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Cover yer Bums- the Grays have an Agenda and it ain't Pretty

Farhad2000 says...

Why I sleep with my AR-15, 10 clips and 3 grenades....

But seriously hasn't anyone else noticed how much pseduo-documentaries keep appearing on History Channel? or Discovery Channel for that matter? What do I discover watching American Chopper?

Otter porn

Krupo says...

Videos like this remind me of (the horror, the horror) some old episode of Home Improvement where the kids sit watching the Discovery channel, transfixed by teh animal pr0n. Only this is worse. Double Downvote fo the commentary. Yuck.

Rare Film of Elephant Birthing

A clip from Discovery Channel's "The First Time Machine"

A clip from Discovery Channel's "The First Time Machine"

swampgirl says...

Alright VS smarties out there...time to teach Swampgirl some more physics...

I would like to see the rest of this show. Is what he's saying at all possible here?

Oh, and is it the "Discover" or "Discovery" channel? I want to make sure the title is correct.

Guy Finds A Zebra Killed By Lions And Eats What's Left Over

bamdrew says...

i remember this guy doing the same thing with a salmon he snagged in Alaska; just took a bite out of it while it was still wrigglin around. one would assume he could easily start a small fire (because I could, and i'm nobody special), but maybe there's little showmenship in that.

as an aside the statement that this kill was just abandoned by lions seems rather dubious to me... yes, i'm calling BS on a discovery channel show... The ribs don't appear broken or chewed up, yet are stripped of meat, and all of the entrails are gone yet no other scavengers appear to be around or to have chewed it up. Leaving to whole front leg haunches yet eating nearly all the scraps of the lower carcass? possibly BS?

Inside the Towers

reln says...

Please note that this film is mostly a reenactment of witness accounts of what happened inside the towers just after the first plane hit. The film was produced for the Discovery Channel and also contains actual footage of the events of the day.

I found this film to be incredible as it presented a frightening perspective of what was going on inside the towers.

Inside the Twin Towers

reln says...

Thanks for your opinion. However, I found this to be an incredible film and not in the least bit tacky. I doubt the crew over at the Discovery channel share your opinion. Thanks for the downvote.

The Pachelbel Rant - Never look at the Canon in D the same

IS the site gonna be themed Christmas? (Sift Talk Post)

benjee says...

Personally SnareMop: I find the complete editing of any post as a little dodgy (I even strike-out my non-grammar/typo edits to comments)... But re-writing a whole Sift Talk post to a question which was answered already (Christmas decorations) - seems un-nerving and confusing for anyone reading the comments above.

For any of those confused Sifters, here's the original Sift Talk posted:

My Day! (ooo so exciting!)

posted by snaremop [14 Published Videos] 7 hours 54 minutes ago

As usual, today started off at 5:56 in the morning. I ate some Honey Nut Cheerios, got dressed in my shite school uniform, and went off to school. First period is History, where absolutely nothing happened, except we watched a boring Discovery Channel movie about China. And we had to take notes. Then came science, where we began dissecting an owl pellet. I found it quite amusing how everyone thought it was owl shit. Next was recess, where I ate some granola type energy bar. I don't know. It was called Nature's Valley. Then came orchestra, where we practiced our asses off for our concert (which, as I'm writing this, starts in about an hour and a half). After orchestra is English, which is fairly boring, and I might have died if I did not sit next to interesting people. We corrected Vocabulary and did some practice worksheet. I did unusually bad on the vocabulary: 62 out of 66. Ha, I'm so modest. After English is P.E., where I ran a mile in 7:03 (well, it's a little more than a mile. Plus I'm the best boy runner in my class). After P.E. is lunch, which is a blur. It was very sunny; all I remember is my peanut butter sandwich. Our twenty five minute lunch is followed by Algebra, which is always boring but I am good at it. We are learning about graphs, slope, etc. It's my second year doing algebra: I failed the final in 6th grade. Finally, after ALgebra is Leadership, perhaps the most boring class of the day. We got our school email addresses, which consist of a line of cryptic letters and numbers, which are extremely hard to memorize. The day ended at 2 o clock, when I went to buy some clothes (a flannel shirt and polo) and then went to orthodontist to get my mouth of metal adjusted. I was pleased to hear I only have four more months of braces ! Finally I came home, did my algebra homework, and I am now typing this. Hope you enjoyed my blog? Ok, I guess it's a blog. Snaremop, out.

Orcas Are Smart

JerkyTwins says...

CNN is so yesterday. Scientists say this kind of cooperative planned hunting behavior is very rare...maybe they haven't seen the Discovery Channel's eposode where dolphins, killer whales, seals, and a real whale circled and decimated a massive school of anchove...

Roller Pigeons doing backflips (:29) sweet footage

Ivegotthebends says...

I believe it's also a defense mechanism used against predators approaching from above. It rolls onto its back to get its claws into whatever is swooping down onto it. I saw footage of a hawk doing something similar against another hawk on a Discovery channel program.

Ostrich Farming: a Dirty Job

Ostrich Farming: a Dirty Job

Make the Most of Any Moment video contest

joedirt says...

wow beat me to it! This video is the worst of all possible things. Fake YouTube home video. Copy of Discovery Channels, submit your funny video contest, with the concept of changing BORING crap into nestle ad.

For the last time. THIS IS SPAMVERTISING. astroturfing is fake grassroots support motivated by $$$ and corporations to appear like grassroots. Of course anything that looks youtubey is grassroots sortof. lonely15 is astroturfing. This is superliminal spamvertising. (ie. pasting your crap all over the internet and saying, check out this cool video)

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