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Why are Cashews Not Sold to Consumers in Their Shells?

JustSaying says...

First, to be clear, the T 800 ballsack isn't artificial. It is 100% real human tissue with sweat glands and hair. Unless T 800 have manscaping capabilities. Not sure about their programming concerning this. However, an argument could be made that the sack comes without marbles. I'm not clear to what extent interior organs are required and provided for insuring appropriate operation conditions. I'd have to refer you to the documentation.
Second, why in drag? Is that a certain preference you have or just a necessity to maintain the required amount of eroticism of your fantasy? While I have to inform you I'm a cis hetero male, I do not feel threatened by ideas of genderqueerness or homosexual actions. Feel free to fantasize about me and Arnold Schwarzenegger to your heart's content. The mind is free to make imaginary world's your oyster.
“The mind is endless. You put me in a dark solitary cell, and to you that's the end, to me it's the beginning, it's the universe in there, there's a world in there, and I'm free.”
Charles Manson

poolcleaner said:

k, see you post comments like that around the sift and now I can't stop fantasizing about Freddy Krueger in drag licking a T-800's artificial ballsack. Do you think a T-800 produces sperm?

An American-Muslim comedian on being typecast as a terrorist

gorillaman says...

Dubai & the UAE:
Homosexuals, adulterers and apostates can be stoned to death.
Abortion, blasphemy, public displays of affection, premarital sex, all illegal and punishable by flogging.
Domestic violence against women is legal.

Sodomy, extramarital sex, alcohol consumption, blasphemy, apostasy, proselytism all illegal and punishable variously by flogging or imprisonment.

Blasphemy, homosexuality, transgenderism, public displays of affection, eating or drinking in public during ramadan, alcohol, pornography and 'sending immoral messages' are all illegal.
Domestic violence and marital rape is legal.

Islamist violence against religious minorities is widespread.
Muslims are pushing hard to criminalise homosexuality.
Female applicants to the military and police are subjected to 'virginity tests'.
Shari'a in Aceh province includes the flogging of homosexuals among its atrocities.

Homosexuality and blasphemy are illegal.
Persecution of the LGBT by both government and private groups is common and increasing.

~90% prevalence of FGM
Half the country under islamist control, with all the oppression, murder, torture and rape that implies.

How Many Countries is the U.S. Currently Bombing?

transmorpher says...

Quote from the YT comments I found myself agreeing with:

"Here's a few things the US forces aren't doing: Burning people alive for witchcraft, keeping sex slaves, beheading journalists, kidnapping people for ransom, forcing 1/2 of the population to cover their bodies and effectively live in bags, denying education to women, throwing homosexuals off buildings, burying people so only their head is exposed and stoning them for adultery, suicide bombing their own children to get to one US soldier, denying that the holocaust existed, and the list goes on. All of the horrible things I've listed are however practiced by the people that the US, and allied nations are fighting. So my questions are:1. Why are we holding the US army to such a high moral standard, yet we give a free pass to enemies, who are doing far, far, far worse, with the only thing stopping them from doing even worse being that they aren't as well equipped or trained as the US armed forces. If we are appalled at what the allied armies are doing, then we should be doubly appalled at what the other side is doing. Otherwise we have a double standard. 2.Why did this video single out the US? When quite a lot of the western world is involved in these conflicts. This is why I stopped being a leftie. Because the left is regressing. The leftists are targeting the high end of morality instead of trying to establishing a baseline of ethical behavior which to work from."

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Penn Jillette on Atheism and Islamaphobia

gorillaman says...

You'll notice I didn't say germans, I said nazis. If you want to exempt someone on the basis that they weren't really signed up to the movement, that's fine, but they're then no longer properly a part of the analogy.

In any case, probably the most generous thing that can be said of the 'naive nazis' is that if they didn't know the people they called jews - judaism is no more a race than islam - were being murdered, they merely thought they were being robbed of everything they owned, used as slave labour, and forcibly resettled. That's alright then.

You see, Penn is flat wrong when he says most people are good. Most people are stupid, and stupid people follow social norms, and social norms are, surprise, for the most part pro-social. It's a comforting illusion.

The friendly nazi baker who loves his family, always has a treat for the neighbourhood children, and never invaded anyone gets no pass from me. He's a fucking nazi. Most muslims don't blow people up or throw homosexuals off buildings, doesn't matter, they're still muslims.

Terrorism is a moronic bogeyman and I spread hate every day. Any idea can be used to corrupt people, that's not important. What is important is whether the idea in question is corrupt in itself; Penn says this one is, I agree with him, and that being so I say the people who hold to it deserve to be hated.

My_design said:

Actually, yes. That's 100% correct.
Read some of the post WW2 books from the German perspective about what happened during WW2. They are very enlightening as to what people thought they were a part of. The guys that were shooting at American/Canadian/British and other troops on D-Day, those "Nazi's"... They had all been fed a steady diet of propaganda. They were told that the Nazi party and Hitler had united Europe under a single flag for the first time ever and that the Allied powers were coming to try and take that away. In many cases they didn't know the horrors that were being committed upon the Jewish people, sometimes just a few miles from their town. Sounds a lot like the situation in the middle east, except I think most people in Isis know what is going on and actively cheer for murder because their religion demands it.
Now I do think that within National Socialism as well as Islam ,and for that matter any idea (looking at you Christians), there is a potential for people to use the idea in order to corrupt others and spread hate. I think it's perfectly fine to hate those assholes.

The New Wave of YouTube "Skeptics"

dannym3141 says...

I'm not sure if this is anti-zionist, anti-semitic, anti-SJW, anti-islam, antiquated, antipodean or just anti-everything.

What's with the esjew and esjudaism stuff? I'd love to know what point you were making by it - was it just something you found darkly funny, or do you think there's a link between SJWs and jews?

Also an Islamist in the traditional sense ('someone who promotes Islamic politics') shouldn't share much of their ideology with an 'SJW'. Depends on what group or particular muslim you're talking about, but an 'Islamist' and SJW should disagree on homosexuality, women's rights and capital punishment to name a few. I'd have thought strictly traditional muslims would be diametrically opposed to SJWs.

gorillaman said:

Whereas esjews, like their frequent allies and ideological partners the islamists, seem to be gaining ground and converts every day.

Texas Representative Warns of Gay Space Colony

Texas Representative Warns of Gay Space Colony

newtboy says...

For most of our "civilized history", homosexuals have been attacked and murdered by people like him, not loved and encouraged. For most of our "civilized history" men have had the option to rape women with impunity.
If only, for most of our "civilized history", people like this were shunned when they could not be educated, we would be far more civilized.

Actually, Gohmert, what the founders said clearly was....."As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;" This statement was ratified unanimously by congress in 1797. The constitution was based on English Common Law, which existed in England long before the Romans brought Christianity, so if we are founded on a religious doctrine, it's PAGANISM, you fucking moron.

*promote the *fail

Jim Jefferies on Bill Cosby and Rape Jokes

bareboards2 says...

And this is the brilliance of Louis -- that he lays bare the humanity of even pedophiles. The truth of pedophiles.

(They are doing research now that supports the idea that sexual attraction towards children is indeed hard-coded and a "natural" part of the human sexuality spectrum. If that turns out to be true... that opens up a huge can of worms that reflects back on our historical treatment of homosexuals. Chemical or actual castration? Permanent imprisonment? Creating more communities like that place in Florida that is populated with convicted child sex offenders? If there is no "cure," is capital punishment the only solution? I feel paralyzed by the implications.)

Payback said:

@ChaosEngine mentioned Louis CK's SNL paedophile bit. That, even with it's dark and sick subject matter, is empathetic. He's causing us to laugh WITH the paedophile, not AT them. We're laughing at ourselves. He's bringing us, kicking and screaming, to the view the paedophile is merely ill, not evil.

(I don't think paedophiles are merely ill, I think like cancer, they should be bombarded with chemicals and radiation until they disappear. But that's just me.)

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

Asmo says...

No, what he said was that everyone in the world can be as moral as anyone else.

Goes back to the old "you're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts". You created a point to demolish that never existed and started lambasting someone for making it...

And how is that any different to how hardline extreme Islamists treat others? They assert an opinion as fact (homosexuality is evil) and then form their entire relationship with homosexuals based on that... That is their opinion, it's not a fact, but they don't really care about that now do they?

As Babymech said: "Then you declared victory because you were victorious in not listening to him."

gorillaman said:

You claim that everyone in the world is exactly as moral as everyone else?

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

gorillaman says...

The ugliness of an idea reflects on the people who hold it. Islam is an utterly abhorrent ideology; it must be correct to say that its followers are in some degree less worthy than those who endorse better ethical systems.

Why do muslims deserve to live safely, to be treated with the dignity afforded to human beings, when they deny the same rights to others? There is such a thing as self-defence.

Hey @newtboy, when was the last time the US government executed someone for the crime of homosexuality?

kir_mokum said:

the tricky part i see is the conflating of "islam" with "muslims" and using the ugliness of islam as justification for mistreatment and ostracizing of muslims. sometimes to the extent of treating them as sub human, most notably in refugee conversations. islam is gross, imo, and should be criticized (fervently) but muslims are still people and need to be treated as such, just as the gay community should. they both have the right to live and have the opportunity to live with some semblance of safety. people deserve compassion. ideas do not.

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

kir_mokum says...

there's kind of this weird rhetoric that i keep noticing that implies that "gays" and "islam" are the same category of thing and can be compared but can't be prioritized because they're somehow equal. they're not.

homosexuality is an inherent quality. there is nothing to critique or change other than our views of it.

islam, however, is just an idea and needs to be treated as such. it absolutely can be critiqued and changed and i would argue this is required.

the tricky part i see is the conflating of "islam" with "muslims" and using the ugliness of islam as justification for mistreatment and ostracizing of muslims. sometimes to the extent of treating them as sub human, most notably in refugee conversations. islam is gross, imo, and should be criticized (fervently) but muslims are still people and need to be treated as such, just as the gay community should. they both have the right to live and have the opportunity to live with some semblance of safety. people deserve compassion. ideas do not.

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

newtboy says...

Can we call out Christianity's violent hatred towards gays first, please?
In this country, they've attacked far more homosexuals than Muslims, and have furthered violent hatred of gays in other countries, lobbying to make it illegal anywhere they can.

Really?!? So he thinks religious hatred for homosexuals is only held by Muslims? What utter bullshit.

Ask the exact same questions in a Southern Baptist church, you'll get the same 100% hands raised....and not a single one would say they're 'extremists' either.
Pat Robertson just went on TV and said Christians should stand back and let the Muslims kill the homosexuals....he has tens of millions of followers.....that are "Christians".

If you REALLY think what this guy spouts, you MUST be against ALL religion, or you're simply dishonest or totally naïve...or both.

This was some insane bullshit hyperbole. Downvote.

Pat Robertson - Let Muslims and Gays Kill Eacother

Khufu says...

What this ignorant asshole doesn't realize is that Muslims and homosexuals are not "favored" groups by progressives. They are just not UN-FAVORED, as in we're not a bunch of racist bigots spreading lies and hate aka 'God's will'. Big difference.

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