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AronRa - Where is OUR candidate?

RadHazG says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Gingrich: "... they will be in a secular, atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical islamists."
Sense make no.

Cognitive dissonance never did pay much attention to reality.

The unfortunate reality is that while there may be more of us in the "sane rational" category than most think, in the end every religious person can and will gang up against "us" even if they might hate each other. Thus will we remain the minority for the foreseeable future until enough children are born that can withstand the religious indoctrination process and they can go discover genuine truth instead of the "truth" pushed on them created ages ago by people who would have thought a wheelbarrow was an amazing technological wonder.

Response to Prick Error

Truth About Transitional Species Fossils

"Embedding disabled by request" (Blog Entry by jwray)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

You migh be onto something there - but I haven't seen any direct evidence to support this. >> ^RFlagg:

I am wondering if they do it because of copyright issues. AronRa for example normally shares all his videos via embed, but his latest, Clarifying the various Human Species is disabled. He does include this message in his description: "BTW FYI - If you include 00:06 seconds of Glenn Beck, Fox will block your video instantly." Which makes me think that perhaps Fox shut it down and by disabling the embed he got away with it.

"Embedding disabled by request" (Blog Entry by jwray)

RFlagg says...

I am wondering if they do it because of copyright issues. AronRa for example normally shares all his videos via embed, but his latest, Clarifying the various Human Species is disabled. He does include this message in his description: "BTW FYI - If you include 00:06 seconds of Glenn Beck, Fox will block your video instantly." Which makes me think that perhaps Fox shut it down and by disabling the embed he got away with it.

How to post YouTube videos marked "do not embed" (Howto Talk Post)

RFlagg says...

A couple questions about this.
1) Does this still work?
2) Wouldn't you then have to link to your own YouTube account which would be a violation of the posting rules? And if the author disabled embedding then perhaps they had a reason...

I ask because AronRa recently posted a great new video on Clarifying the various Human Species which he disabled the embedding of... There should be a way of dealing with it...

AronRa Wishes You Happy Holidays Anyway

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Djevel:

When entering into the USAF back in the mid-90's, I was advised not to put down my denomination as Atheist. The SSgt wouldn't go into details as to why, other than if I happened to be in a life threatening situation with others, it may be impressed upon those of religious persuasion to save their brethren before making the attempt for me. It would be easier for "everyone" if I just put "non-denominational" instead. Throughout basic training and tech school, I also had the luxury of additional detail (labor) because I wasn't comfortable attending church services. Later, as I gained rank, it was also impressed upon me that to further my career, organizations, such as Toastmasters, would be enthusiastically encouraged from my leadership chain.
If things have changed since then, fantastic, but I was never given the impression that the armed forces were the enlightenment of civilization in regards to secularism, "all walks of life" withstanding.

And for @Gamble... I know your movies like "Full Metal Jacket" does exactly what's being described, but have you guys (or anyone in the armed services) ever seen/had/heard a Atheist Sergeant ? It seems to me that besides on the death bed and when you are in a "peaceful" defensive setup that only then would religion (and only then) be allowed to function full strength.

It seems incredibly counter-intuitive to have instilled or given religious Christians (the ability to countermand--without a court-marshal & on-site kick to the groin and punch in the face--[ I know they don't have the ability--they just have people that are willing to be unscrupulous for them to cover anything up--how very Christian of... yadda, yadda, yadda...]), to ever (I know the point was that he was a crappy Sergeant, but they're are many like him ; but this one example is mine ) have a Sergeant teach at basic and later on for specialists (marines/rangers/etc...) that creates a not only a physical division within the ranks, but a mental one.

If actually acted upon or even used in the normal functions of combat you put: the mission, the soldiers, civilians, allies, and more like completely missing/noticing any opportunities to get the enemy. Tactics and doing your job should always be priority number one. If religion is in any of these top priorities, except for morality (as it is altruistically linked to religion and life, even Atheists; morality is being linked more and more as a intrinsic property of our evolution and all mammals in general; even bee colonies work together "through Christ" though?...), but morality is a near fully physical psychological manifestation due to instincts and evolution (and religion; especially when you fear dying and going to a lake of fire; this could be considered a "psychotic" attribute, especially when it concerns *this, present, reality*).

As state and religion are compelled to stay apart due to the constitution and how it relates the two and law in the First Amendment; so should religion and military as they have the same correlated negative qualities as what comes from not following the First Amendment. (Yes I know it never says it, but: Thomas Jefferson did, the Supreme Court has used it many time (making it essentially a law, regardless), and the First Amendment if understood correctly (look at the Supreme Court cases involved and how they interpreted it) creates a literal gap between the State (the State can't make a law concerning Religion, whatsoever) and Religion ( Religion like the State must never become entwined in any fashion with the State; if it does it isn't considered a Religion by the State and loses all it's protections, like the notion of organization tax exemption, which unlike a typical organization can make money [this is why so many people hate Scientology as it's literally at the line that shouldn't be crossed and is considered a tax haven by many]).

Only more lives will be at risk. Giving yourself a moral boost using religion can be done silently; I know I used to be heavily religious.
Keep your mind at task; this is life and death. It's also not just your life on the line.
/sorry ran a bit longer than intended

AronRa Wishes You Happy Holidays Anyway

Psychologic says...

>> ^Gamble:

I'm an atheist, and I'm in the armed forces. We have people from all walks of life. All religions, races, creeds. To say that we all tolerate eachother's differences would be incorrect. "Tolerate" implies that we put up with things that are unpleasant. Rather, we understand one another, and except the occasional light-hearted jokes, there is little-to-no judging. If someone tells me Merry Christmas, I respond with the same. If someone tells me Happy Holidays, there is no difference.

Every military ceremony I've been to (~150) has began and ended with a prayer involving Jesus. Individuals within the army are tolerant/understanding, but the general culture is still heavily slanted towards Christianity.

I wonder if they would accept an atheist chaplain...

AronRa on the Hitchens-Dembski debate

AronRa on Cat Family Evolution

Christine O'donnell is Dumber Than Palin

RFlagg says...

I got to agree as well. AronRa is one of my favorites of the YouTubers. ZOMGitsCriss, dprjones, potholer54, thunderf00t, DarkMatter2525 and a few of the others all rate higher in my book than TAA here. While I often agree with what he says, I agree he is a bit harder to watch. Then again I think I've only managed to sift two of his videos and only one of AronRa's, so not sure what to make of that.

>> ^gwiz665:

I like AronRa or thunderf00t better, since they can calm the fuck down and talk like men, instead of 28 year old virgins with a junebug up their ass.
Still, he's right, even though his form is off-putting.

Christine O'donnell is Dumber Than Palin

Christine O'donnell is Dumber Than Palin

gwiz665 says...

I like AronRa or thunderf00t better, since they can calm the fuck down and talk like men, instead of 28 year old virgins with a junebug up their ass.

Still, he's right, even though his form is off-putting.

Screw the Pope, Help MSF !

RFlagg says...

Not true at all. Being hot helps to be sure, but the TheAmazingAtheist has more than twice as many subscribers to his YouTube channel, Thunderf00t nearly has twice as many subscribers, AronRa is short of her subscriber count by only 14,000, dprjones who is the main host of the charity has over 28,000 subscribers more than half of hers... the list could go on. All those guys are just fairly average looking guys, though being a guy myself may make it harder to judge. People care what she says because she, like many of those guys, speaks truth.

>> ^quantumushroom:

If she was 70 no one would give a sh!t what she's blabbing about but would still like to see that halter come off.
Hail Satan!

RFlagg (Member Profile)

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