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US Navy shoots down Iranian passenger jet

CrushBug says...

So, the Discovery channel airline disaster documentaries are all suspect? Or just this one is, and all the rest are OK?

You do understand that they said pretty much everyone failed on the US warship, including the technology and procedure. Are you saying that the US ship was not at fault, or it was? The documentary said the US warship was at fault. I am just trying to understand what part exactly you are having a problem with, since it seems that the documentary agrees with you.

US Navy shoots down Iranian passenger jet

Abducted says...

While I do enjoy the Discovery channel, I would never trust their reporting on anything that has to do with US politics.

When they aren't masturbating to the MOST EXTREME, AWESOME and DEADLY weapons of the army in a deep voice, they are doing dodgy documentaries that are as unbiased as the myth busters are scientific.

US Navy shoots down Iranian passenger jet

US Navy shoots down Iranian passenger jet

CrushBug says...

I do remember watching a Discovery channel show on the shoot-down. Even with all the other factors, one of the root causes was a software error.

The radar and tracking locked onto the IFF of an F-14 on the tarmac at the airport, the same airport that the plane was taking off from. The operator didn't re-lock tracking on the incoming passenger plane. There was no indication that the IFF was on another plane. While they were tracking the passenger plane for airspeed, altitude, etc., the IFF was locked on the F-14.

There were many other problems including the ones listed above, but the whole thing was a breakdown of procedure, technology, and communication.

12ft crabs, walking fish and mini sharks: deep sea creatures

Discovery Commercial: I love the whole world

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'I love real dirty things, discovery channel, boom de yada' to 'I love real dirty things, discovery channel, boom de ah dah' - edited by calvados

oxdottir (Member Profile)

Discovery Commercial: I love the whole world

Discovery Commercial: I love the whole world

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'I love real dirty things' to 'I love real dirty things, discovery channel, boom de yada' - edited by calvados

Anti-Cable (Pay TV) PSA from the 70's

MarineGunrock says...

It makes me think....

Surely these cable companies are paid to broadcast channels on their networks?

Lemme put it like this.

Coke has a product they want advertised. Coke therefor pays the Discovery channel a sum to have them place their ad on that channel. Discovery can only make money if their channel is broadcast into American homes.

Discovery therefor pays Comcast a sum to have them broadcast their channel and all it's commercials.

So,..... wtf?

Meerkats vs Puff Adder

Penn and Teller -Bullshit! - Self-Helpless

10061 says...

Okay, about the video - lol. I don't see how learning magic tricks helps you improve anything. About those steel bars - she stole some Shaolin monk tricks. That shattering arrow almost got in eye of that girl. The boards prove a lot also about karate bullshit. If you train a year and then some fat lady does it with the first try. About the moment, where she said - germs shouldn't create diseases and the cancer things, well, got to admit - theoretically it's possible. Again let's look at the kid who cured cancer with self-hypnosis. There was a Discovery channel program on this. I believe that brain is a very powerful tool by using which you can program it to make changes to your body in certain limits of course.

I have a simple advice to happiness - don't let shit influence your feelings, live in the moment. Hmm...actually I need some money right now, I need to write a book on this topic, no - I will write 1 book and split it in 5 so I get more money.

Majortomyorke (Member Profile)

How Do You Get Pandas To Have Sex? Show Them Panda Porn

12ft crabs, walking fish and mini sharks: deep sea creatures

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