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Drama hamad

Drama hamad

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Draw, Mohammad, Day, AronRa, religion, Islam' to 'Draw, Mohammad, Day, AronRa, religion, Islam, microsoft paint' - edited by therealblankman

EDD (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Good to see you again too, it's been a while.

About the debate style, yeah, I'm not a huge fan either, the other atheist talkers, qualiasoup, thunderf00t, aronra, are better. She does make sense though, so all-in-all a positive.

"one of the worst titles"
Pfft. It could have been waay worse. And it brought it the "bang their drum" types. I suppose I should have gone with the more pedestrian "Hot Romanian Girl goes second round with Islam".

I would have changed it if people asked nicely (because I'm so goddamn nice), but they didn't so, well, fudg'em.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Hey there mate, long time no see

Concerning the downvote, I never really liked her style of "debate", especially in this one (doesn't come close to QualiaSoup, and even he has demonstrated personal bias a couple of times) plus, it's one of the worst titles for a video that I've ever seen. I looked through the comments and obviously you weren't going to change the name, hence the downvote.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
A downvote for ?? But.. she has a rack and a good argument? There's just no pleasing you!!

How could creationism not be dishonest?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'creationism, lying, dishonest, evolution, intelligent design, science' to 'creationism, lying, dishonest, evolution, intelligent design, science, AronRa, awesome' - edited by gwiz665

It's OK to be gay, dude

drattus says...

She's been on my subscription and friends list on YouTube for some time, added soon after Thunderf00t, cdk007, AronRa and others and that's where I heard about her and why I checked to see what she had to say. As far as I can tell she's about what she claims to be and is a regular part of the YouTube atheist community. Recently they did a blog TV benefit drive for Doctors Without Borders and raised over $32,000 for them in a 24 hour event, she hosted one of those hours along with lots of other names whose videos we've got posted here, and some of them have met her.

Is it possible that there's a lonelygirl15 thing happening? Maybe, but I doubt it. I haven't seen any signs of it yet. If so she's fooled a lot of people brighter than most of us are.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Texas wants the Scientific Method out of schools

Texas School Board Member: We need to stress BOOBS more

AronRa debunks a creationist ignoramus over Ida

arghness says...

>> ^Shepppard:
Wait, what the hell was the point of the debunker suddenly becoming British?

Because the British can't be trusted, so using a British accent proves that you're lying. Haven't you ever seen 3 Men and a Little Lady?

Haldaug (Member Profile)

AronRa debunks a creationist ignoramus over Ida

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'AronRa, VenomFangX, creationist, Ida, evolution, ownage' to 'AronRa, geerup, creationist, Ida, evolution, ownage' - edited by xxovercastxx

Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism - Full collection

drattus says...

Fair enough, we're just approaching it from different angles. The religious debate isn't something that I normally enjoy or do but a few weeks ago I ran across a couple of decent kids who had their heads filled with lies from one of these groups. Pissed me off that they did that to them so I'm approaching it from that angle and I'd think that's more or less what AronRa intended as well. At least that's the way I took it. Maybe it could have been said better though.

It still isn't a debate I plan on doing, I'm mostly interested in defending science from them. The religious aspect is incidental to the lies.

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