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rasch187 (Member Profile)

enoch says...

good ARE a lawyer! pegged me like a pin to a butterfly.
but good job sidestepping that after the initial punch.
an intelligence to be reckoned with you are.
i simply think my poetry is hack material incarnate.
it is one thing to share with people you interact with.
quite another to lie vulnerable to those who will eviscerate you.
i am a pussy.
a fearful troll who wishes to stay obscure because the light will reveal his lack of..
i bloviate and bluster but that is born from my insecurity.
i have no bite.
no defense when it comes to my work.
one word from an authority and i would be utterly and completely....destroyed.
so i pretend i dont care...
but that is the lie.
so...the sift has been my baby steps.
encouraging words have a positive affect.
i do not crave,nor seek them but i am not immune to their affects.
seeing what julie has done with my work and how it affects her..and rougy..
well...lets just say it is a good feeling.
the majority of my work nobody has seen and i dont have the first clue how to even begin the process of making my work public.
i have posted a few on my blog and on facebook but only after the insisting of friends.
but i must admit to a curious,morbid fascination with the "what if's"...
what if i COULD get published?
what if people actually would spend money to read my work?
what if they despised my work?
what if i was rejected?
what if i was accepted?
what if they liked my work?
what if..what if...
confessions of a poet was my coming out of sorts.after 30 years of secret dedication i decided to accept the mantle or title of "poet".
the sift was my choice in coming out and because of people like you and my dear friend miss julie it has not been a wholly unpleasant experience.
maybe someday soon a door will open and reveal how i can take the next step.
because honestly rasch, i have not the first clue on how to get my dumb ass published.
i cannot tell you how much your support and kind words have meant to me and my endeavors.of course there have been others:schmawy,rougy,bea,IV,throbbin,duckman,qwiz and of course the chogster and i am meeting more great people everyday here on the sift but you seemed to always be there at the right time with the right thing to say.
i thank you from the bottom of my heart rasch. friend..are an exceptional person.
thanks for being you.

Enhanced South Tower Image W/Explanation

enoch says...

i notice that so many will dismiss any theory that suggests demolition yet ignore the fact that the "theory" fed to us by our own government is a steaming piling of shit.
is the idea that a government would so callously murder thousands to garner more power and control so un-imaginable?
it has been done before..many many times.
or is it because it is OUR government?
time to grow up kids,your government aint your friend.
does this statement mean that i am convinced that our government perpetrated one of the largest mass killings in this century so far?
no....but i wont count them out either.historically governments have always been self-serving and rarely serve the people but rather those who seek power and dominance that only THEY will benefit.
maybe you stick to the ideology that america's government is FOR the people BY the people.
if you still believe that, you have not been paying attention.
do you actually think the people that own this country give one rats fuck about you?
they dont care about you or what you want!
you are a slave and by putting your head in the sand and not asking questions you are being a good slave.
be a good slave and dont ask questions and NEVER about the righteousness of your government.

BBC Newsnight Heated Debate Over "Climategate"

Hex says...

Whats wrong with the debate is that there are Politicians who dont understand what science is about saying you are either right or wrong because you formed a personal opinion on the subject.

Scientist and all logical people just look at research, gathered data and ask whats the conclusion from all that information and then they have an answer not an opinion.

Then you draw into the research debate of how to read the data politicians who have already formed their opinion and dont care about the data itself.

That is fundamentally wrong.

chilaxe (Member Profile)

moodonia says...

Hey Chilaxe,

I just wanted to say good job on your comment about the mouse/pitcher plant video. I agree entirely though sometimes I wimp out and dont say so.

I've decided that I'm no longer looking the other way when it comes to videos of killing animals on videosift or videos where animals are set up to be killed as was the case in the pitcher plant video. People dont seem to get that the idea of a pitcher plant is its full of water and causes death by drowning.

So no mercy from my downvote in future, i dont care if it upsets people or causes * controversy!

Dan Savage on progressing public thought on gay marriage

peggedbea says...

who the hell do you hang out with?
most of the people i know arent gay and most of the people i know are actually pretty damn gung ho about equality.
deciding people dont care if it doesnt actually directly affects them is part of the problem.

hes in the position he is in because has the outlet. he is a writer and sex columnist. and is intelligent and poised and wise and articulate and clever. the recent series of savage videos on the sift are from talks and q&a sessions he has at colleges, answering peoples questions about sex. he didnt go there to proselytize a gay agenda. he was answering a question a student asked at a sexuality education talk.

so we can assume that the audience isnt overwhelming gay, and the audience seems pretty fucking gung ho about equality too.

i reject your statements that people that dont belong to your particular group arent concerned with your plight. and i dont think he actually meant neanderthal when he said "knuckle dragging bigot". im half limbaugh, the limbaughs are all knuckle dragging bigots. theyre also all extremely wealthy and powerful.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

ill have you know im practically a saint.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I'm not surprised that you're a mommy now...with all that fucking it was inevitable.

...shoulda taken the load in your mouth and your tits like a good little girl. But I guess that's too conformist for you. Maybe next time you can eat a skeet-laden watermelon just for the kicks

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
also on a different trip to san diego we broke into the sauna of the same fancy pants hotel iv stayed at and had sex in the sauna. it sounded like a hilarious and grand idea at the time. but it was fucking terrible. like trying to get off in a public gas chamber and then realizing you dont have an asphyxiation or exhibition fetish.

dont believe me? still think sauna sex is a good idea? ask her.
when i got back to texas that summer i told her all about it.

one day when lavoll and i finish writing and composing my autobiographical broadway musical, the program insert will include a map off the places i did horrid debaucherous things in your town so you can attempt to follow in my footsteps. good luck though.

would you believe im actually a nice straight laced mommy now? i read my children bedtime stories by 830 everynight and make art and go on imagination trips to the jungle and outerspace with them. well i do.
fuck you i dont care what you think. ginger balls.

peggedbea (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

I'm not surprised that you're a mommy now...with all that fucking it was inevitable.

...shoulda taken the load in your mouth and your tits like a good little girl. But I guess that's too conformist for you. Maybe next time you can eat a skeet-laden watermelon just for the kicks

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
also on a different trip to san diego we broke into the sauna of the same fancy pants hotel iv stayed at and had sex in the sauna. it sounded like a hilarious and grand idea at the time. but it was fucking terrible. like trying to get off in a public gas chamber and then realizing you dont have an asphyxiation or exhibition fetish.

dont believe me? still think sauna sex is a good idea? ask her.
when i got back to texas that summer i told her all about it.

one day when lavoll and i finish writing and composing my autobiographical broadway musical, the program insert will include a map off the places i did horrid debaucherous things in your town so you can attempt to follow in my footsteps. good luck though.

would you believe im actually a nice straight laced mommy now? i read my children bedtime stories by 830 everynight and make art and go on imagination trips to the jungle and outerspace with them. well i do.
fuck you i dont care what you think. ginger balls.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

also on a different trip to san diego we broke into the sauna of the same fancy pants hotel iv stayed at and had sex in the sauna. it sounded like a hilarious and grand idea at the time. but it was fucking terrible. like trying to get off in a public gas chamber and then realizing you dont have an asphyxiation or exhibition fetish.

dont believe me? still think sauna sex is a good idea? ask her.
when i got back to texas that summer i told her all about it.

one day when lavoll and i finish writing and composing my autobiographical broadway musical, the program insert will include a map off the places i did horrid debaucherous things in your town so you can attempt to follow in my footsteps. good luck though.

would you believe im actually a nice straight laced mommy now? i read my children bedtime stories by 830 everynight and make art and go on imagination trips to the jungle and outerspace with them. well i do.
fuck you i dont care what you think. ginger balls.

griefer_queafer (Member Profile)

inflatablevagina says...

you're good peeps queafer. i like you

In reply to this comment by griefer_queafer:
Are you kidding? The sequence in Mongolia one of the most brutal, chilling, and poetic in all of literature.

Good shit, I_VAG

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
There have only been a couple i didnt like that he has written, but I also enjoy south of the border:west of the sun. I dont care much for kafka on the shore. Wind up is my fave all time though. I love that guy.
I havent ever met anyone else who had read it!!! youve totally made my day!!!

In reply to this comment by griefer_queafer:
Fucking Wind-Up is one of my fave novels. So mysterious and lyric. I haven't read anything else by Murakami that has come close to that book, though.

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

griefer_queafer says...

Are you kidding? The sequence in Mongolia one of the most brutal, chilling, and poetic in all of literature.

Good shit, I_VAG

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
There have only been a couple i didnt like that he has written, but I also enjoy south of the border:west of the sun. I dont care much for kafka on the shore. Wind up is my fave all time though. I love that guy.
I havent ever met anyone else who had read it!!! youve totally made my day!!!

In reply to this comment by griefer_queafer:
Fucking Wind-Up is one of my fave novels. So mysterious and lyric. I haven't read anything else by Murakami that has come close to that book, though.

griefer_queafer (Member Profile)

inflatablevagina says...

There have only been a couple i didnt like that he has written, but I also enjoy south of the border:west of the sun. I dont care much for kafka on the shore. Wind up is my fave all time though. I love that guy.
I havent ever met anyone else who had read it!!! youve totally made my day!!!

In reply to this comment by griefer_queafer:
Fucking Wind-Up is one of my fave novels. So mysterious and lyric. I haven't read anything else by Murakami that has come close to that book, though.

Why We Need Government-Run Socialized Health Insurance

JiggaJonson says...

In all seriousness though, the area close to where I live was considering privatizing the fire departments and yes, it would have been cheaper but it wasn't clear if people would have recieved the same service.

That's what this is mostly about, people dont care how this stuff get's paid for, they just want their house put out when it's on fire. Now within reason they want it as cheap as possible, and that's where the government comes in. Your government can be your go-to guy who watches all the transactions taking place in a gov run system. They make sure (ideally) that your tax dollars dont go to waste.

It's the same thing with health insurance, if we had a public system the people running it wouldn't be eating on gold rimmed plates while flying on private jets. And those savings would be passed along to the consumer. In turn, the private insurance companies would have to deal with a competitor with much lower overheads.

Are You F***ing Kidding Me?

laura says...

They say every one should have their heart broken, at least once. That that is how you grow emotionally. Well, I have been misused by many many many men, but nothing can compare to how you treated me.

At times it really felt as though the pain was here to stay. And though it's many years ago, I feel it to this day.

And now you wanna be my friend on facebook... Are you fuckin kidding me?

All the memories are flooding back to me now. All the ways you stole the light from my eyes.
I travelled so far just to get away from you! Till this mornings friend request surprise.

At times it really felt as though I'd never smile again. You narcissistic ass hole, oh you nasty nasty man.

And now you wanna be my friend on facebook... Are you fucking kidding?

I dont wanna know what kind of cocktail you are or which member of the beatles or which 1950's movie star. I dont give a toss if you're a ninja or a pirate, I'd suspect you'd be a pirate but i dont wanna verify it. and I dont give a shit what your stripper name is or if your Kitty had a litter..

Look, just follow me on twitter.

I dont care about your family tree and i certainly dont want you poking me!.. again.

And now you wanna be my friend on facebook... oh you fucking fucking fuck.
Click, ignore....

How Health Care Reform Will Help You, No Matter Who You Are (Politics Talk Post)

vairetube says...

The question should be why should anyone care what you think if you're only for yourself and dont care about other people?

Answer: They shouldn't. But you should still have affordable health care and so should everyone else.

Tampa Town Hall: Free Speech, or Mob Censorship?

smooman says...

i dont care what side you are on, this is fucking embarrassing. Fucking grown ass adults, on both sides, throwing tantrums like fucking spoiled children. This horseshit makes me embarrassed to call myself a fucking human

Here's your slice of humanity, planet earth

for fuck sake riots are more civilized than this pile of gorilla shit

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