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How to tell how pretty a white woman is

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^westy:

1) You call sum-one racist ( when it is in fact yourself that is racist) of course they will defend ther epiont of view and to then claim that that then makes them racist is just stupid. yes his content is about racisum but thats totally separate to the delivery of the joke or for sum-one to lagitimatyl critisize his delivery of the joke.
I said in my first comment "thing is the jokes are not that bad" Obviously my comment had nothing to do with race the racial nature of the jokes and was to do with the comedians delivery.

2) His skin color is not necessary for the joke to work a white comidean could have made the same joke the joke is an observation on something that is true.
3) and 4) your totaly happy that you yourself are a racist ? and acusing other people of been racist when they are not ?. I can totaly understand that every person has a degree of inbuilt racisum that is unavoidable but if you are then unable to use reasaion to stop yourself acting on those initial racist thoughts then you are a mornic fool.

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
lol Ironic that you would make what is a racist comment yourself.
1) i dont care that he is black the piont he makes stands and the content itself is quite funny and a good comentry on disny princess syndrome or whatever its called when midea gives more of a shit about pritty white girls , its his delivery that i thought dragged on and he milked the joke to much and what then made it anoying and not entertaining.
2) His skin color is not relivent I did not evan mention his skin color ( as u said) there is no way u could get from anything i said anything to do with skin colour. you are the one bringing skin color into this in order to then accuse sum one else of being a racist.
3) you are Just being racist yourself assuming that because sum-one thought the delivery of something was not to there liking would mean by default that they are racist.
4)you are basicaly saying all white people are incapable of finding jokes about white people funny or are unable to be critical about something when its coming from sumone of another race,.
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
He made what 2 maby 3 jokes and dragged them out so long ,
thing is the jokes are not that bad but i dont get how people can be entertained with a guy just standing there repating the same thing and just dragging it out.

Said the white man....

what you said doesn't make any sense.

I was politely implying that you were being racist, saying his performance was inferior because he's black. I know you didn't say it was bad because he's black but, since he was making fun of white people and you didn't find it funny, it's a safe assumption that you are white, yes? So, what I did was run with that assumption and basically say you didn't like it because you're white.

Yep. I used racism to call you a racist, how ironic.
1) If you don't care that he is black why are you getting so defensive?
2) Not relevant? He's a black man telling jokes about white people. That's the whole point of the jokes, controversy of skin color. Saying his skin color isn't relevant is like saying air is irrelevant to breathing.
3) Again, glad you caught the irony in my comment.
4) Am I wrong?

1) In my 1st comment you will notice I used a " " to indicate that I was being very damn funny.

2) For some reason, everyone but you seemed to get the joke so, I had to explain it to you. In a totally racist way.

3) You brought out the troll in me.

4) The End.

How to tell how pretty a white woman is

westy says...

1) You call sum-one racist ( when it is in fact yourself that is racist) of course they will defend ther epiont of view and to then claim that that then makes them racist is just stupid. yes his content is about racisum but thats totally separate to the delivery of the joke or for sum-one to lagitimatyl critisize his delivery of the joke.

I said in my first comment "thing is the jokes are not that bad" Obviously my comment had nothing to do with race the racial nature of the jokes and was to do with the comedians delivery.

2) His skin color is not necessary for the joke to work a white comidean could have made the same joke the joke is an observation on something that is true.

3) and 4) your totaly happy that you yourself are a racist ? and acusing other people of been racist when they are not ?. I can totaly understand that every person has a degree of inbuilt racisum that is unavoidable but if you are then unable to use reasaion to stop yourself acting on those initial racist thoughts then you are a mornic fool.

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:

>> ^westy:
lol Ironic that you would make what is a racist comment yourself.
1) i dont care that he is black the piont he makes stands and the content itself is quite funny and a good comentry on disny princess syndrome or whatever its called when midea gives more of a shit about pritty white girls , its his delivery that i thought dragged on and he milked the joke to much and what then made it anoying and not entertaining.
2) His skin color is not relivent I did not evan mention his skin color ( as u said) there is no way u could get from anything i said anything to do with skin colour. you are the one bringing skin color into this in order to then accuse sum one else of being a racist.
3) you are Just being racist yourself assuming that because sum-one thought the delivery of something was not to there liking would mean by default that they are racist.
4)you are basicaly saying all white people are incapable of finding jokes about white people funny or are unable to be critical about something when its coming from sumone of another race,.
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
He made what 2 maby 3 jokes and dragged them out so long ,
thing is the jokes are not that bad but i dont get how people can be entertained with a guy just standing there repating the same thing and just dragging it out.

Said the white man....

what you said doesn't make any sense.

I was politely implying that you were being racist, saying his performance was inferior because he's black. I know you didn't say it was bad because he's black but, since he was making fun of white people and you didn't find it funny, it's a safe assumption that you are white, yes? So, what I did was run with that assumption and basically say you didn't like it because you're white.

Yep. I used racism to call you a racist, how ironic.
1) If you don't care that he is black why are you getting so defensive?
2) Not relevant? He's a black man telling jokes about white people. That's the whole point of the jokes, controversy of skin color. Saying his skin color isn't relevant is like saying air is irrelevant to breathing.
3) Again, glad you caught the irony in my comment.
4) Am I wrong?

How to tell how pretty a white woman is

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^westy:

lol Ironic that you would make what is a racist comment yourself.
1) i dont care that he is black the piont he makes stands and the content itself is quite funny and a good comentry on disny princess syndrome or whatever its called when midea gives more of a shit about pritty white girls , its his delivery that i thought dragged on and he milked the joke to much and what then made it anoying and not entertaining.
2) His skin color is not relivent I did not evan mention his skin color ( as u said) there is no way u could get from anything i said anything to do with skin colour. you are the one bringing skin color into this in order to then accuse sum one else of being a racist.
3) you are Just being racist yourself assuming that because sum-one thought the delivery of something was not to there liking would mean by default that they are racist.
4)you are basicaly saying all white people are incapable of finding jokes about white people funny or are unable to be critical about something when its coming from sumone of another race,.
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
He made what 2 maby 3 jokes and dragged them out so long ,
thing is the jokes are not that bad but i dont get how people can be entertained with a guy just standing there repating the same thing and just dragging it out.

Said the white man....

what you said doesn't make any sense.

I was politely implying that you were being racist, saying his performance was inferior because he's black. I know you didn't say it was bad because he's black but, since he was making fun of white people and you didn't find it funny, it's a safe assumption that you are white, yes? So, what I did was run with that assumption and basically say you didn't like it because you're white.

Yep. I used racism to call you a racist, how ironic.

1) If you don't care that he is black why are you getting so defensive?

2) Not relevant? He's a black man telling jokes about white people. That's the whole point of the jokes, controversy of skin color. Saying his skin color isn't relevant is like saying air is irrelevant to breathing.

3) Again, glad you caught the irony in my comment.

4) Am I wrong?

How to tell how pretty a white woman is

westy says...

lol Ironic that you would make what is a racist comment yourself.

1) i dont care that he is black the piont he makes stands and the content itself is quite funny and a good comentry on disny princess syndrome or whatever its called when midea gives more of a shit about pritty white girls , its his delivery that i thought dragged on and he milked the joke to much and what then made it anoying and not entertaining.

2) His skin color is not relivent I did not evan mention his skin color ( as u said) there is no way u could get from anything i said anything to do with skin colour. you are the one bringing skin color into this in order to then accuse sum one else of being a racist.

3) you are Just being racist yourself assuming that because sum-one thought the delivery of something was not to there liking would mean by default that they are racist.

4)you are basicaly saying all white people are incapable of finding jokes about white people funny or are unable to be critical about something when its coming from sumone of another race,.

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:

>> ^westy:
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^westy:
He made what 2 maby 3 jokes and dragged them out so long ,
thing is the jokes are not that bad but i dont get how people can be entertained with a guy just standing there repating the same thing and just dragging it out.

Said the white man....

what you said doesn't make any sense.

I was politely implying that you were being racist, saying his performance was inferior because he's black. I know you didn't say it was bad because he's black but, since he was making fun of white people and you didn't find it funny, it's a safe assumption that you are white, yes? So, what I did was run with that assumption and basically say you didn't like it because you're white.

The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (New Voiceover)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'honey badger, hunter, scavenger, cobra, bee, animals, jackal, larva, dont care' to 'honey badger, hunter, scavenger, cobra, puff adder, animals, jackal, larva, dont care' - edited by jonny

The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (New Voiceover)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'hunter, scavenger, cobra, snake, bee, animals, jackal, larva, ew, dont care' to 'honey badger, hunter, scavenger, cobra, bee, animals, jackal, larva, dont care' - edited by jonny

Ronald McDonald Has Been Kidnapped!

BoneRemake says...

I dont think this is funny at all and told the idiots so, it is in massive poor taste. as well its a dupe, its on here already, but I dont care to find it. get rid of it ! !! !

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Honestly, that's just kinda sorta what happens some times, I mean, you can try to go and do some kind of thing to some kind of person, but in the end, it really just doesn't matter, because at the end of the day, it, in and of itself, is precisely the kind of thing you want to happen, well among other things anyway, assuming it's the real deal, which it most certainly is not, is it?>> ^BoneRemake:

I thought I was being funny. I already talked to gwiz about what he meant via the Chat feature. We did not get into it to far, but I honestly think I am right in the matter. internet is not akin to water, you dont need it to live, it is not a right by any means, it is a service provided for a person, the same way processed water is provided to homes, water by nature is a human right if you go to a creek and drink from it, not if it is processed and cleaned piped and metered. See I am lazy, I can go on and on on what I think of the subject, but I just dont care to keep going, my fingers get tired. so instead I wrote what you quoted.
In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
How so?>> ^BoneRemake:
Oh, I thought I wrote agree.

The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (New Voiceover)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'hunter, scavenger, cobra, snake, bee, animals, jackal, larva, ew' to 'hunter, scavenger, cobra, snake, bee, animals, jackal, larva, ew, dont care' - edited by ponceleon

The Greatest Game Review of All Time

EDD says...

The original Newgrounds review:
i reley dont wan to say this, but i have to now.
this game is so esey. i mean, all you do is hit the spacebar. thats it! how is this an RPG anyway? you cant contrail anything but what it says on the screen! what if i didnt want to buy the potion? what apout quests? all you can upgrade is stranth? there is no way you can lose to the boss at the end! this game is crap! its not even an RPG at all! i mean look at it! in what way is this supposed to be an RPG if you can do quests and stuff? all you do is press one butten the entier time! explain to me! the athore coments al totol lies! is it supposed to be stick dudes? i dont even know how this damn game got the daily 3rd prize, or a rating of 4.26!
pepole think this review is worthles.
go ahead! say it! i dont care! im just trying to make a point here!
blam this piece of crap!!!!

P.S the only reson im giving this a 1 is beacuase the voices where pretty good. but thats it!

Did BP Cap The Wrong Well?

dingens (Member Profile)

Booby-trapped bike teaches thief a lesson!

csnel3 says...

@NetRunner. I never brought up race, and I dont care if you use a bear or a rat as you try to compare animals to humans. I think its funny that you claim you cant see the difference between a 20 dollar bill in the middle of the street and a kids bicycle outside a mini-mart. I assume that you, just like most people, can tell the difference, you just dont want to, for the sake of this discussion. Why does everything have to be made a bigger deal than it really is? So again, dont paint me as a racist or put words in my mouth. Dont try to say something is wrong inside me because I'm not offended by your analogy, I am just amused with it. As John Merrik said " I am not an animal"!!.

Maddow: Duality Bites

NetRunner says...

@Winstonfield_Pennypacker, if you're interested in looking at what my frustration over here on the left side of the spectrum is, read this analysis of an article reporting on a debate over what to do with the national debt between Jon Podesta (of Center for American Progress), and Douglas Holtz-Eakin (Former CBO head and was John McCain's chief economic adviser in the 2008 campaign).

Basically covers what you're doing here. You're trying to establish a false equivalence between the right-wing echo chamber that promotes objectively false and internally inconsistent ideas, and a supposed left-wing mirror opposite that's both internally consistent and supported by facts.

Someone on the left pointing out that people on the right are demonstrably being hypocritical isn't "partisan hackery", it's what journalists should be doing.

5 year old forced off school bus miles from home

enoch says...

give me the bud drivers name so i can go kick him in the balls.
this story brought back memories of a personal nature.
my first day of kindergarten.exciting and new and not a tad bit intimidating but i got on the wrong bus going home from school.
i remember trying so hard to see a recognizable landmark and the more kids got off the bus the higher my anxiety.
needless to say,by the time i was the last kid i was producing some pretty impressive snot bubbles because by then i was petrified that i was never gonna make it home and i was so scared.
and do you know what that bus driver did?
sat me right behind her and drove to every ray street in my area.even gave me a lolipop and got me to smile.she made it ok..she was gonna get me home.when i finally recognized my street this bus driver took it one step further and drove me right to my driveway.

you know,maybe in this day an age kids have cell phones and can memorize their address and phone number,whip out an ipod and check google maps but when it all comes down to it...its about community.what this bus driver did was fucking WRONG.i dont care about procedure,rules or dont push a scared 5 yr old off your bus because he is unsure where he is at...EVER.what you DO is do whatever you can to get that kid home and rules be what if you get reprimanded?who cares if you have to listen to a lecture about "waste" and "productivity time".you did what was RIGHT.
i have watched too many people,parents mainly,who have been scared into boogeyman syndrome.that somehow there is a pedophile in every other house just waitin to bugger their child and every other house has a rapist/burglar watching your every move.the fact of the matter is:most people are decent and are not looking to bugger little johnny nor do they covet your "vintage" sony walkman,they are people just like you and i.which one of us would see a hysterical little kid lost and afraid and NOT try to help?
conclusion:the bus driver is a righteous FUCK.may he be raped with a razor blade dildo.

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