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Syrian protester captures own death on camera

marbles says...


I appreciate the response, but I didn't really post a bunch of links to have a debate about it. I don't mind being called out if I write a check that I can't cash. But you have to connect your own dots.

You're fooling yourself if you think the protests in Iran following the 2009 elections weren't a soft coup attempt. I was mistaken that a leaked State Department cable confirmed it.

Did you read the "Which Path to Persia" manual? Why didn't you respond to the "Bush sanctions 'black ops' against Iran" article. Those 2 are the smoking guns. Did you watch the "The Revolution Business - World" video? They briefly mention Iran at @5:12 Green "fist logo" (same logo as the other staged revolutions), @17:00 "revolution trainer" who "instructs the opposition movements in Iran", @22:42 clip from Iranian propaganda video depicting Gene Sharp, author of the revolution handbook being used. Iran is barely mentioned in the video because the operation was such a huge failure. And you're response to the Kissinger video is hilarious. How is sanctions working from the inside (opposed to working from the outside) to achieve regime change?

Syrian protester captures own death on camera

theali says...


Thanks for sharing your sources with us, I have not followed details of Syria's events, but I can respond to the articles about Iran.

Re: US trains activists to evade security forces
Offering tools that circumvent government censorship firewalls, is not instigation. Iran's government has strict rules for ISPs to share information with the government, much like the warrantless wiretapping in US. If HTTPS circumvents the wiretapping, then is IETF instigating revolution in US?

Re: 'US trains Jundullah members'
Jundullah is a terrorist group, has nothing to do with peaceful protests and civil movements in Iran.

Re: 'has intelligence agents working in Iran'
Duh, of course and Iran has intelligence working in US. Is the Wisconsin labour movement instigated by Iran?

Re: Kissinger threatens regime change in Iran if coup fails
Kissinger said that if the government is NOT democratic, then US would work for regime change. US is doing that right now with the global sanctions on Iran. You can't take his words and say that the millions that protested after the election were all tricked by US propaganda and spies!

Re: Proof: Israeli Effort to Destabilize Iran Via Twitter #IranElection
Online activities such as twitter and facebook are reports of what's going on, not the actual events. People went to the streets and protested, they were shot, killed and prisoned. You need to look at the number of people that risked their lives to measure their force and influence, not twittes!

Re: Iranian Unrest: Evidence Of Western Intelligence Meddling
"CIA/Mossad flooding Iranians with contradicting SMS messages"
I never hear of any broadcast SMS messages in support of the protestors. Government did send threatening SMS messages to discourage people from going to protests. People SMSed each other, but that way you know the person that SMSed you. If I get a SMS from a number I don't recognize, I would just ignore it, but if my friend tells me something, then I would listen!

This is exactly how it happen (eye witness report), after they announced that Ahmadinejad won the election, it was late in the evening, people were in disbelieve, they walked out of their houses and talked with neighbors, once they saw that all around them were Mousavi supporters and no one that was cheering Ahmadinejad's victory. If Ahmadinejad has majority support in their riding, as the polling stations had reported, then where are those supporters? After that evening people knew that they has cheated, from talking to neighbors face to face, and NOT from a twitter fed for god's sake. The west learned about it from twitter, not people inside Iran!

Re: Iran busts another CIA network
Iran's government labels any dissenters as US backed agents or drug dealers. Are the people working to free Bradley Manning agents of foreign governments? Now the hard liners in Iran are accusing Ahmadinejad of initiating negotiations with US and are calling for his impeachment. US is the boogyman used to justify any action that the regime wants to take. Like the "terrorist" threat in america, used to take away people's freedoms, its not REAL!

Re: Soros, the CIA, Mossad and the new media destabilization of Iran
This article is a rehash of the previous ones, no new points here.

Just because governments are spreading propaganda against each other, it doesn't mean that the civil movements inside those countries are made up of manipulated and instigated people!
US caught off-guard by Iran sanctions
Iran to sue US over human rights abuse

Syrian protester captures own death on camera

USA commits 9/11 atrocities on Chile

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'chile, 911, Milton Friedman, coup, cia, Richard Nixion, Pinochet, John Pilger, Kissinger' to 'chile, 911, coup, cia, Richard Nixion, Pinochet, John Pilger, Kissinger' - edited by blankfist

USA commits 9/11 atrocities on Chile

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'chile, 911, cia, usa, Coup detat, Richard Nixion, Pinochet, John Pilger, Kissinger' to 'chile, 911, Milton Friedman, coup, cia, Richard Nixion, Pinochet, John Pilger, Kissinger' - edited by dystopianfuturetoday

Maddow Interviews Tim Geithner, Part 1

Henry Kissinger-Monty Python

The self immolation of a Buddhist Monk

choggie says...

Yeah Raaagh, me this is snuff, right? Even if Thatch Sparked Up here was re-incarnated the next day into Pat Nixon's aborted love-child with Henry Kissinger, makes it like Faces of Death on the Videosift, innit?...because the cat did get all melted and re-incarnated and shit, right?....*questions afterlife scenario #12

"I've modified the video title and details, as I really don't want this video confused with the death of Thich Quang Duc, as I believe that would be disrespectful. This is still important footage in my opinion."

It's still snuffage. So everyone all holy was doing it in okra robes with petrol in Nam, doesn't mean we need to see it, eh? Show us some war crimes caught on tape...the we can get all GenevaConvection on their asses, oven...

Man, I'd make a shitty cop....

Obama won the Nobel Peace prize? (Wtf Talk Post)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Ornthoron:
I'm as flustered as the rest of the world by this decision, but as a representative for NorwaySift, I guess it's up to me to defend some of the thinking that is the rationale behind this year's award.
It should be clear to everyone that Obama did not receive this prize for any accomplishments so far. The decision of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee rather fits in with a policy they have pursued from time to time of trying to use the prize to influence current affairs and/or gather momentum for a cause, instead of giving a pat on the shoulder for a job well done. Examples of this are the 1971 award to Willy Brandt, the 1973 award to Henry Kissinger and Lê Ðức Thọ, and the 2007 award to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Aung San Suu Kyi might also fit into this picture. What's extraordinary this year is that it happens so soon after his inauguration, but I think the committee thought that the time to act was now instead of next year, since the whole world is still anticipating and judging what Obama is going to do. Besides, we can compare to Willy Brandt who received his prize only two years after becoming Chancellor. Obama HAS done some small moves to improve the international climate, such as opening for talks with Iran and his Cairo address. Words CAN be effective, and I suspect the latter has been an important contribution to the committee's decision. Obama's shelving of the eastern european missile shield has also been mentioned, but I don't think that qualifies at all for the Peace Prize. It was more of a reassessment of USA's strategic needs than a call for peace, or if you will a revision of the previous administration's bad strategic decisions.
But my main point is that Obama did not receive the Peace Prize FOR his deeds so far, but rather that his actions symbolize a sentiment that the Nobel Committee want to encourage. Whether their judgment is sound, only time will show. The Nobel Peace Prize has a far from perfect track record, so I won't be surprised if this award turns out to be a mistake. But I think it's too early to tell.

Yeah i buy into this a little.

Still, there are so many people out there who have worked tirelessly towards peace in various countries. Many, many leaders before Obama have done it. Probably done it better too. He's just got a lot of press. What a world.

Rachel Maddow - The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

volumptuous says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
MadCow right in one respect.

Ooooh, name calling at its finest!

Yes, when people are awarded for something other than bombing the shit out of innocent people, neocon's like WP dismiss the award, the committees and the organizations entirely. Even though I'm sure he applauded it when people like Kissinger received one.

And we don't have to even discuss how the Neolib Leftists have infected the practices of Physics, Chemistry and Medicine. What a boondoggle that has been for Pelosi and her band of commie-fascist, tree-hugging, gay-married terrorists.

But giving George Tenet a "medal of freedom" for lying a country into a war, is something to be very very proud of.

Ron Paul on Obama's Nobel Peace Prize

volumptuous says...

>> ^EndAll:
Oh no! The highly prestigious committee that awarded the same prize to Henry fucking Kissinger back in '73?

So wait. You already have disdain for the committee, and you think it's so worthless that Kissinger won it, but you still don't think Obama deserves it?

What am I missing here, because this just doesn't make sense.

Ron Paul on Obama's Nobel Peace Prize

EndAll says...

>> ^volumptuous:
>> ^EndAll:
All the apologetics and relentless justification aside, he really did not deserve it.

Well, it seems that the Norwegian Nobel Committee highly disagrees with you.

Oh no! The highly prestigious committee that awarded the same prize to Henry fucking Kissinger back in '73?

Surely I must reconsider my views if they disagree.

Obama won the Nobel Peace prize? (Wtf Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

I'm as flustered as the rest of the world by this decision, but as a representative for NorwaySift, I guess it's up to me to defend some of the thinking that is the rationale behind this year's award.

It should be clear to everyone that Obama did not receive this prize for any accomplishments so far. The decision of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee rather fits in with a policy they have pursued from time to time of trying to use the prize to influence current affairs and/or gather momentum for a cause, instead of giving a pat on the shoulder for a job well done. Examples of this are the 1971 award to Willy Brandt, the 1973 award to Henry Kissinger and Lê Ðức Thọ, and the 2007 award to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Aung San Suu Kyi might also fit into this picture. What's extraordinary this year is that it happens so soon after his inauguration, but I think the committee thought that the time to act was now instead of next year, since the whole world is still anticipating and judging what Obama is going to do. Besides, we can compare to Willy Brandt who received his prize only two years after becoming Chancellor. Obama HAS done some small moves to improve the international climate, such as opening for talks with Iran and his Cairo address. Words CAN be effective, and I suspect the latter has been an important contribution to the committee's decision. Obama's shelving of the eastern european missile shield has also been mentioned, but I don't think that qualifies at all for the Peace Prize. It was more of a reassessment of USA's strategic needs than a call for peace, or if you will a revision of the previous administration's bad strategic decisions.

But my main point is that Obama did not receive the Peace Prize FOR his deeds so far, but rather that his actions symbolize a sentiment that the Nobel Committee want to encourage. Whether their judgment is sound, only time will show. The Nobel Peace Prize has a far from perfect track record, so I won't be surprised if this award turns out to be a mistake. But I think it's too early to tell.

Barack Obama wins the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (BBC live)

Obama is a Con - Don't trust him

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