>> ^silvercord:

The average age (mean) of the speakers at the DNC was 58.66 while at the RNC it was 49.92.
From modicum of insanity:
Of the speakers in the DNC, there were 9 current governors and 5 former governors. 22 members of the House of Representatives, 2 candidates for the House, and 1 former House member spoke. 5 current senators and 2 former senators also spoke.
Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 57.44. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 62.64. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 67.2.
Of the speakers at the RNC, there were 10 current governors and 5 former governors. 9 current members of the House of Representatives, 1 candidate for House, and 2 former House members spoke. 7 current senators, 4 former senators, and 1 candidate also spoke.
Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 50.3. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 50.67. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 52.83.

I wouldn't count 'em out just yet when it looks like the DNC is the party that's getting a little long in the tooth.

>> ^VoodooV:
Comparing the two national conventions alone should be enough to convince anyone that the Republican party as we currently know it is in its last years.
RNC: by and large, mostly old white people
DNC: Actual cross-section of America and vastly more diverse.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

KnivesOut says...

"Of the speakers in the DNC ... 22 members of the House of Representatives" well they just blew the curve.

As for the RNC convention, I think what we saw was either a conscious effort to "go younger" and entice younger voters, or a symptom of the greater problem with modern conservatism: namely that serious, mature conservatives don't want anything to do with these lunatics.>> ^silvercord:

The average age (mean) of the speakers at the DNC was 58.66 while at the RNC it was 49.92.
From modicum of insanity:
Of the speakers in the DNC, there were 9 current governors and 5 former governors. 22 members of the House of Representatives, 2 candidates for the House, and 1 former House member spoke. 5 current senators and 2 former senators also spoke.
Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 57.44. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 62.64. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 67.2.
Of the speakers at the RNC, there were 10 current governors and 5 former governors. 9 current members of the House of Representatives, 1 candidate for House, and 2 former House members spoke. 7 current senators, 4 former senators, and 1 candidate also spoke.
Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 50.3. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 50.67. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 52.83.

I wouldn't count 'em out just yet when it looks like the DNC is the party that's getting a little long in the tooth.

>> ^VoodooV:
Comparing the two national conventions alone should be enough to convince anyone that the Republican party as we currently know it is in its last years.
RNC: by and large, mostly old white people
DNC: Actual cross-section of America and vastly more diverse.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

silvercord says...

The average age (mean) of the speakers at the DNC was 58.66 while at the RNC it was 49.92.

From modicum of insanity:

Of the speakers in the DNC, there were 9 current governors and 5 former governors. 22 members of the House of Representatives, 2 candidates for the House, and 1 former House member spoke. 5 current senators and 2 former senators also spoke.

Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 57.44. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 62.64. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 67.2.

Of the speakers at the RNC, there were 10 current governors and 5 former governors. 9 current members of the House of Representatives, 1 candidate for House, and 2 former House members spoke. 7 current senators, 4 former senators, and 1 candidate also spoke.

Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 50.3. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 50.67. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 52.83.

I wouldn't count 'em out just yet when it looks like the DNC is the party that's getting a little long in the tooth.

>> ^VoodooV:

Comparing the two national conventions alone should be enough to convince anyone that the Republican party as we currently know it is in its last years.
RNC: by and large, mostly old white people
DNC: Actual cross-section of America and vastly more diverse.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

VoodooV says...

Comparing the two national conventions alone should be enough to convince anyone that the Republican party as we currently know it is in its last years.

RNC: by and large, mostly old white people

DNC: Actual cross-section of America and vastly more diverse.

Fletch (Member Profile)

TYT: Grindr App Blew Up During Republican Con In Tampa

Quboid says...

>> ^Reefie:

>> ^AeroMechanical:
This is a little immature and sensationalist even by TYT standards.

If it had been a Democrats party conference instead of Republican then the mainstream media would've been all over it and you can guarantee that any immaturity or sensationalism would have been ten-fold over what you see here. At least TYT is cool with LGBT whereas mainstream media would be tutting and frowning at every opportunity.

I doubt that. As an outsider, US news seems as polarized as US politics seems so I would assume that Fox would laugh at the DNC and NBC would laugh at the RNC. However, that aside, this is simply a better story. Liberal, pro-gay rights party has gay people? So? Conservative, pro-bigot rights party has gay people? Scandal!

Which is missing the point. That it would be worse if it was them, even if this was true, doesn't make this any less smug.

Elizabeth Warren DNC Speech

bobknight33 says...

I watched her live and though this was a good RNC speech.

She is a closet Republican and does not even know it. Same for the audience who clapped and cheered.
The shade of ignorance are pulled over the eyes of most Democrats.

>> ^lantern53:

But seriously folks, this lady complains all about this country and who has been running it the past 4 years?

Dems Reverse Party Platform at DNS With Voice Vote - Really?

KnivesOut says...

This has more to do with the DNC attempting to court Jewish donors than anything about being a country of "God" or "Christians" or whatever. They're making it part of the platform that they recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

That said, I do think that the "let's try that again" thing is bullshit. Hopefully Antonio Villaraigosa will get grilled over this, and they can do it properly. We need to make ourselves clearly better than the RNC by not engaging in this bullshit. Same with speeches, the DNC is better than this.

AWKWARD! "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly."

KnivesOut (Member Profile)

Clint Eastwood Speaks to an Invisible Obama-Chair at RNC

bobknight33 says...

Your 50 million is way off the # was 30 Million and that does don't divide who can afford but choose not to get it and whose who really cant afford healthcare. That # is reported around 12 million.

Now is it worth you paying 2600 more in insurance just to cover 12 Million?

>> ^truth-is-the-nemesis:

YES, 23 Million American's out of work is a disgrace - But so is 50 Million American's who do not have health insurance, when is help coming for them?.

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