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Eyjafjallajökull volcano throwing huge boulders

residue says...

hmm, I didn't initially notice the craters behind them... Man can you imagine the view though? It would be incredible to see that from so close

>> ^robbersdog49:

"Man I wish I were also standing on that ridge"
The one with all the crater marks on and around it? Yeah, I wish I was there too...

Eyjafjallajökull volcano throwing huge boulders

Volcanic Eruption in Iceland

Raaagh says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

I guess they're using a massive telephoto lens, but still, if a big bubble of pyroclastic gas jumped out of that crater, they'd be dead in an instant.
They are very brave cinematographers.

Maybe, maybe not.

Volcanic Eruption in Iceland

KnivesOut says...

I guess they're using a massive telephoto lens, but still, if a big bubble of pyroclastic gas jumped out of that crater, they'd be dead in an instant.

They are very brave cinematographers.

Obama on Protesters: They Should Thank Me For Cutting Taxes!

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

You can't escape politics; even in academia I couldn't escape it.

‘Escape’? I encounter it, but am fortunate enough to be in a position where it does not impact my day to day job function.

It surprises me that you are too lazy to develop yourself so that you are in a position to get your ideas across. You seem to be a person that values hard work in the face of adversity.

I’m in a top-heavy organization, and the last thing it needs is another manager. With only about 1,200 employees we have 7 people at the “EO” level, 50+ VPs, 125+ directors. Believe me, we are no-where near short of ‘chiefs’. We need more ‘indians’ – more highly qualified & skilled professionals. It’s a good company; I see no need to try to ‘manage’. To do so would turn the nature of my work away from in-depth analysis towards a more simple, business-decision oriented truncated approach. I’d move from data, to budgets. From study to meetings. I prefer to tear a topic down to its roots rather than skim above it at 50,000 feet.

In the face of uncertainty, 'gut feel' and the intuition derived from experience often does trump a fancy stochastic model.

I don’t have a beef with QUALIFIED people who make a decision against data. I have great respect for business guys who are skilled, intelligent, thoughtful, and have the ability to make a ‘gut’ business decision after weighing the options. Such people can take my detailed analysis – put it in the hopper – and make a decision that isn’t totally data-driven, but accounts for other things. The reason my company does well is because most of the business guys are of this sort. I respect them, and don't feel the need to add myself to their number when there are more than enough of them to take care of things. I'm best off where I am - doing the detail research they don't have time for.

Obama is he is NOT that kind of person. He is the ‘other’ kind that you meet in a business meeting... They have made a decision before they walk in the door, or have heard a single fact. They do not try to learn, or educate themselves, or respectfully consider other experts when making decisions. They only seek to justify decisions that they already made in everyone’s absence. Such persons are more than happy to use data - but only as long as it agrees with what they want. The second the data disagrees with them then the tiniest, most illogical of excuses will suffice to bat it aside as faulty. Thankfully there aren't too many of them where I work. But they're there sometimes.

When Obama encounters someone who presents facts, research, opinions, or approaches contrary to his own – he manifests himself as the small, petty, vapid man that typifies this sort of ‘bad’ business decision maker. The good ones are precious. The ‘bad’ ones like Obama are a blight on any organization they darken with their odious presence.

How many times did Bush screw up words, sentences, and concepts, trying to make a point

Did you see the thread, “Why do Republicans believe lies about Obama”? In it, people say that news-driven talking points are sucked up by intellectual sponges and parroted back unthinkingly. Your opinion about Bush is based on the very same practice, but sponsored by the left. It was grossly exaggerated. Bush did a lot of dumb things, but he proved himself more competent and intelligent than Obama in many respects. Obama can't handle himself with diplomacy (case in point with Isreal), but Bush did it easily and naturally.

You say I ‘don’t get it’. I can only shrug and say you are the victim of groupthink, and have no logical grounds for your specious position. For example – you say I supply no list of economists. I can easily do so.

But – as is usual – folk of your stripe will ignore fact and try to weasel away from the reality that I've proven you completely, totally, and irrevocably wrong. I am the one here that provides links, data, and information to justify my arguments. People such as yourself only climb up on rhetorical soap-boxes and fling poo.

Obama is no marxist. His policies are centrist liberal.

How is an administration ‘centrist liberal’ when it moves to take over the financial industry, the automotive industry, the medical industry, the insurance industry, and energy – while at the same time feeding billions in stimulus money to big unions & trial lawyers? All of Obama’s positions are RADICALLY far-left. Isreal, education, taxes, role of government, deficit spending, Supreme court nominee, you name the issue and Obama has proven he is way out left. This is why independent and moderate voters (who voted for him) have abandoned him in droves to the point where his approval rating is cratering to George W. Bush levels.

10 Badassest Jumps in History of Ever

Playinwithfire (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Thnaks for the uplift-I have put a lot of time in here and though some see me as only a trollish element, I have been able to percolate the collective consciousness more often that not-my impact crater is after all, visible to the naked eye from the International Space Station!! Cheers!

In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
I havent been here long, signed up in Sept I think, at the request of a friend (Enoch) primarily because a project we worked on together was on the sift, and Im fairly certain I have wore out my video posting welcome on facebook lol this was a good outlet for me. Ive been more active for the past few months for much the same reasons. I generally keep my nose in my music and try to MYOB know what I mean? lol I do watch the docs and things particularly if they are recommended to me, but as a rule prefer not to comment or get into the melee of opinions people seem compelled to share. Theres some good members here, and theres some well... Douchebags here too. Myself I prefer to ignore the douchebaggery and post what I like, sift or no (mostly no lol)
I enjoy sharing with the few who enjoy the same things I do, but stay away from the drama, lifes to short to worry about people sitting in their underwear distributing opinions. Dont let it ruin the things you enjoy about the sift. Now I dont know the things surrounding your exit and return, havent been here long enough, but I do enjoy the things you post, and have appreciated the support you've shown towards the random crap I post lol. I recognize very few names as I surf around in here, but yours is one of them, if I see "choggie" I always have a peek at it and show it some love one little vote drop in a bucket, but lol its all we got.
If you have fun here in certain respects, dont just give up and fade away. I betcha more than a few would miss ya here. Hey Im just a noob so what do I know right?

In reply to this comment by choggie:
Julie, i don;t know how long you've been here at VS but I noticed your comment on the TED talk with Temple Grandin (I saw her presentation and downloaded the film....i loved it..Claire Danes ripped her part a new one)

Part of my legacy here on the site involves a very popular user who bailed when it was voted to allow me back-I am not positive that the reason for his departure was my return, but they guy was pretty adamant about not letting me back, as were some others....he and another user's bullshit were one of the reasons for my leaving as I did (breaking all the rules in the FAQ's in about 10 minutes)-The user in question, Kronosposiden it was told me by another user after the fact, that he has Asburger's....which explained a lot as to his focus on some crap I considered inconsequential at the time-Consequentially, there is some unspoken animosity towards me for this, and my manner here, which appears trollish to the untrained eye-All this to say that after coming back, i had found that the old guard of artistic, expressive, and energetic talent of the place which used to be a tight core, has been replaced by shut-in, insect, douchebags (mostly males who have never been kissed) and I simply can;t keep up with the onslaught-a barrage of crap, foreign to my sensibilities....I am gonna slink away from the place I fear, like so many others have.....cheers and sorry that I am unable to mark this message "private"...the only power that was not returned to me after my resurrection.

jwray (Member Profile)

Exploring Pandora

NASA: Water found in Moon crater

poolcleaner says...

>> ^entr0py:
From what I understand, this will make it easier to construct things on the moon using materials found on the moon. Now all we have to do is build a few hyper intelligent robots with the ability to repair and replicate themselves, and shoot them at the moon along with plans for some nice moon villas. Wait a few years for them to finish their task, then move in. It's a fool proof plan.

Your name says it all.

NASA: Water found in Moon crater

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^Yogi:
So how much did this cost...and will this guy explain to us why it's worth it?

"Significant amounts of water could make it easier to set up a base camp for astronauts." -AP

You need to read the video comments more buddy.

NASA: Water found in Moon crater

NASA: Water found in Moon crater

NASA: Water found in Moon crater

GeeSussFreeK says...

Come and listen to a story about a government body named NASA
A poor underfunded government organization, barely kept its hundreds of thousands of families fed,
Then one day he was shootin at some moon,
And up through the ground came a bubblin' crude.

Water that is, clear gold, for making tea.

Well the first thing you know ol' NASA's a worth is billions there,
Country folk said NASA move away from here
Said Moonyforinia is the place you ought to be
So they loaded up the rockets and moved to Heilein crater B.

hole, that is.
Swimmin pools, moving stars.

The NASA Hillbillies!

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

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