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Footage of burning crater caused by meteorite in Latvia

Creepshow - Trailer

my15minutes says...

aloha, fisk!

was just reminded of my favorite horror movie, by this comment, and wanted to make sure i upvoted the trailer again after the re-sift.

so i run a search, upvote it, and scroll down to see if any good scenes had been tossed up here, only to discover that this is a dupe. and what's more, apparently i was the original sifter!

so, if you've got a favorite clip languishing in your p-q or something, reply to me and i'll toss it a promote. if not, i'll just pick something i like and bump that.

Footage of burning crater caused by meteorite in Latvia

honkeytonk73 says...

I'd have claimed the metorite.. universities pay through the nose for them. Especially large ones.

Of course... if an infant crawled out of the crater (Superman).. then obviously it would be a different situation.

Arvana gets his crown; wants peace, love, and understanding (Nature Talk Post)

Redneck Breaks Back on Crazy RV Jump

Robots to Draw Ads On the Moon's Surface

joedirt says...

lol.. imagine how little distance the mars rovers travelled. Then imagine what kind of sq miles are required to make something visible from Earth.. It will be a minimum of hundreds of years of robots driving around the moon (and never breaking or dealing with boulders/craters/etc)

Now a barrage of missles might do it...

Caspian Airlines Plane Crash in Iran

vairetube says...

TEHERAN - AN IRANIAN airliner crashed into farmland in the north-west of the country on Wednesday, killing all 168 people on board, state media reported. Witnesses said the plane exploded after it dropped out of the sky, and state TV footage showed a deep crater littered with smoking wreckage and debris, including a large chunk of a wing.

The Caspian Airlines' Russian TU-154 plane crashed near the city of Qazvin, about 120km north-west of the capital, shortly after takeoff from Teheran's Imam Khomeini international airport.

Those on board
AMONG those on board the plane were about 25 Armenians, according to an airline representative in Yerevan, while Iranian officials said they included 10 members of Iran's junior national judo team.


Very very sad

Quickest way to defuse a car bomb in Iraq

Gordon Brown Saves...What?! Play Him Off Keyboard Cat!

dannym3141 says...

Fucking labour and conservatives.. what's the phrase, giant douche or a shit sandwich? We'll need another couple of alternatives to cover all bases.

God i hate british politics. Biggest bunch of public schoolboys masonic handshaking each other up the echelons of the westminster clique i have ever had the misfortune to be governed by.

And when i say governed, i mean they have habitually and with regularity stolen from me, treated me like a blind fool, lied to me, and allowed my country to turn into a pile of shit.

I swear to god if i could find it i'd sift it. A video of some tory CUNT being the latest bastard to get caught stealing under the guise of 'expenses claim' to have his fucking moat cleaned, or a floating duck island put in his mini-lake.

His response to having been caught red handed? "It's jealousy. Nothing but jealous! I have an excedingly large house and these people are simply jealous."

When i saw that on the news, it brought my piss to a boil - i nearly ripped open my shirt hulk hogan style and turned my street into a crater.

Russian 5th generation fighter

StukaFox says...

We'll know it's combat ready when it's punched a crater into the runway at the Paris Airshow.

Also, I hope it does better than its hanger-queen predecessor, the Mig-29 -- one hour of flight for 10 hours of hanger time.

New footage of Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon

grubert says...

This is absolutely awesome. I especially like the way Armstrong delivers his now legendary words, then proceeds to analyze the ground and the crater left by the Eagle. After being the first human to step on the f***ing Moon! How unbelievably professional!
I agree with StukaFox, this is what the USA can achieve when at its best. 400,000 Americans, men and women, working together for a decade to land men on the Moon. The 21st of July this year will be the 40th anniversary of the Moon landing. I think it would be a nice symbol if your president announced then he's set a new goal for your country, something of the same scale, be it the conquest of Mars, the cure for cancer or the development of a new, clean energy like cold fusion. I guess that would be enough to reconcile the United States with the rest of the world, and forget about the last eight years of mayhem.
Sorry for being so lyrical, I'm not drunk!

Stuck Here Forever (Military Talk Post)

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Is that Tecmo's Super Swing Golf 2 I spy? Got it as a stocking stuffer, a terrible pox on the already cratered dermis of the Wii lineup which consists mostly of crapware.

Worst golf game ever, and that's saying something (my credentials: I owned Pebble Beach Golf Links for the 3D0!). Bury that shovelware, soldier, preferably in a deep sand pit where no one will ever find it. Stat!

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza

Asmo says...

Israel as a country was established by the invasion of a piece of land that had been owned by the Arabs since the 7th century AD. The Jews lost it to the Roman's.

It was established in bloodshed by forcibly taking away the land of the Palestinians (who objected of course) and bought with US dollars which built and armed the armies they used to defend themselves in the war of independance.

Just 3 years after the end of the holocaust, Jews were perpetrating similar crimes to the Palestinian people and that has not stopped.

Originally 56% of Palestine was to be ceded to the Jews (the UN mandate), does the West Bank + Gaza look like 44% of the country?

As for "why don't the Arab's help them", take a look at Afghanistan and Iraq... America is the muscle behind Israels "independence". We all remember the patriot missles parked in Israel in the 90's to stop the scud missles? When the Arabs can safely ignore the American gun to their head, Israel will cease to exist and I assure you, will turn the country in to a glass crater before they let the Arabs take it back

You want to see how brave the Israeli's are, stand America down, remove the military subsidies and let them stand on their own.

Hear hear to the minister, his speech is spot on and further more, he has the credentials to actually say what he said without being tarred as anti-semetic. Laughable that such a lauded and long time friend of Israel has called them out for what they are. The jackbooted neo-fascists of the new millenium.

Weed WILL Kill You*

Airstrikes Smell Like Little Bits Of Burning Children

9980 says...

>> ^bcglorf:

Only replying once, because I really don't care for internet arguments, but here goes:

Yes, it's obvious that they are holding back from their full potential. It's widely understood that they have nuclear arms, and I have yet to see pictures of a mushroom cloud over the strip. Clearly they could do more damage if they wanted to, and they could be less discriminate about civilian casualties.

On the other hand, they've caused injuries to over 1,500 people already. Aside from cost to life and limb, the IDF has caused considerable infrastructure damage to a place that was already in precarious third world conditions.

If you honestly think that Israel does its best to minimize civilian casualties, then please explain this:

The reason they aren't going farther is because they're playing politics. The world wouldn't be able to ignore it, and the US wouldn't be able to back it if Israel decided to "turn Gaza into a giant glass crater." Without US support, they fall. Therefore, they won't obliterate Gaza in one swift strike because they can't, so long as they too wish to survive as a country.

Killing civilians is deplorable, and war is deplorable, end of story. I have less sympathy for Israel in this conflict because they're the aggressors. Take a look at a few historical maps, and its pretty clear that Israel simply wants more territory. Hamas leaders have repeatedly stated that they could co-exist with Israel as defined in the Camp David Accords. The only problem is that Israel isn't interested in honoring that agreement.

Israel has Palestine backed into such a corner that parents can't properly feed their children, it's unsafe for people to walk their own streets, and unemployment in the country is over 20%. How can you possibly be surprised that parts of the populace want to strike back at their common enemy? Do you think they'd still be firing rockets blindly at towns if they had US-made F-16s of their own?

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