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IGS 2007: Kim Swift - 'From Narbacular Drop To Portal'

NordlichReiter says...

There are suits... and there are independents.


Digipen, fullsale, collins collge... there is nothing special about them.

There is no school that will train you for 5 year projects, 24 hour work days, and mountain dew.

If you want to do design games.. and are not the lucky 1% that make it right into a design position, I suggest you start testing games. Learn how to write ... well, be good at it. Have a portfolio, and then when you think that you are ready... put some ideas down on the designers. You could get lucky.

In short, dont asskiss, but cater to them.

Sarah Palin as VP? (Election Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

In all truth, probably little overlap. I may have watched her play basketball against my high school. But you know, who knows - Deathcow or I may have toked up with her at some point. Why ruin a good story. yes ... it's coming back to me now ...

It was February of 1987. A boombox with Judas Priest was playing Hell Bent for Leather. We were behind the Wasilla Carrs supermarket, in the little stand of trees there. Pepsi and Mountain Dew Cans littered the snow. They were all deformed into makeshift pipes -- punctured, used and discarded.

Much like the girls who clustered around the heavy metal boys in that chilly circle.

I was in my light Member's Only jacket, defying the freezing air. She was wearing a ski jacket. Her hair was poofed up in a ball, frozen on top of her head. I was close to her, I could smell the Aquanet that made her hair perform its unnatural act.
"Pass the pipe Sarah" she was holding her breath - the Pepsi can saddling its small package of pungent herb.
"Hold, on - I got room for one more." She croaked in reply, sucking the last of the green down into the can. Nothing left but burning ashes. "Here you go, enjoy that." She snickered, walking off into the dark.
"Dude, that's so uncool". I dropped the can into the beaten snow watching her fading figure return to the light, while I stayed in the darkness of the wood. Judas Priest played on.

Roast IX: Who the f**k is this guy? (Parody Talk Post)

dotdude says...

OK, so now we’ve had the “Crying Game.” No OF, we don’t need to see THAT.

Wow, look at all that love displayed here. It just makes you want to choke like when I read the description of your last meal request - all stirred together?!? So, I suppose you’re from the school of thought that believes “it all goes to the same place.” Well I guess it comes down to what you’re used to . . . so did you grow up on casseroles or dumpster diving? At least you know not to mix your poisons. Although I’d have to wonder what a milk- Mountain Dew -Jack Daniels combo would taste like? On second thought, nanh.

Actually, OF, with some of the things said around here, you might want to worry about the passes made at you. Who knows what’s at the other end of your sticky keyboard. Some of them might even think their SiftBot’s gift to the Internet.

Now about that super power you requested, “invisibility” . . . . I believe some sifters may have already granted you that ability. And if they haven’t already, you might just ask them. Wow, you could speak freely. That might get kind of lonely, though, just you and SiftBot talking. Oh wait, you got your girl, too. Y’all could be the three amigos.

Your list of prized possessions should make moving fairly easy. Of course four of them require constant replacing. By now you’ve smoked them already. Let us know when you’re back from the Kwicky Mart.

VideoSift is self-entertainment, eh? I guess your self-entertainment needs to be plugged in – oh wait . . . . Moving on to things you are afraid of . . . wow, you would have to go out of your way to find scorpions or candiru. Since you brought up the candiru and concern for your wiener, didn’t you read your article that you’d have to be urinating in the Amazon River. But then the article argues why that wouldn’t really work either – urine stream velocity and problem of pure urine, or so it says. OK, I don’t want to keep beating this joke and all. No, I wasn’t talking about your . . . nevermind . . .

I’ll leave the donkey in the bathtub alone. It’s just a donkey . . .

OK, I’m still scanning your hodgepodge of information . . . so much to play with, so little time. I have to leave something for the others to mess with.

Next . . .

Operation Baja Blast - "Borrowing" Soda from Taco Bell

12028 says...

>> ^jimnms
I totally agree. The guys stealing the dew are pretty damn low on many levels. I just wanted to show with the math how petty their crime was. Baja blast is wrong from the start so anything you do with it is pathetic.

Operation Baja Blast - "Borrowing" Soda from Taco Bell

8960 says...

i guess i can see telling your dorm/suite mates about your foray into the taco bell underworld to secure vast quantities of the rare and exotic "baja blast" mountain dew syrup would be thrilling.

Operation Baja Blast - "Borrowing" Soda from Taco Bell

12614 says...

For those who don't know the Mountain Dew flavor "Baja Blast" is only available at Taco Bell. It is not available to buy in stores. That is the reason they did this.

Fitness Instructor tries Wii Fit

pho3n1x says...

if you go in order on the yoga poses, it DOES go over breathing techniques...
that, and the wii fit is not meant to "get you fit"... sure, the name is somewhat misleading, but they're balance games...

read the interview with the creators about the purpose of the game (or just read the back documentation on the game) and it says that.

all that being said, the wii fit, or the wii in general, is a great way to play games and burn some calories at the same time. it's better than sitting around with a controller in one hand and cheetos/mtn dew in the other...

Ricky Gervais - On Fat People

Doc_M says...

Funny, but obesity does in fact have a strong molecular biological, genetic component involving in some cases a pathological and absolutely irresistible hunger compulsion, and in other cases completely messed up metabolism and energy storage. These obese individuals are the result of biological disease and the recent cheap availability of enormous portions of horrible foods. When all you can afford is fish, rice, and cabbage, these diseases might never show, especially if you have to labor hard for the money to afford even that. Of course if a few bigmacs are about the same price and you're "working from home" or mumsy and dadsy are floating the bill...

Still, of course others are just lazy lumps who eat 12 bigmacs, wash it down with 64 ounces of mountain dew with a side of cheesecake while they watch soaps all day.

The VideoSift iTunes Game. (Music Talk Post)

randomize says...

1. Jesus the Mexican Boy - Iron and Wine
2. What People are Made Of - Modest Mouse
3. Tasergun - Beck
4. Fuckin With my Head (Mountain Dew Rock) - Beck
5. Trogdor!!!! - Strong Bad
6. Black Tambourine - Beck
7. Farewell Ride - Beck
8. Message in a Bottle - The Police
9. Satan's Bed - Pearl Jam
10. But, Honestly - Foo Fighters

Wow. Maybe I have too much Beck. I don't think this accurately represents my music tastes. Let's try again

11. Satan Gave me a Taco - Beck (not looking good)
12. Even Flow - Pearl Jam
13. Diamond Bollocks - Beck
14. Total Soul Future (Eat It) - Beck
15. Low Light - Pearl Jam
16. Me and The Bean - Spoon (yes!)
17. Cut 1/2 Blues - Beck
18. Bugs - Pearl Jam
19. Summer's End - Foo Fighters
20. Life Like Weeds - Modest Mouse

Okay, what the hell.

Learn to Mashup with Granny Teller

Doc_M says...

Those are actually decent decks.
And, I want to trade grandmas with someone immediately.
I have a sudden urge for a Dew. CODE RED! CODE RED!

"There is no longer any doubt..."

quantumushroom says...

I don't think American leftists believe America is a good country. Of course they're going to look for the bad. That's their right (ha ha) and for the most part, the US doesn't censor our mistakes like, say, RED China.

"Nothing justifies torture," is an admirable position. Get this vital message out to the jihadists, along with "Nothing justifies homicide bombings" and "Nothing justifies 'honor' killings."

So if the defective Muslim civilization were jumping off a bridge, would you jump too?

Yes, but while wearing a bungee cord.

PS to choggie, please make with the "free energy" you claim is being suppressed. I suspect for you it's trucker pills washed down with 3 liters of Mountain Dew.

Cat in a beer box

uhohzombies says...

Wow, yeah, that's a beautiful cat. I thought it was a Scottish Fold at first (I mean, hell, all the damn internet cat videos are of that breed it seems), but now I'm not so sure.

My old Siamese cat used to love to do that kind of thing. I'd get a 12-pack of Mountain Dew and leave the empty box out and he'd climb in through the little hole and chill inside like it was a little cave. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had a cat that DIDN'T like boxes in some way, shape, or form.


WNBA Live 08, feel the excitement

Paul Weller - One x One

Farhad2000 says...

share your dreams
give us all the beam we need
like electric light
in a ballroom scene
going one x one

shed your chains
to earth like dew and all remain
forever in another vein
as you slip into another dream

don't fear not
not where you tread
fear only- the lies you're fed

head that sign
for all of us who wait in line
waiting for the words to rhyme
bringing on a brand new day

don't fear not
not where you tread
fear only- the lies you're fed

so dance little dancer
like you've never danced before
it's just a moment
we're going through
this is the new dance that we do
so sing little brother
and turn on everyone
lift are spirits high
to a place we need to find

share your dreams
give us all the beam we need
like electric light
in a ballroom scene
going one x one

shed your chains
to earth like dew and all remain
forever in another vein
going on one x one

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