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Should we distinguish between NSFW videos vs. GRAPHIC videos? A vote to... (User Poll by blankfist)

blankfist says...

I'm liking the delimited system. I feel like a movie could be either SFW, NSFW or Graphic. And that tells you exactly everything you need to know about the movie. NSFW means it's probably some bad language and maybe someone hitting himself in the nuts. Graphic would mean it probably contains nudity (not porn) or extreme violence such as news footage of someone getting run over by the police during a political protest.

Should we distinguish between NSFW videos vs. GRAPHIC videos? A vote to... (User Poll by blankfist)

RedSky says...

I almost feel like you'd be better off scraping NSFW altogether and having three icons for:

1. graphic/violence

2. language

3. nudity/sexuality

They'd be intuitive to the Videosift layman, more informative that what we have now, and are very easily interpretable with the kind of cartoon/symbol icons that TV ratings use. Thematically it would also gel with a video/clip site much better.

Should we distinguish between NSFW videos vs. GRAPHIC videos? A vote to... (User Poll by blankfist)

Hybrid says...

I don't see it becoming a hassle if it was an enumerated system. When you post a video there could be a multiple choice selection of tick boxes under the question "This video contains:" and then have tick boxes for sexual content/nudity, bad language, violence etc.

Should we distinguish between NSFW videos vs. GRAPHIC videos? A vote to... (User Poll by blankfist)

kceaton1 says...

Umm, NSFW, is Not Safe For Work (the ratings of which are not clearly defined except for nudity an swearing). This applies to a large range a videos that are questionable to overtly NSFW videos and a small range were people are playing it in front of their staff or another setup, similar in nature. I didn't realize NSFW was meant to be a "catch all" like G, PG, PG-13, R, etc... How do we differentiate between what's is to violent and "OK" violence.

I'm not sure where else this can lead than an overall change from NSFW to a rating system. The problem becomes when we start defining what is acceptable or not. I picked enumerated, but this could lead to less posting if it becomes a hassle at any point.

/my two cents

Pas a Deux...Trois... Quatre...Who is Dancing with Whom?

Should we distinguish between NSFW videos vs. GRAPHIC videos? A vote to... (User Poll by blankfist)

notarobot says...

NSFW should mean NSFW. That means that nudity, bad language or violence should all be candidates that can qualify a video for NSFW. To add level will over complicate a system that doesn't need complications. I don't mean to say that any or all videos with some level of those qualities must be flagged. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shows violence, but so does "Cablegate" videos of Americans gunning down Iraqi civilians and journalists from a helicoptor. What qualifies as NSFW should be the discretion of the community.

In brief, if you would be uncomfortable showing a video to a 12 year old, then either your boss is very young or it might be NSFW.

Pas a Deux...Trois... Quatre...Who is Dancing with Whom?

Pas a Deux...Trois... Quatre...Who is Dancing with Whom?

Should we have a *graphic tag? (Sift Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

I like this idea, I don't sift while I'm working, but I do sift at home. I find the NSFW tag ambiguous in that environment. Like if my kids are up and buzzing around the house I don't mind something that's NSFW-L.. but I don't want to watch NSFW-S. And I never ever ever want to watch NSFW-V.

>> ^jonny:

Seems like what you want here is to make NSFW more specific - NSFW-V (violence), NSFW-L (language), NSFW-N (nudity), NSFW-S (sexual content), etc. Then they can be combined, for instance, "Holy shit! That guy's head just got blown clear the fuck off!" = NSFW-VL.

Should we have a *graphic tag? (Sift Talk Post)

jonny says...

There are videos on VideoSift that depict fictional events which are still NSFW.

>> ^Hybrid:

If anybody's head is getting blown off or people are getting beaten to death... well it's snuff, and should be removed from the sift.
Apart from that there are two types of NSFW - videos that have swearing and those that have something else (nudity, brutality etc...). That's the only split of NSFW I'd make.

Should we have a *graphic tag? (Sift Talk Post)

Hybrid says...

If anybody's head is getting blown off or people are getting beaten to death... well it's snuff, and should be removed from the sift.

Apart from that there are two types of NSFW - videos that have swearing and those that have something else (nudity, brutality etc...). That's the only split of NSFW I'd make.

Should we have a *graphic tag? (Sift Talk Post)

jonny says...

Seems like what you want here is to make NSFW more specific - NSFW-V (violence), NSFW-L (language), NSFW-N (nudity), NSFW-S (sexual content), etc. Then they can be combined, for instance, "Holy shit! That guy's head just got blown clear the fuck off!" = NSFW-VL.

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Patrick Stewart introducing The European Spallation Source

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