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LOON WATCH: Glenn Beck Show issues a wingnut call to arms

chilaxe says...

>> ^StukaFox:
What exactly is he ranting against?

I've been living under a rock for the last 70 years, but apparently there's a group that's responsible for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the 9/11 attacks, and government anti-recession spending, which is by far the worst of the three

LOON WATCH: Glenn Beck Show issues a wingnut call to arms

Oh noes! Obama is really the WORST PRESIDENT EVER!

Will a cannonball float in mercury?

qruel says...

Ah, your true colors are starting to show. previously you mentioned that "The vapor is most likely water." So I contacted the source to provide clairification to which you throw out a bunch of ad homs instead of addressing any "real" issue you might have with what was presented. You disingenuously claim I'm making an appeal to authority when in fact all i did was provide the explanation from the person who made the video.

Are you really that prideful when being corrected about something you've misinterpreted?

So let me get this straight. The FDA subverts science, loses in court and now has to acknowledge that mercury vapor from amalgams can be harmful and yet you label me an anti-amalgam loon? that is quite humorous seeing as I have the science and court victory on my side

oh, you might appreciate this video also
and have a great day yourself !

Will a cannonball float in mercury?

obscenesimian says...

^ Crap, quack, BS. Boyd E. Haley is a scientist of dubious morals and a known scam artist with a penchant for suing people who stand up to him publicly. you are an anti vaccine/amalgam loon and I will waste no more time on you and your appeals to authority, straw men, etc. Have fun with my AD hom's

good day

Milton Friedman - Other People's Money

blankfist says...

^He's kind of a loon. I get his points, and I've never argued anything for or against social contracts, to be honest, but what about this one:

"Why should I be coerced to leave if I don't like the social contract?

Why leave an apartment if you change your mind about the lease? You do not own the apartment, just as you do not own the nation. At most, you may own some property within the apartment, just as you may own some property within the nation. "

Aside from him answering a question with a question, he still doesn't answer the question. And, when you enter a lease you have to sign the lease, so that analogy is completely off. I wish these FAQs were better. As they are now I can barely read a handful of them before nodding off.

Obama Press Secretary Gibbs Whacks Santelli...Hard

Janeane Garofalo: Republicans Aren't Well-Adjusted

quantumushroom says...

I'm not seeing much evidence from anyone here that they even know what conservatism is or represents, except what pathological 24-ruining hollyweird loons like Giraffolo spew, which in this instance is like asking a nazi to describe a Jew. The arguments from this, uh, 'actress' as well as on this sift are about as deep as, "Someone with a GOP bumpersticker cut me off on the freeway...SEE, that just PROVES what I'm saying they are so MEAN!"

Children also think adults are mean, especially when they can't get their way.

I oppose Obama's marxist policies, and right now were it McCain trying to sneak the same damned Scamulus through I'd be 100% against him too.

You really think Obama gives a damn about any of you? I'm not talking one-on-one at the town hall, I mean, do you think he respects your rights or freedom? That he's working to serve YOU? Then why is he working overtime to inflict his marxist Big Government nightmare on what what was once a free nation? Why does he think he's entitled to the money you've earned--every last penny of it if he could get it--as if your very existence is to serve his vision? The man has a distorted view of the Constitution, a questionable background, and a lockstep liberal mainstream media to back him up. I notice other than pausing to hate FOX, no one on the left has any concern about this mainstream media lockdown, the same kind as in countries with State-run media. It's shameful.

How many of you knew, before this sift started, that unemployment levels are less than those of the 1981 recession, yet Obama claims we're in a second Great Depression? No one at CNN-CBS-MSDNC will ever ask.

If, as Colbert's team of hacks claim, reality has a "liberal bias", why do most professional liberals stick to academic circles and theories that never have to be proven in the real world, or indoctrinate children via government schools, or go to Hollywood to join that fantasy groupthink? (those liberal souls in Hollywood that run the studios work VERY hard to hide all their assets from the tax man). You think Giraffolo is a kind-hearted, generous, liberal soul? I only wish we could all see her reaction when her personal assistant lets her cellphone battery die or brings her the wrong brand of spring water.

If you see nothing noble in conservative or religious values, then why should anyone see governments' seizing one citizen's property, money and livelihood and giving it to others who didn't earn it as "noble"? This has nothing to do with helping people who genuinely need it.

You'll never witness a more belligerent human than a liberal whose self-perceived "rights" have been violated, particularly the "right" never to be offended.

You are a slave to the Rothschilds! End the Federal Reserve!

American Militias Demonized by Senator Dianne Feinstein

Throbbin says...

@ Nordich Reitler -

Read it and tell me how well the Minute Men are doing.

@ QuantumMushroom - where to begin? Because someone is a liberal it doesn't make them a "socialist" anymore than it makes you a nazi skinhead. Are you a nazi skinhead?

WTF does language have to do with militias? Unless you
racist, that is.

Illegal immigration brought California to the brink of economic collapse? Funny, I thought the entire country was on the brink of economic collapse. I guess it's easy to blame all the illegal spics in Michigan and Ohio for those States' economic troubles.

The "Lawful Right to Bear Arms" - ah yes, the fall back. I have a lawful right to drink my own urine, tattoo images of Napoleon Dynamite all over my body, or eat nothing but grits my entire life. If I did those things, even though legal, wouldn't you think I was a fucken loon? Because you have a right to do something, that doesn't make it any less stoopid.

@ Constitutional Patriot - See previous paragraph.

Also - "Militias comprise Americans of all walks of life, race, religion, creed." Funny thing...I think if you see Christian Americans doing this kind of thing, it's fine. See Muslims Americans doing the same thing, and you would flip out like a bunch of pansy school girls.

Am I wrong?

Am I wrong?

Another Church Accuses Obama

bcglorf says...

>> ^Irishman:
AD 1 - 2008

Uh, perhaps lumping all Christians in with these loons is... wrong? I can think of at least one Christian in America that quite disagrees with these crazed ignorant fools. He's gonna be president shortly.

McCain vs Palin

GOP Radio Hack: Equality Is Not An American Value.

NetRunner says...

Huh. So the Declaration of Independence said:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

But yeah, we knew he was a liar and a loon from the combination of "GOP" and "radio".

Also not American values according to these fascists: fairness, manners, truthfulness, compassion, freedom of religion, and the scientific method.

Dude's Incredible Hulk Impersonation Results In Beat-Down.

10891 says...

Wow these cops seem pathetic to me. This kind of stuff wouldn't fly with the NYPD this man is obviously displaying disorderly conduct, I know they probably different laws over there but there's got to be something against acting like a loon. Also the cops actually let the guy make it to the Driver's seat, I wouldn't have put it past them to have left the keys in there and let the man run them over. If these cops had any balls they'd wrestle this guy too the ground when he was doing his Hulk Smash routine

P.S. I don't this kid is really crazy he's just acting out for some crazy reason

Olbermann: Is Sarah Palin Smarter Than A 3rd Grader?

bcglorf says...

I just can't stand watching Olbermann, even when I agree with him. It's like he just keeps yelling louder and trying to be more obnoxious so he can match O'Reilly. O'Reilly's filth isn't made any more palatable from a democrat, it just gives the loons who listen to them from both sides a means to focus their bias.

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