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Trader on BBC News says Eurozone Market will crash

ATM thieves attaching skimmer to the face of an ATM

ATM thieves attaching skimmer to the face of an ATM

Please Don't Open My Personal Queue and Upvote Everything! (Sift Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

When I go through a pqueue, especially a massive one (like Eklek's) I start with ones that have 9 or 8 votes. If it is a music video, or an animated one, I really do not think I need to see the whole thing to figure out if I like it, or if it is good. Like enoch said, Eklek has the best obscure music videos! I never thought of listening to something like Russian electronica until I checked out his videos!

I just think it is best to go through one person's pqueue at once, instead of 'one video here, one there', especially since I have lots of free time atm. There are tons of hidden gems in the pqueues, and most people are happy to have them found. If I had wanted to just 'blindly' upvote Eklek's pqueue, he's have almost 500 more votes right now. I would love to go through the rest of all of his videos, but that will have to wait.

If you want to talk about blind upvoting, then you'd probably end up with lots of dead videos with 10 votes in the 'just sifted' too. I have had that happen to my videos too thouugh, but I don't mind. I'll fix the video, if I can, and thank the person for the pqueue run. I truly appreciate it.

I do not want to stop checking out pqueues. Like I said, sometimes I just check the stuff out with my phone when I am not home, and then come back and just vote later. But anybody else who does not want me to touch their pqueue, just let me know and I'll gladly skip you.

Bill Nye Explaining Science on Fox is "Confusing Viewers"

packo says...

capitalism is doing a dandy job undermining itself atm... it needs no help, other than what the banks/politicians (primarily Republicans, but also Democrats) are already contributing

it is quite simple to look back at history (which extends beyond 6000 yrs), and by looking at historical trends to extrapolate what future trends should be, to quite accurate degree

no one is saying taxes and regulation DIRECTLY affect the temperature... and if you believe that the left actually think that, you need to do a little introspection... however, again looking at history you can see that taxes/regulation are able to focus/define/direct economy and industry... its exactly what brought the US out of depression for example... so if your goal is to reduce environmental impact of industries that are leading sources of pollution, or to spur innovation/creativity in new, less harmful technology... taxes/regulation is how you do it

if you leave it up to the private sector alone, what motivation do they have to not do business as usual? the current US/World economy is less driven by innovation as it is driven by profit... someone comes up with a good idea? buy them out or leverage them out of the market if it competes with your product (or better yet buy their product, but sit on it... why bother going through the expense of changing systems)... the US has been brainwashed into thinking Capitalism is wringing every last drop of blood out of a stone, rather than creating new markets/fields

there has been alternative energy source vehicle technology for DECADES, yet they are just trickling into the market now... and its not because people haven't asked for it, its because profit is shortsighted and definitely not philanthropic... its because people stopped buying American gas guzzling penis extensions and started looking at the more economical foreign offering... industry couldn't predict that a shrinking middle class and rising gas prices would change the market... but change was there, so they might as well throw in that environmental issue people have been worried about for the past 50yrs

and when someone starts touting capitalism and poo pooing marxism, socialism, and the like... that's when I know I've been introduced to an idiot... you do realize your quality of life, your standard of living, services you consider essential, etc come from those ideals AS WELL AS Capitalism...


and one or the other, on their own, taken to the Nth degree, are just as horrific as the other

an idiot who hasn't thought for themselves is QUITE ready to start cheering for one side or the other

Garden Spider vs. Giant Wasp

Love Your Enemies

Skeeve says...

English common law (and therefore law in the British Commonwealth and the US) originally was of the sort you describe; the victim petitioned his local magistrate for justice to be done and if a victim did not seek justice there was no action by those with legal jurisdiction

Over time, a larger bureaucracy developed and positions were created to enforce the local 'peace' on behalf of the local power (who could be anyone from a town magistrate to the king).

Eventually the jurisdiction of the king's court was universal and so criminal acts were considered 'breaking the king's peace' (which is different from the modern legal meaning of that phrase) and were dealt with by the courts.

To this day, criminal acts are considered offences against the whole community so the victim's feelings have no control over their prosecution.

In all 50 states a crime is against the state and can be tried by the local justice system, but the system routinely chooses not to pursue charges for various reasons. >> ^GeeSussFreeK:

@Lithic Interesting, I guess at heart, I have a slight problem with prosecutions with the victim being "society". I find the idea of justice being between people, with perhaps minor exceptions. That case of child abuse, where the victim is unable to press charges on their own it makes sense, but in adult on adult crimes, seems to make less sense. In my way of thinking, it would also make laws like drug laws unable to be enforced, because there would be no person to take up charges. Just surface thinking atm, haven't really fleshed out the idea. They had something like what I am talking about in "the moon is a harsh mistress", where by any trial that happened had to be fronted by your own cash. Now, I don't supposed that exactly, but that for a trial to happen, there has to be an interested party that isn't the state.

Love Your Enemies

GeeSussFreeK says...

@Lithic Interesting, I guess at heart, I have a slight problem with prosecutions with the victim being "society". I find the idea of justice being between people, with perhaps minor exceptions. That case of child abuse, where the victim is unable to press charges on their own it makes sense, but in adult on adult crimes, seems to make less sense. In my way of thinking, it would also make laws like drug laws unable to be enforced, because there would be no person to take up charges. Just surface thinking atm, haven't really fleshed out the idea. They had something like what I am talking about in "the moon is a harsh mistress", where by any trial that happened had to be fronted by your own cash. Now, I don't supposed that exactly, but that for a trial to happen, there has to be an interested party that isn't the state.

The Great Refrigerator Magnet Giveaway! (Sift Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

There is still time for more people to enter, I think we have 7 people taking part atm But just though I'd let you know in advance:

In case I happen to win a Grand Prize, I'd love to choose a T-shirt instead of a magnet. The magnets are super cool, but that squirrel just creeps me out, especially if his nuts end up all over the place! And I am not sure if I want any zombie parts near my food.

Dog Learns About Gravity

Why is European broadband faster and cheaper than US?

Jinx says...

I think no matter how good my broadband its always not quite good enough. ONE DROPPED PACKET OUT OF 10,000.

Really I don't care much about bandwidth, its latency and the quality and reliability of the connection I am after. I would be happy on like, 1mb if its got good routing, pings well to the rest of europe and doesn't drop packets or fluctuate wildly. Videogames don't really require that much bandwidth

I'm on BE Broadband atm, and honestly I'm super impressed with the quality considering its built on aging telecom infrastructure. Very affordable too. When I was living in student digs I forked out for fibre optic cable because the alternatives were awful and while the bandwidth was great it was extremely unreliable. Headaches of new tech or just a bad business...

Anonymous Video Submitter Contest Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

Timelapse Minecraft City of Arches. Phenomenal

dannym3141 says...

>> ^dag:

Have you tried it within the last year? Has to be the download version.>> ^rychan:
>> ^dag:
I wouldn't say that Minecraft is dead from a gameplay perspective, just stripped down. The game can be truly scary, even for adults. The monsters are great and the game really shines in multiplayer. In the end though, it is a sandbox game that eschews structure for freedom and creativity. IMHO it's the best thing to happen in gaming for many, many years.>> ^westy:
Not actually "that" creative.
the best part of this i think is the execution of the editing and recording ultimetly this is like sumoen building a large thing in Lego. not that thats a "bad" thing but its a very procedural process and so i would argue its not that "creative" still fun and still as valid as anything else.
Its s ahsame that mine craft is largely dead and soleless when it comes to annything other than building stuff , im sure a company will taske the best building parts of mine craft and then marry it with some deeper game play , proper servival horror game play or RPG oor just something that is more sophisticated.
im sure a AAA dev some place is doing this right now. ( granted will probably be shit lol)

I actually agree with Westy. I freaking love sim games and building games. I love to start with a clean slate and build up an intricate, active universe. But isn't it true what Westy said, that there's not really anything going on under the hood in Minecraft? I mean this city is just a bunch of inactive geometry? There's no dynamic processes, no citizens, no interactions? I fail to see how this is so different from modelling in 3d studio, although I acknowledge it is somehow much more compelling.
I see that the beta has a little more gameplay with roaming monsters, but I don't find that very compelling, and that's not what's being demonstrated in this video.
I really _want_ to like Minecraft, because I feel like I'm the perfect audience, but it's just not compelling to me (yet). I guess I want a sandbox world that feels as alive as Sim City 4, but that is as mutable as MineCraft.

I have, i still feel like it's missing a soul. I'd build all that, but what would i do with it? It just feels too empty

It's close to being "the" game i want to play, but there's just not enough to do in it. I feel similar about terraria atm - terraria went down the adventure/rpg route, getting gear, killing bosses, going to dungeons - but again, there's no 'end game' to make me want to do more. (I hate saying end game, it makes me look like someone who wants hardcore raiding, but i don't - i hope you understand what i mean when i used that phrase)

The bloodiest, most violent, kids gun fight you'll ever see!

DerHasisttot says...

>> ^SDGundamX:

>> ^DerHasisttot:
Hmmm I downvoted... kids see this & kids are dumb = Dead kids
The glorification of violence by smiling kids 'killing' each other... There are kids right now in armies, killing each other. And they are not happily smiling, unless they're drugged out of their mind to keep theam attached to their army by addiction.
Edit: The kids smile, there are no consequences seen for their actions, to me, this is glorification. And yes, it's not aimed at children, but they'll see it. And they know where their dad has his hunting rifle.

I respect your downvote... I'm cool with that. But I think you're highly exaggerating how "dangerous" this video is. Unless they are very young children (i.e. under the age of 6) they know the difference between make-believe and reality. If kids were truly that impressionable (i.e. gullible) there should be a slew of kids murdering each other in the streets after watching violent movies or playing violent video games. Yet, the FBI reports that violent crime stats have gone down this year--yet again. It's been on the decline for years now, even as violent games, movies, and TV shows--and childrens' access to them--have been on the rise.
As to dad having a hunting rifle... anyone owning firearms has the obligation to not only instruct their kids from an early age about how dangerous it is and keep it locked and away from curious hands, but also how to safely handle it (under supervision) in the event that the children ever do come across an unsecured firearm (maybe at a friend's house).

I agree, I should have set the focus more from the video to the society which sees no problem with the video. By no means I want to say that this video leads to streets littered with dead kids, but:
In my opinion, it contributes to the view of a society in which guns are presented as toys. It's not a great leap from toy to the real thing.

Children learn late in their development about death as an ever-present 'danger' to themselves and others, about 8-10 years of age. But the concept of action and consequence grows only with education.
If education is lacking, the lack of this concept can last up into the middle teens. This can lead to kids playing with guns, pointing at their friends or parents and sometimes pulling the trigger. Young Kids not properly educated don't see the seriousness in the relation of gun -> trigger -> bullet -> wound -> death ; until it has happened or they grow up. (I tried to find a good source, but atm i have only my german pedagogy lessons about child development; so you may disregard what i said about the action/consequence thing by the rules of good debate.)

"anyone owning firearms has the obligation to not only instruct their kids from an early age about how dangerous it is and keep it locked and away from curious hands, but also how to safely handle it (under supervision) in the event that the children ever do come across an unsecured firearm (maybe at a friend's house)."

Yes, but what about the kids whose parents do not own firearms? Are the kids of firearm-owners tested on their knowledge about guns? Are the firearm-owners tested on the fact that they have taught their children? Has every owner of a gun also received a mandated education on the subject?

Conan's Take on Thor

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