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Martin Shkreli on Drug Price Hikes

Trancecoach says...

Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
The drug costs $0.10 in India but, thanks to the prohibitive restrictions imposed by the FDA on the manufacture of more generic medicines like Deraprim, it's unavailable to Americans for less than $750. It's true that there are likely to be quality issues with Indian generics, but Pyrimethamine is widely available in Europe and an approval elsewhere ought to translate with reciprocal approval here. It used to cost $1 million to bring a generic to market; now it costs $10 million and that's the direct result of big pharmaceutical companies lobbying the FDA to make it cost prohibitive to bring competitive generics to the market. This is the consequence of government-created monopolies, so this is not so much a issue of "price gouging" and "CEO greed" as it is about government greed and its pursuit of an ever increasing expansion of its political power. But haters gonna hate based on preconceived biases and there's no reasoning or common sense among irrational people.

Stephen Colbert: Trump "knows who the real audience is"

newtboy jokingly says...

Well then, Colbert should be the most in the know, as the person who coined the word 'truthiness'

That said, it's still likely he doesn't understand today's politics, as there's no rational rationale for most of what happens or is said, it's all irrational personal political truthiness.

Payback said:

It's possible he doesn't. What's happening now isn't politics. It's the "truthy" version.

late night with seth meyers-boston accent trailer

enoch says...

but he has the accent down pat.i get so irrationally irked when an actor flubs the accent.
i know..its stupid,but i cant heeelp it.

artician said:

I thought this was Adam Sandler from the thumbnail, but clicking on the link I now see it's the love-child Adam Sandler had with Hugh Laurie...?

Hillary Clinton Is LYING About Bernie Sanders

newtboy says...

"Clinton’s debating performance is formidable because it combines her intelligence with a sincerity and level of conviction that often seem absent in other forums."

Sweet Zombie Jesus. SINCERITY!?!? I had to turn the debate off 1/2 way through because people bold faced lying to me really pisses me off, and it's all she did, lie about Sanders, his record, and his plans. She looked incredibly desperate and quite Trump like to me....willing to make up or twist anything to attack any 'threat'. That's not a character trait I want in a president.

Her position that if one doesn't vote against anything and everything the NRA is in favor of, one is an NRA shill, is disgustingly disingenuous. He voted against a bill that would make the entire industry culpable for any misuse of their product....meaning they could prosecute the manufacturer and gun store if someone uses a gun for anything illegal....and I'm damn glad he did. That's a TERRIBLE way to try to curtail gun violence, and was an irrational and obvious slap at the gun industry, and would set a disastrous precedent...imagine if the auto industry had to defend itself against charges every time someone had an accident, and had to pay every time someone is found to be guilty of any extend that to every industry. Sanders saw the implications of that kind of over reach and didn't vote for it. Boo hoo.
Her constant misrepresentation of his national medical plan, actually stating that he'll make tens of thousands of people LOSE their insurance and cost $15 trillion while knowing that his plan gets EVERYONE 'insured' for 1/2 the cost by removing the insurance industry that supplies nothing is just plain insulting to anyone able to follow along. If you can understand that simple set of facts, you should be pissed at Hillary for lying to your face, because you KNOW she understands it...she's not dumb.
I certainly didn't see her 'crushing' Sanders on any single point...maybe I need to watch the rest of it, did it turn around 180deg at the end? (I doubt it).

enoch said:

did anybody catch how slate called it for hillary?despite the obvious crushing that sanders delivered?

hey slate,you have something dripping from your may want to wipe that off,you pandering,slutty whore.

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

Babymech says...

The first point I think we can safely disagree on without needing to dig further. We can both think of examples of very irrational, angry feminists and we can both think of examples of rational and grounded feminists. I am sorry that your experience tends mostly toward the first, whereas mine tends mostly toward the second; so many people that I know personally or that I see in media are happy to call themselves feminist that to me it's starting to mean absolutely nothing.

Masters and associate masters (nicholas and his wife, respectively) have some kind of non-teaching support role in relation to the campus and the student body. They're not deans, but more sort of community and relations managers. Without excusing the rudeness in the video, I think it would a whole different principle if these were, for example, students shouting down a professor in one of their classes (which I'm sure has also happened). The master's role is different.

"The point being, you said white men don't need protection because they can just shrug it off or, to quote..." They don't need as much protection from inflammatory comments, but they need job protection, protection against threats, protection against libel, protection against violence, etc., like anybody else. What we see in the video is a PR guy (public relations between the university and the student body) being caught up in a PR shit storm. He's not getting this shit because he's male but because he's the face of student relations. His wife got a lot of shit as well. I don't think he deserves getting shouted down by anybody, but my point is that this isn't the same as a feminist making a generic blog post about how all men are shitty people; it's a specific shit storm playing out around racism at Yale, his role and his wife's role as responsible for student relations, and about what students believe they are entitled to from the school staff. It's a very specific, very different situation, where the students thought they had a right to expect something from him which maybe wasn't part of his role. (I would bet a reasonably large amount of money that he's more PC than you or I would ever care to be).

Finally, I don't know what you are asking if I would "say to a man who has been raped by a woman" Would I say to them that they should ignore shitty feminist blogs about how men are shit? Absolutely. Somebody who has suffered sexual violence should stay far away from that kind of toxic bullshit. But maybe that isn't the scenario you're presenting - let me mirror it and see if I understand what kind of scenario you want me to consider: if a friend of mine has been robbed by a black man, and then dismisses all black civil rights activists as criminals and thugs, would I try to argue with him? I hope I would, though it would be difficult as hell.

If I knew a man who had been raped by a woman, I would try to support him in getting through that, and not blame all feminists. If I knew a woman who had been raped by a man, I would try to support her in getting through that, and not blame all men's rights activists. Does that make sense? I hope it does.

newtboy said:

Yes, but as I said, the majority of ACTIVE, self labeled "feminists" are the man hating brand today, and it's causing many to no longer self label themselves 'feminist' lest they be confused with this vocal majority.

You ignore the pervasive and destructive culture of rape of women by women in prison as well, or the pervasive and destructive culture of rape of men by women outside of prison. Yes, it happens, and is prosecuted far more rarely for various reasons, marginalizing those real victims....just like these "feminists" do, pretending all men are rapists, and all women are victims. It's simply not true, and it muddies and sullies any real point they might have about equality.
I think you know I was using hyperbole to make a point. I don't advocate anyone being raped in real life...not even mass rapists, but I do see that it might be the only way to show SOME people who have a total lack of empathy for people that don't hold their mindset.

"Master"? I thought they said "dean". Is that the same thing? EDIT: If so, the dean is not a guidance counselor/therapist any more than a judge is outside college. They have guidance counselors and therapists for those jobs.

The point being, you said white men don't need protection because they can just shrug it off or, to quote..."We can pretty much take it; we as a group already have most of the money, most of the privilege, and most of the presidents. We don't need a safe space." you still say that seeing how he's NOT capable of just 'shrugging it off' and ignoring them, knowing that many have lost their careers for simply not agreeing with this brand of PC-Nazi?
EDIT: Would you say that to a man who's been raped by a woman? How about a white man raped by a woman of color? Not about the rape itself, but that they still have all the power and can 'pretty much take it/they don't need a 'safe space'', while implying these kids can't take it and do need a safe space?

secondclancy-the new face of social justice warriors

poolcleaner says...

As bad as this commentator is, it's one of the better videos. I don't mind a misguided and slightly irrational voice if I can understand his psychology and reinterpret what he's saying according to my understanding.

Ex-GOP Sen. Alan Simpson: "Hypocrisy is the original sin"

Stormsinger says...

I remember -hearing- and -reading- about those days. They were before my time, or at least before I was paying attention to politics. Until Watergate, I wasn't really interested...after that, the GOP was pretty much irrational.

Simpson was one of the half-way rational sorts. Big for privacy and equal rights, but was also pushing to privatize Social Security and cut taxes (mainly for the wealthy, surprise!). I'm not sure he's got solid standing to call others hypocritical on the topic of income inequality...he did his share to help reach our current balance.

Edit: I didn't quite trust my memory after writing the above, so I did a bit of verification. And I found I was right not to trust it. Simpson was not trying to privatize SS, he just wanted to slash the benefits and increase the retirement age. Which has much the same effect for those who have paid into it all along; they get less.

enoch said:

aaahh..remember when republicans were actually a political party?
with a modicum of common sense?
before they went all meth-head batshit insane?

Bill Maher: Richard Dawkins – Regressive Leftists

ledpup says...

The reason why these guys are Islamaphobes is that there is nothing interesting about Islam or Muslims. Just another irrational, brutal and offensive religion.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, I saw that. I really don't know how I feel about it.
On one hand, yeah, it's ridiculous and therefore cool, but there's a part of me that likes the idea of surfing being human powered and sees this kind of thing as an invasion. I feel the same way about snow mobiles and jet skis.

It's completely irrational, I know. I think I'm just turning into a grumpy old man

daily show-republicans and their gay marriage freak out

poolcleaner says...

Polyamorous feelings are hardly learned. You only like one person at any given time? Lies. Not even speaking about SEX, which always seems to be the trigger word for our collective fears. Why does it come down to sex? Most of my romance is asexual, y'all (society, the royal y'all) are oversexed because you're afraid of your feelings. Either you can't free your feminine self or your masculine self because you are afraid or embarassed, or lack the ability to think beyond that into nonbinary worldviews. Removing negative values from sexual acts so that they become naturally flowing, and not repressed sudden bursts of violence. Practice being asexual around people you're deeply attracted to. Treat them like *gasp* people.

Group hugs, anyone? Holding hands in prayer? I can't be the only one that feels that built in polyamorous tingle, can I? Sporting collisions? Animals born in litters crawling all over each other. Ain't sexual, is just a deep rooted desire to be among life close up and in that shit; protected and secure; loved. Any concert goers out there like getting close to the stage? That's a lot of sweaty people you're being sandwiched between. I know not everyone likes these situations, but it's enough latent desire, again not just for sex, but to be VERY close with more than one other person.

Haha... anyway! It's not all about dirty, sexual acts. If someone I hardly knew asked me or my wife to hang out and tried to have group sex, it wouldn't work anyway. Friendship and asexual romance are higher powers of coexistence anyway; more honest, less messy and ancient mammalian.

But... what is so wrong with bonds that form out of such natural human need beyond the twosome -- also think of all the lonely people out there who you're depriving of human touch, and just because you irrationally believe it's wrong. Shame on society. Shame.

Cop Kills Mexican For Slowly Shuffling In His Direction

reiwan says...

Actually, I do have a point and I am not arguing. Its called debating a difference of opinion. Other instances are not just other instances. They groom the way we act and react to situations based on past examples of previous encounters and behaviors. This guy tried to 1: Evade police in his car, 2: endangered the public in doing so, 3: refused to obey the officers requests to stay back, 4: verbally provoked the officer, 5: acted erratically once out of the car. This all attributed to a hostile situation. I'm sorry you decide to "argue" irrational points of golden firearms and laser beams. It seems you're the one with no point. You say that nobody knows another persons intentions. By that same fact, how do you know this guy was going to be non-violent after disregarding the officers simple command to stay back and advanced towards the officer. The suspects actions contributed to the outcome of the situation as much as the way the officers did.

"Good Bye."

newtboy said:

Anything could happen, my fingers might turn into 5 golden firearms, or I might shoot him with laser one knows another's intentions, ever.
Other instances are other instances, not this one. This one was an unarmed, slow, not violent drunk, not a violent armed, out of control person.
You just want to argue. You have no point.
Good bye.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Also, @lantern53 I don't answer you or any other illogical, irrational person cause you've already made up your mind.

I can't change your mind.

I'm not going to try.

I'm just calling you out on your racist, jingoist bullshit.

Because there is literally nothing I can say that would make you stop and think..
"Oh wow, maybe I DO have a bunch of privileges and advantages based purely on my skin color."

If you sincerely want an answer, message me when you feel like acknowledging facts.

Facts like the American Caste System.

And the fact that white people are at the top of that system.

India has one. Britain has one. America has one. The globe has one.

Acknowledging things like that would be a great first step to help fix problems in the global community.. let alone the black community.

Mountain Horse Bike Conversion Kit

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, it's completely irrational but I hate everything about this.

I go into the backcountry to ride untouched snow, to get some peace, for exercise, to challenge myself and as trite as it sounds to "get back to nature". This feels like the antithesis of all that.

It's unfair, but all I can think about are lazy idiots who don't know what they're doing coming into an environment that could kill them, ruining the snow for those of us that actually worked to get there and to top it all off, they're on loud, carbon-spewing bikes.

Yes, it's completely prejudiced. Some of these guys might be backcountry gods looking to scope epic lines, but please, just this once, can't they fuck off and leave something beautiful alone?

And yes, I'm being a selfish judgemental asshole. And yeah, part of it is because they can cover in a few minutes what would take me hours. Don't care.

I won't downvote because I realise how childish I'm being, but that's my reaction to it.

Embedded Racism for little girls. Thanks, Corporate America!

bareboards2 says...

This video hit the internet last January. At the time, the company only had one black doll. Now they have five dolls of color.

eric3579 above made reference to a comment the company made on an internet article about this vid. They corrected the pricing error in the vid (dolls without accessories are cheaper). They also said they were planning on coming out with a Deluxe black doll.

Everything you say is correct and reasonable. I just doubt that they ARE as rational and careful about hitting all markets. You didn't address my comment about the Bechtal test and the irrationality of moviemakers. I have the evidence of an entire industry being irrational. I don't see why dollmakers would be assumed to be exempt from the same forces.

Those in power don't pay attention to those not in power, until the formerly powerless start making noise.

And you do misunderstand the point of this vid. The lack of Deluxe black dolls isn't a CAUSE of racism. It is a RESULT of a white dominated society that minimizes black people as consumers. Maybe. This is all conjecture, of course.

That Deluxe black doll is coming though! Hallejuah!

AeroMechanical said:

Well, I would say the important difference is whether their decision was based on statistics and decent market analysis, or whether it was just somebody's assumption. It certainly must be tricky when you have a line of products, the different models of which are specifically intended for a particular race. Then you have to look at the demographics of each race separately. You need racially divided focus groups and so on. Obviously, I don't know their particular story, but I wouldn't be quick to judge the company. Though it would be nice, capitalism doesn't generally allow companies to be fair and just for its own sake. If they're stuck with a quarter million unsold deluxe black dolls in their warehouse after christmas, some other less just company will eat their lunch. The free market isn't going to solve racism.

This situation is a nice, simple but poignant illustration of the effects of chronic systemic racism, but I wouldn't go looking for any causes of it here.


A10anis says...

True, but maybe the guy - after seeing it - gave his permission to help other people understand the nature of irrational behaviour.

00Scud00 said:

Possibly, but he could have shown it to him and still not put it on YouTube if that were the case.

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