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Wonder how 'UsesProzac' feels about comments by 'thepinky'? (Politics Talk Post)

thepinky says...

Pronunciation: \ə-ˈprē-shē-ˌāt, -ˈpri- also -ˈprē-sē-\
Function: verb

a: to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of
b: to value or admire highly
c: to judge with heightened perception or understanding
d: be fully aware of
e: to recognize with gratitude

I think I was going for A and C. And maybe the whole "value" part of B. As in: I value you as a person and would not choose to hate you based on your dislike of me or your opinions expressed on VideoSift. In other words, I am not personally offended by your every comment because I appreciate that you are a person who is entitled to her own opinions.

Cops pre-emptively raiding house for upcoming RNC convention

Rachel Hoffman: Police Sting Gone Wrong 20/20 (Lies)

MarineGunrock says...

Botched sting? Sure.

Blackmailed? No, not really. Blackmailing is when you use information about someone that would otherwise lead a normal life to have them do what you want.

It wasn't blackmailing because she would otherwise go to jail.
Did she deserve to die? No.
Bu she broke the fucking law, and she opted to be a CI over going to jail.

Undressing a woman with a digging machine

"Science leads you to killing people" - Ben Stein

Totalitarianism In America: Vaccinate or Go To Jail

Doc_M says...

First on itself. Having looked through the list of references and their summaries, I would say that 1 in maybe 80 to 100 is from a reliable scientific source. The vast majority are poorly reported from simple newspapers and such. Most look like BS, sorry to say. I hate to get into another argument about your chosen sources of information. We've had that argument already in the past. We'll have to disagree on its reliability again.

As for Dr. Fudenberg:
His credentials look fine until I googled him to find his medial license was revoked in 1995:
He was later encouraged to remain retired in 2004 siting a neurological evaluation from the year before:

Moreover, co-authors removed their names from his autism Lancet paper:

More criticism and evidence that Fudenberg is at best a poor source of information, and at worst a quack:
(this one is actually entertaining and really reveals Fudengerg's major scientific foibles and faults. it's more about him than Maher, Maher just bought his wares.)

Google has countless major criticisms of his claims and their poor quality.

Just because his own personal website says he's a saint, doesn't mean it's true. In general, I'm skeptical of these activist websites that are so blatantly one-sided and full of very poor information. If this group were so determined to share the "truth," they wouldn't allow this much misinformation and poor science. I'm sorry, but it just has too much misinformation. I strongly urge skepticism.

Also, in specific response to your flu vaccine list, I'm pretty comfortable with all those ingredients sans mercury, especially in their small quantities. To give perspective, I read an op ed that was geared toward arguing the anti-vaccine position. It said things like, "do you want chemicals like triton X-100 in your body?!" to which I responded, "sure, triton is basically harmless. I work with it in the lab all the time, it's a mild non-ionic detergent. Heck, it might even make the vaccine work better since it might help irritate the site of injection and boost the immune response." Scare tactics. Anyway, I don't want to get into a prolonged argument about this, I just, as a scientist urge extreme skepticism with this and similar sites. They are packed with false information and bad science.

Here's a counter argument for example:
"After adjustment for age, sex and education, past exposure to vaccines against diphtheria or tetanus, poliomyelitis and influenza was associated with lower risk for Alzheimer's disease (odds ratio [OR] 0.41, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.27-0.62; OR 0.60, 95% CI 0.37-0.99; and OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.54-1.04 respectively) than no exposure to these vaccines. INTERPRETATION: Past exposure to vaccines against diphtheria or tetanus, poliomyelitis and influenza may protect against subsequent development of Alzheimer's disease."

[edit:] wow, I don't wanna sound harsh but this website has MAJOR problems. Everything from factual to not citing sources to quoting half sentences and not providing the whole document. The "authorities" aren't authorities... one is even from!!

[edit:] fixed typoes.

v v v
^ ^ ^

Totalitarianism In America: Vaccinate or Go To Jail

MycroftHomlz says...

Hviid A, Stellfeld M, Wohlfahrt J, Melbye M.

Danish Epidemiology Science Centre, Department of Epidemiology Research, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.

CONTEXT: Mercuric compounds are nephrotoxic and neurotoxic at high doses. Thimerosal, a preservative used widely in vaccine formulations, contains ethylmercury. Thus it has been suggested that childhood vaccination with thimerosal-containing vaccine could be causally related to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether vaccination with a thimerosal-containing vaccine is associated with development of autism. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Population-based cohort study of all children born in Denmark from January 1, 1990, until December 31, 1996 (N = 467 450) comparing children vaccinated with a thimerosal-containing vaccine with children vaccinated with a thimerosal-free formulation of the same vaccine. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rate ratio (RR) for autism and other autistic-spectrum disorders, including trend with dose of ethylmercury. RESULTS: During 2 986 654 person-years, we identified 440 autism cases and 787 cases of other autistic-spectrum disorders. The risk of autism and other autistic-spectrum disorders did not differ significantly between children vaccinated with thimerosal-containing vaccine and children vaccinated with thimerosal-free vaccine (RR, 0.85 [95% confidence interval [CI], 0.60-1.20] for autism; RR, 1.12 [95% CI, 0.88-1.43] for other autistic-spectrum disorders). Furthermore, we found no evidence of a dose-response association (increase in RR per 25 microg of ethylmercury, 0.98 [95% CI, 0.90-1.06] for autism and 1.03 [95% CI, 0.98-1.09] for other autistic-spectrum disorders). CONCLUSION: The results do not support a causal relationship between childhood vaccination with thimerosal-containing vaccines and development of autistic-spectrum disorders.

Very Powerful VBIED, Truck Explodes Near Camp Taji, Iraq

youdiejoe says...

Doing more searching I have found the DOD press release about this incident, the short version is One Iraqi soldier was killed and two others wounded along with 2 civilians. No US forces where involved in this attack.

Here is the press release from the DOD:

RELEASE No. 20070903-12
September 3, 2007

Iraqi Army stops car bomber from attacking bridge north
of Baghdad
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO

CAMP TAJI, Iraq – One Iraqi Army soldier was killed and two other Iraqi Army
troops and two civilians were wounded by an exploding vehicle-borne improvised
explosive device near a checkpoint in Taji, Iraq Sept. 2.

The suicide bomber detonated the VBIED at the checkpoint, after two
unsuccessful attempts to gain access to the bridge guarded by the troops.

The checkpoint was manned both by Iraqi Army troops from the 2nd
Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army Division (Mechanized) in conjunction with members of
the new Critical Infrastructure Security (CIS) unit. The CIS is made up of local
volunteers that were contracted by Coalition Forces and have been vetted by the
local Sheiks in the area.

The vehicle was carrying chicken waste to hide the munitions in the truck.
On the first approach to the checkpoint, the driver was stopped by the Iraqi
soldiers who did not allow his entry because he was not following proper

In his effort to breach security of the checkpoint that allows access to a key
bridge, the driver claimed to be the cousin of a local area sheik—a reconciliation
leader that the Iraqi Army coordinates with for vetting legitimate associates – but
the Iraqi Army troops made the man take a U-turn and leave the area.

On a subsequent attempt, the Iraqi troops once again forced the man to turn
his vehicle around and leave the area.

On the third and final attempt, the truck attempted to pull over and
intermingle with an Iraqi Army convoy. Iraqi Army troops suspected a car bomb
and engaged the vehicle with small arms fire by the checkpoint after noticing the
driver was acting very erratically. The truck detonated.

Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 82nd Field
Artillery Regiment and the 1st Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment both of the 1st
Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, rushed to the scene and assisted
with securing the site and treating the wounded.

According to Lt. Col. Peter Andrysiak, deputy commanding officer, 1st BCT,
1st Cav. Div., the attack is the work of Al Qaeda operatives.

“This attack is just another example of Al Qaeda’s total disregard for innocent
lives whether it’s women and children or Iraqi Security Forces who have chosen
to selflessly defend their nation.” said Andrysiak.
“Due to the local populace’s recent successes in regard to reconciliation efforts that are uniting the people
here against insurgents and extremists, the attack proves that Al Qaeda is
becoming desperate. They have lost support and are seeking any avenue they
can to disrupt the efforts here that are fostering peace and will eventually mean
the end for organizations like Al Qaeda.”

Andrysiak added that the incident shows the increasing effectiveness of
the Iraqi Army and the benefits of working with local volunteers.

“Together they devised a system of checks and balances to prevent AQI
access to key areas and it worked,” he said. “These brave Iraqis saved critical
infrastructure and lives.”

When Honesty is Treason

rougy says...

"Public opinion remains firmly in support of the war. Have a nice post."

That comment sums up the arrogant delusions of the American rightwing quite nicely.

No source, no facts, no reality.

Just "I'm right because I said so" conservatism.

"The July 6-8, 2007, poll finds 62% of Americans saying the United States made a mistake in sending troops to Iraq; 36% say it was not a mistake. This is the first time Gallup has shown opposition to the war exceeding the 60% level. The previous highs were 59% readings in March 2007 and September 2005." - Gallop Poll, 7/11/2007

looris (Member Profile)

smarghut says...

ma prima devo aderire a un collective, vero?
mica posso mettere il tag di 1 collective se non ne faccio parte, vero?
mh..mi sembra tutto troppo complicato x la mia mente semplice, e tremendamente, magari provo con un collective, si aderisco prima?

In reply to your comment:
sì (che carina).

deve arrivare a 3 voti in 24 ore, e poi a 10 voti in 4 giorni, altrimenti viene scartato.

se vuoi posso salvarlo (ovvero farlo tornare in coda per altri 4 giorni), ma dato che aveva solamente 3 voti anche se lo faccio ci sono scarse possibilità che passi.

anche perché senza collective prendono molti meno voti, in genere, dunque ti conviene postare qualcosa che possa associare a un collective


In reply to your comment:
ah! ma il mio video dei dEUS é sparito..??? boh? forse se sta tanti gg con pochi voti si autodistrugge?

smarghut (Member Profile)

looris says...

sì (che carina).

deve arrivare a 3 voti in 24 ore, e poi a 10 voti in 4 giorni, altrimenti viene scartato.

se vuoi posso salvarlo (ovvero farlo tornare in coda per altri 4 giorni), ma dato che aveva solamente 3 voti anche se lo faccio ci sono scarse possibilità che passi.

anche perché senza collective prendono molti meno voti, in genere, dunque ti conviene postare qualcosa che possa associare a un collective


In reply to your comment:
ah! ma il mio video dei dEUS é sparito..??? boh? forse se sta tanti gg con pochi voti si autodistrugge?

looris (Member Profile)

smarghut says...

ah! ma il mio video dei dEUS é sparito..??? boh? forse se sta tanti gg con pochi voti si autodistrugge?

In reply to your comment:
le foto sono una menata, vanno messe su flickr e poi linkate qua. due palle, io son stato molto senza, poi l'ho messa solo perché l'avevo già caricata su flickr per altri motivi.

per i collective devi fare richiesta all'owner di invitarti, poi accetti l'invito, e i NUOVI video che posti li puoi associare a UN collective.

non so che genere musicale facciano i deus, ma forse avrebbe potuto inserirsi nel "rock&roll"? altrimenti non c'era altro collective adatto dunque amen.

ultimamente mi sto un po' scocciando di postare nuovi video perché spesso non passano senza motivo, dunque bo.

In reply to your comment:
mh..vero..non ci avevo fatto caso, ma mi sembrava ridicolo scriverti in inglese, si. bo, i commenti li faccio in inglese cmq. non riesco a caricare la foto:(
i collective..ah..

In reply to your comment:
ah poi ti spiego i collective, che ti permettono di aver molti più voti

looris (Member Profile)

smarghut says...

il fatto é che ho la foto su flicky licky ma..non son capace a metterla...

deus, no, non rock&roll, no. credo, no, ne son sicura!!
bo, io ne metterei di nuovi video, ma..non posso!!
si, ne avevo visto uno di carino di collective, lo faró, ma non ora che non ne ho voglia!!

In reply to your comment:
le foto sono una menata, vanno messe su flickr e poi linkate qua. due palle, io son stato molto senza, poi l'ho messa solo perché l'avevo già caricata su flickr per altri motivi.

per i collective devi fare richiesta all'owner di invitarti, poi accetti l'invito, e i NUOVI video che posti li puoi associare a UN collective.

non so che genere musicale facciano i deus, ma forse avrebbe potuto inserirsi nel "rock&roll"? altrimenti non c'era altro collective adatto dunque amen.

ultimamente mi sto un po' scocciando di postare nuovi video perché spesso non passano senza motivo, dunque bo.

In reply to your comment:
mh..vero..non ci avevo fatto caso, ma mi sembrava ridicolo scriverti in inglese, si. bo, i commenti li faccio in inglese cmq. non riesco a caricare la foto:(
i collective..ah..

In reply to your comment:
ah poi ti spiego i collective, che ti permettono di aver molti più voti

smarghut (Member Profile)

looris says...

le foto sono una menata, vanno messe su flickr e poi linkate qua. due palle, io son stato molto senza, poi l'ho messa solo perché l'avevo già caricata su flickr per altri motivi.

per i collective devi fare richiesta all'owner di invitarti, poi accetti l'invito, e i NUOVI video che posti li puoi associare a UN collective.

non so che genere musicale facciano i deus, ma forse avrebbe potuto inserirsi nel "rock&roll"? altrimenti non c'era altro collective adatto dunque amen.

ultimamente mi sto un po' scocciando di postare nuovi video perché spesso non passano senza motivo, dunque bo.

In reply to your comment:
mh..vero..non ci avevo fatto caso, ma mi sembrava ridicolo scriverti in inglese, si. bo, i commenti li faccio in inglese cmq. non riesco a caricare la foto:(
i collective..ah..

In reply to your comment:
ah poi ti spiego i collective, che ti permettono di aver molti più voti

looris (Member Profile)

smarghut says...

mh..vero..non ci avevo fatto caso, ma mi sembrava ridicolo scriverti in inglese, si. bo, i commenti li faccio in inglese cmq. non riesco a caricare la foto:(
i collective..ah..

In reply to your comment:
ah poi ti spiego i collective, che ti permettono di aver molti più voti

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