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Charlie Brooker Reviews The iPad

Deano says...

>> ^MaxWilder:

Horrible review. That arrogant mocking is the kind of attitude you get from unthinking haters. I would never trust their opinion. I happen to agree with his basic critique, but his attitude was so repulsive I think I'll give the iPad another chance. After all, I enjoyed playing Plants vs Zombies on it.

It's a comedy show. He's putting it on for laughs. Do we have to explain when people are simply taking the piss? Whether he means it or not is not relevant - the entertainment value is. But fanboys do need something to get worked up about.

BTW Newswipe has been nominated for a Bafta so well done to Brooker on that front.

Charlie Brooker Reviews The iPad

alien_concept says...

>> ^MaxWilder:

Horrible review. That arrogant mocking is the kind of attitude you get from unthinking haters. I would never trust their opinion. I happen to agree with his basic critique, but his attitude was so repulsive I think I'll give the iPad another chance. After all, I enjoyed playing Plants vs Zombies on it.

Yeah, that's pretty much his schtick

geo321 (Member Profile)

residue says...

Oh, I was just being facetious, but I appreciate the input!

In reply to this comment by geo321:
It's not Charlie Brooker but you might like this video...
and this one...

In reply to this comment by residue:
Does anyone know of any videos similar to this one? Maybe something with Charlie Brooker?

residue (Member Profile)

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere

Doug Stanhope: Voice of America on News/Late Night

Newswipe - Scary News

Doug Stanhope on the Fear Spread by American News

The world's most generic news report - Newswipe

dannym3141 says...

Charlie Brooker is one of the most scathing analysts for any subject you care to throw at him. His ability to spot hypocrisy and poor quality is more finely tuned even than David Mitchell's. I'd call him a genius if his particular art wasn't "Delivering a depressingly accurate and acidic analysis of things."

BBC: This just in: a News Story!

Adam Curtis on Oh Dearism

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'adam curtis, charlie brooker, newswipe' to 'adam curtis, charlie brooker, newswipe, 2009, biafra, ethiopia, msf, cold war, rwanda' - edited by Eklek

deputydog (Member Profile)

Charlie Brooker's Newswipe on school shootings 25/03/09

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