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This is what happens when you don´t put NSFW in the title!

poolcleaner says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^poolcleaner:
I still think there should be a different tag for visual NSFW versus audio NSFW. Someone dropping an F bomb is miles away from a giant penis appearing on your screen.
NSFW: Language
NSFW: Nudity
Am I missing anything? Violence? No, violence is alright, as usual.

I still think people at work should stop watching videos and do their jobs.

Hey hey, I'm getting work done, don't worry. I just need inspiration every now and then.

This is what happens when you don´t put NSFW in the title!

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

I still think there should be a different tag for visual NSFW versus audio NSFW. Someone dropping an F bomb is miles away from a giant penis appearing on your screen.
NSFW: Language
NSFW: Nudity
Am I missing anything? Violence? No, violence is alright, as usual.

I still think people at work should stop watching videos and do their jobs.

This is what happens when you don´t put NSFW in the title!

diction says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

I still think there should be a different tag for visual NSFW versus audio NSFW. Someone dropping an F bomb is miles away from a giant penis appearing on your screen.
NSFW: Language
NSFW: Nudity
Am I missing anything? Violence? No, violence is alright, as usual.

I couldn't agree more!
Language doesn't bother me at all, I usually have headphones on. And even if a giant F*CK appeared on the video, people around me wouldn't care.
Now nudity, depending on where you are, could be an issue.

This is what happens when you don´t put NSFW in the title!

poolcleaner says...

I still think there should be a different tag for visual NSFW versus audio NSFW. Someone dropping an F bomb is miles away from a giant penis appearing on your screen.

NSFW: Language
NSFW: Nudity

Am I missing anything? Violence? No, violence is alright, as usual.

Why is European broadband faster and cheaper than US?

Crazy Naked Guy on the Subway

ant says...

*dead -- "This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content. Sorry about that."

The Great Wall of Vulva

spoco2 says...

>> ^westy:

Its ok he is an "artist" spread your legs and get your vagina out .
Of course its not art filming vaginas for pornographic purposes its only art if its not sexually arousing and placed in a white room.

All this is doing is showing that you think the naked body is inherently sexual and 'rude'. There are those who just see them as bodies, bodyparts. Able to be sexual for sure, but by no means only that. As kids you don't think of them that way, it's only as you get older you learn to find them rude.

It's interesting work because it's showing 'normal' vaginas and the differences between them. Most women probably only see their own and then ones in porn, which are not 'normal'.

So I applaud it. And question your views on nudity.

Stars - Changes

westy says...

Really terrible dancing , I'm all for nudity in things especially if its non sexual nudity , but the nudity in this video is akin to a black and white photo being respected art because its black a white photo.

Bob the pleasure coach from Tosh-O

spoco2 says...

I was really prepared to not like that, but that was really... I dunno, just the fact that there was no mention of the nudity, that it was all in fun, that it just seemed like happy fun times for all.

Very nice

ReasonTV presents "Ask a Libertarian Day" (Philosophy Talk Post)

Lawdeedaw says...

I think the biggest problem is that A--people (Americans) are too stupid and greedy as masses to reasonably be run by their respective states.

Of course it has it's positives and negatives. For one the federal government wouldn't be using blanket-fisted (Sorry for the pun) powers to attack pot smokers for shits and giggles, or prohibit two loving people from marriage simply because businesses don't like the idea of more "benefits." (I.e., gay marriage is strictly a money issue.) And the federal government couldn't declare war on everyone and their mothers.

People ask "why wouldn't slavery return" and all that. Slavery is prohibited in the U.S. constitution. And, let the states decide on minimum wage, child labor laws and such. If you think "the people" are smart enough, let them choose which states they want to reside in; and, therefore, decide what laws should be. If Texas thinks 8 year olds should be forced to work on farms, their wouldn't be many people living there.

I know if I had a pick, it would be a state that; Stopped the drug war, allowed public nudity, allowed me to fish when I want, legalized prostitution (So that the black market is cut down on,) prohibits assault rifles, demands clean water and reasonable environmental protections, allows homosexual couples basic human rights and dignities, and requires parental participation in schools.

I could move to a state that meets all these needs because like minded people tend to gather around one another. However, I don't think Americans would care enough to do this--hell, we barely vote.

So um... someone on the internet posted this video.

Sagemind says...

Not sure of the appropriateness of this video.
I'm open-minded to a lot of stuff but I draw the line on kids.
Bad enough that these kids thought this was funny but then posting it on the internet crosses boundaries.

Ya, I know, no nudity and so on but it implies quite a bit and using children to boot. His pants are down around his ankles.

If my kids ever posted something like this to the internet - their internet privileges would be suspended pretty quickly.

NSFW and Completely WTF

A Lavoll film: Lavoll's Love in Space, presented by Lavoll

Sagemind says...

These episodes come up as "This video has been removed by the user. " - from google
>> ^lavoll:

it gets worse and worse, that i can promise
part 2 Eric and Quiche
part 3 the seabase and true love
part 4 soapy nights
part 5 dreaming of her
seems like you can turn on the high quality for all these now. the final parts will be online now, and if i can make it happen: the last episode on new years eve
anyone know how to make a youtube playlist with high quality set to "on"?
and this film is NSFW for ugly displays of male nudity

Spanish TV seems to have different censorship standards...

SDGundamX says...

>> ^westy:

They are only breasts , I really don't understand the whole thing of getting all worked up over tits (in the sense of censoring them) . same with cocks and other body parts its just pathetic and immature.
Allot of TV stations show films or programs with violence ( for the sake of violence ) its then mental for them to censor sex and nudity.
Allot of western culture and sensablities are so retarded.

You're right. As a new father whose got a wife at home that walks around pretty much topless all day because the newborn wants to feed every hour, I absolutely agree there's nothing wrong with breasts.

But there is something very wrong with a society that continues to dehumanize women, objectify them, and define their value by the size and shape of their bodies (including breasts). I didn't downvote this video for the boobs. I downvoted this video because this show reinforces the idea that not only is it okay to continue objectifying and dehumanizing women, women actually like it.

But I'm guessing that due to reduced blood flow to the brain the (as far as I can tell) entirely male population of Sifters who upvoted this didn't think that deeply about it.

Spanish TV seems to have different censorship standards...

EMPIRE says...

this is not particular to spain. lo and behold, nudity can be somewhat common in europe. Hell, here in portugal a lot of prime-time soap operas have these really generic, bland, crappy intros, and a few of them have had breasts. There's also a good amount of shampoo or body wash commercial showing boobs (or at the very least ass).

And surprisingly, no one is fornicating in the streets (well, not entirely true. We're in full campaign mode for the elections next sunday, so there's been a lot of fucking going on in the streets, but it's mostly done by politicians to everyone's ass).

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