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smarghut (Member Profile)

looris says...

lol guarda che se posti in italiano ti capiscono in due, eh

conoscendoti secondo me non ci hai fatto caso

In reply to your comment:
ma dopo un paio di secondi non seguivo piú i numeri e guardavo solo le palline..dovró rivederlo per seguire la storia dei binari che non ci ho fatto alcuna attenzione..

How Italians Tell Time. (Hilarious, no translation required)

Simpsons Sex Education

conan says...

=> ""

I don´t believe that. In Germany we have compulsory school attendance (hope that´s the right expression) and sex education starts at the age of around 10. This has been since the "68ers" (referring to the generation of late sixties). So the couple aged in their 30s had no chance of missing the proper education. Also we don´t have this american-style be-religious-and-take-your-kids-out-of-school-and-teach-them-yourself-bullshit, that would be against the law. In Germany if your kid misses school regularly you as a parent will be confronted with enormous fees and finally your kid would be taken from you by authorities. Additionaly religion isn´t THAT big in Germany as it probably is in the states: Only 15.2% of Germans go to churches (and that´s the official number puplicized by the catholic church).

So, urban myth for sure.

Simpsons Sex Education

Bea Arthur and Rock Hudson sing about every drug you've ever heard of

George Bush Top 10

BayAreaGuy says...

You may recall, back in that so-called "pre 9/11 world" we used to live in, Bush began his presidency amid speculation that he was unqualified for a number of reasons. One of them was that he wasn't well travelled, nor could he name any of the leaders of major nations in the world. Since then, he's made quite an effort to show off his ability to name countries and leaders. I think this is one of those opportunities, and his over-emphasis illustrates it.
The silly part is, there are few adults who've never heard of Botswana. So, his emphasis makes him look someone who says "San Fran-cis-co" very slowly like it's a foreign word.

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