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Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

Porksandwich says...

Yeah, the Al character in this is off of Breaking Bad, plus the bartender is one of his buddies in the show.

Al seems like he's a guy where it hasn't went to his head, so I wonder if that holds with the people in the video. I'd like to think he'd only work with nice people at this point in his career.

Anti-comedy at its finest - Norm MacDonald

Anti-comedy at its finest - Norm MacDonald

Statistics Of College Education In America (Geek Talk Post)

enoch says...

i made twice the amount of a bachelor degree holding graduate!?! sweet holy mother of irony!
doin what you ask?
waiting tables,bartending and event co-ordinator.
and i actually enjoyed my work.
still buying into that whole "you need to go to college if you ever expect to succeed BULLSHIT"?
well,if money is the parameter in which you gauge your lost that race scooter.
think on this:a waiter makes double what you spent six years to achieve and the waiter has no debt.
think on that and despair.
you have been lied to.

Supermodel + Baileys + Slowmo = Amazing

Bar Collapses Through Second Story Floor

IRS Audits Single Mother for Being 'Too Poor'

rougy says...

I'm not surprised.

The IRS always picks on the weak.

Think they'll audit Paulson or Madoff's sons?

No, they target single mothers, college students, and the unemployed.

Oh! And waitresses and bartenders, because that's where the big money is.

IR Assholes.

Juggling Bartender - Las Vegas

Ornthoron (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

that e^x one was CLASSIC! never were partial derivatives so funny.

In reply to this comment by Ornthoron:
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, a quarter of a beer. The bartender says "You're all idiots", and pours two beers.


An electron gets pulled over for speeding. The policeman walks up to the car and says, "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?" The electron replies, "No, but I know exactly where I am!"


(e^x) is walking down the street, when he runs into (7), who has a crazed, fearful look in her eye. "(e^x)!" screams (7), "You have to run! All the numbers are running. A differential is coming... we'll all be turned to nothing!" (e^x) barely responds, "Pff, baby, I'm (e^x), differentials don't change me, I'm my own derivative." (7) keeps running. More numbers pass by urging (e^x) to flee. He pays no mind. Suddenly, the differential turns the corner. With a smirk on his face, (e^x) is ready for it. But No! His face turns to horror. Standing before him is (d/dz)!

A virus walks into a bar...

A virus walks into a bar...

Ornthoron says...

An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, a quarter of a beer. The bartender says "You're all idiots", and pours two beers.


An electron gets pulled over for speeding. The policeman walks up to the car and says, "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?" The electron replies, "No, but I know exactly where I am!"


(e^x) is walking down the street, when he runs into (7), who has a crazed, fearful look in her eye. "(e^x)!" screams (7), "You have to run! All the numbers are running. A differential is coming... we'll all be turned to nothing!" (e^x) barely responds, "Pff, baby, I'm (e^x), differentials don't change me, I'm my own derivative." (7) keeps running. More numbers pass by urging (e^x) to flee. He pays no mind. Suddenly, the differential turns the corner. With a smirk on his face, (e^x) is ready for it. But No! His face turns to horror. Standing before him is (d/dz)!

Couple Arrested for Not Paying Tip

spawnflagger says...

a few points to make:
The restaurant/pub owner/manager was dumb because of all the negative publicity. he/she will easily lose more than $16 worth of business. I blame the manager because if the service was shitty, then they didn't have enough staff (or people called off and no one was brought in as replacement), or that that groups particular waiter/waitress was being lazy because he/she knew that they *automatically* get a tip for parties of 6, so they focused on other tables.
if it was the manager who called the cops, then the owner should have stepped in (the next day or sooner) and dropped the charges before it goes to court, and give them free meals or something. even if it was a "contract" as in written on the menu or told in person, if they got shitty service, they shouldn't have to pay for it. The soup nazi might be funny on Seinfeld, but in real life, in most locations, he wouldn't stay in business.
In general, I think it is ok for a restaurant to add a "mandatory" gratuity (oxymoronic or not) to large groups because they are more difficult to handle. They take up more space, stay longer, and are louder than multiple smaller groups combined.
I'm also ok with it being called gratuity, as opposed to a "fee" because it removes ambiguity, such that people aren't tipped twice, and customers aren't asking about the "fee". p.s. The IRS definition for this is "autogratuity".
waiters and waitresses make less than minimum wage (usually $2-$3 hourly). for their federal taxes they have to report 100% of their tips to be legal. Employers are required to report all charged tips, and cash tips are estimated based on previous tax year filings for similarly situated employees (- 2%), at least monthly. (For example if all waitstaff made an average of 17% tips for the past year, the employer has to report 15% of gross sales for that employee to the IRS). If the waiter/waitress makes less than minimum wage with their combined $3/hour + tips, the employer must make up the difference to bring them to minimum wage for the hours worked. (But if they are that bad, they would probably get fired)
as a teenager, I worked as a busboy in a restaurant. maybe some larger chains are handled differently, but here it was up to the waitress to give the busboys (or busgirl) a portion of the tips they made (this is tipping-out, goes for bartenders as well as busboys). Since I knew the general price of everything on the menu, and also how many customers there were that night, I knew which waitresses were cheapskates and which ones tipped their busboys well. Guess which ones got priority?
I think it is a self-perpetuating cultural flaw in America that requires this tipping system. In several other parts of the world, family is more important, as well as dedication to employers. People works together as a team, and they take pride in their work. So, if a waiter does a good job, it makes the restaurant look good, and if they do a bad job, they feel ashamed. American culture rewards individual achievement so much more, that it leads toward apathetic employees and employers. Everyone is thinking of "how can I get ahead?" and so most employers don't care about employees, because there is no more loyalty. People switch jobs and companies much more frequently now than 50 years ago, or even 30 or 20 years ago. It comes down to money and individual gain.
So what's this have to do with tipping? If everyone automatically got tipped the same amount, then the waitperson would have little incentive to do a good job (or NOT do a shitty job, as exampled here). Whereas if they are rewarded based on performance, then they will consistently do a better job. If we switched to a system of "0% tips, raise menu prices, raise wages" then you'd have some good employees, but a whole lot who "don't give a shit" and do the bare minimum to not get fired, and overall quality of service would go down, but prices would stay the same.
Not tipping works in asia - because the staff take pride in their work, without the feeling of individual entitlement.
Lastly I'm surprised that no one linked to this video during this thread -
that is all, thanks for reading.

Chicago Cop Beats Up Female Bartender (Violent clip)

EndAll says...

>> ^Krupo:
Anyone object to an nsfw tag on this? The logic would be that because, although it's not giblet-bloody nasty, this is really painful real violence that more delicate users should be aware of (or, if you will, be kept unaware of).

The title should suffice, really, but whatever.

*dark *law *drugs *eia

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

The Coup - Fat Cats and Bigga Fish

evil_disco_man says...

Mister Fisk just happens to be a bartender here in Lincoln and I met him after GWAR raped my mind tonight. As cool a cat as you would expect. He was even kind enough to put a Captain 'n Coke on the house for me and made them nice & potent.

Cheers to you, good Sir! *promote

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