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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Oh yeah, when are you going to show me these "known stories" of Democrats cheating?
You've had an entire month to find one....still nothing?
Why are you protecting these known vote fraudster Democrats when the stories of actual vote fraudster Republicans, both individuals and official campaigns, keep coming out? I know it's not because you're just a liar, so you must have another excuse. Can't you even tell us why you're incapable of exposing them? Blink three times if Pelosi is holding your children hostage.
Boss Vlad is going to send you to the gulag for not getting on this, it really distracts from your finger banging Joe track, and it's just not gaining traction because you slipped up.

Doctor wears six face masks to debunk lack of oxygen myth

cloudballoon says...

For the alt-fact conspiracy believing nincompoops, I'm afraid this video is not good enough to convince them. They'll dispute the heck out of the video as a "fake setup."

I can think of:

1) Need to zoom out more so the sensor is clearly shown to be attached to the monitor at all time

2) no cutting out frames (speed up segments are OK?),

3) show the effect on the indicator's ### by not having the sensor attached to the finger (e.g. drops down to 00 or Error), and,

4) show the number by holding the breath (nostrils pinched & mouth closed) for an extended time to see it drops significantly as verification.


newtboy says...

His punctuation and capitalization is off, that's all....

Mega 2020? Way better, that finger banging Joe!

See, it makes sense, he's finally come around to seeing Joe, no matter what he's accused of, is way better!

wtfcaniuse said:

Mega? That? Give you coin back?!

Time to end your shift Bob #3278 you're getting too tired to remember your english training.


I'm a stick! I'm not a bird!

moonsammy says...

The end effect for the finger checking the bittern's neck? Wrecked by the bittern's bittern-checking-finger-wrecking-pecker. Finger checks the flexed neck, pecker flicks, bittern wrecks.

Mystic95Z said:

Bite? More like stab you with that huge pecker .

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Try the first one....lazybones. ;-) It lays out both the stated intent and the actions that belie that statement.

When the video guy is well known for publicly defending the far right, neo Nazi supporting gallery that holds private, secret white power rallies, that's enough for me. He clearly made himself look like a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer, and that's how the community sees him. He may just be a friend to Nazis, not one himself, but that's both a distinction without a clear difference and an image he created without stating clearly that he disagrees with them but supports their right to be wrong. That's on him.

It seems far easier to read the links than try to research it yourself, so I don't understand why you decided to ignore the research offered in favor of your own unproductive but far more labor intensive research. Seems a bit like putting fingers in your ears and saying you hear no evidence during a discussion.

bcglorf said:

Not that I'm lazy, but I don't care enough to read every single article you linked. I read the couple that seemed most promising, and then I went and did some searches for more evidence, I haven't found better evidence than what I mentioned.

Do you have a specific link, or one of those above, that clearly lays out the intent of gallery or any other evidence against the video guy than, he dared suggest the gallery was covered under free speech?

The Walk.

newtboy says...

For a 9 month employment, getting the start year and end year wrong by one year each, and not mentioning the true start date was late December, that's a pretty big lie to start with.

I've heard nothing of this alleged Larry King No recording, or any details that don't match her first iteration of this constantly morphing story? ...don't bother mentioning it or it just sounds like desperation.

Um....1) Ford had written contemporaneous notes about her attack.
2) Ford's FIRST HAND WITNESSES, not people she told a story years later, were mostly NOT HEARD, AND WEREN'T GOOD ENOUGH.

Yes, the double standard is quite conspicuous....but it's the Right's blatant double standard.

One likely attack with a credible professional accuser, multiple first hand witnesses unheard and contemporary evidence is ignored and denied even a full hearing, and one changing accusation of a totally unbelievable public attack in the halls of congress made by a non credible accuser with no witnesses, no evidence, and who never brought up her attack before even though her attacker has had constant elections for high office including VP twice...even when she was part of a group making other public accusations against the same man, her accusations are to be believed?!

You really have some nerve implying the double standard comes from the Left here. Such bullshit.

MAYBE she exaggerates?!? There's no MAYBE about it. Everything about her claims scream political lie from a proven liar. I can't fathom why anyone ever listened to her unbelievable story except out of desperation, needing so badly to have a Biden abuse story to counter Trump's decades long history of real abuses, both on tape and bragged about in multiple interviews like forcing his way into dressing rooms at his beauty pageants to ogle underage girls as they dress, trying hard to Fuck his friend's wives while he's married, forcibly finger banging any woman he finds attractive, all the way to multiple rape cases in court now.

scheherazade said:

I meant the start and stop year are each off by 1.

Circumstantially it looks like maybe her mom called Larry King Live to ask for guidance way back in 1993 (the content of the exchange matches, as does the date, but no names were given). Could be unrelated.
Supposedly neighbors were told. Again, who knows.

If zero corroboration was good enough for Ford (Named first hand witnesses said they remember nothing of the sort), then maybe it's only fair to give Reade the same benefit of the doubt?
The double standard is quite conspicuous.

Personally, I wouldn't condemn anyone without physical measurable evidence on which to decide. Talk is cheap.

Maybe she does exaggerate. She wouldn't be the first.


How a President Leads

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Legislative aide - Coordinate and attend meetings. Assist with the drafting of speeches, press releases and legislation. Conduct and summarize legal research, research studies and constituent surveys.
Her position - mail clerk and supervising interns.
Nowhere near the same thing. Like the receptionist putting "VP of communications and publications" as their title.

91-94 is up to 4 years, she worked for him for 9 months. That's a 3.25 year exaggeration, not one, which would itself be more than doubling the truth. think?! Yes, it's bad when your college says you didn't graduate, and a lie when you say you did. I don't think her cases would all be under review over a database problem.

Her current accusations ARE brand new, never coming to light in 30 years of Biden running for offices, including VP. They absolutely did totally pop up out of nowhere at a suspiciously convenient time in politics....and are bat shit crazy, forcefully fingered in a public alcove in the public halls of congress. Get real.

Edit: the long and short is she's not credible, at best she's shown a willingness to hyper exaggerate if it benefits her, more likely she's a bold faced liar who may have been paid to make accusations.

scheherazade said:

Some of the link's criticisms are nitpicking.

Calling herself a 'legislative aide' to describe 'working for senator Biden' - that's like when a 'receptionist' puts down 'customer communications liaison' on their resume.

She gets her years of employment wrong by 1 year, decades later. I can't tell you the year I started my current job. I would have to look it up. Same for every job I've had.

Having one of her supposed degrees denied by a university is certainly suspect. Which at this point could still turn out to be a database problem, or some other cock up. *Possibly*. *Possibly not*. It could also be her exaggerating her own qualifications, coming back to bite her in the ass.

In any case, at least her accusations are old and she didn't pop up out of nowhere at a suspiciously convenient time in politics.


The Walk.

newtboy says...

Daughter Raping Donny, aka the syphilitic mushroom tip, never again.

Remember, when asked what he had in common with his teenaged daughter his answer was "sex". sad Bobby. So stupid and sad. Trump openly brags about forcibly finger banging any stranger he finds attractive, and has >25 sexual abuse cases pending including multiple rapes, groping, fingering, kissing, untold numbers of payoffs and NDAs, etc. You are not doing him any favors comparing his record of rampant sexual abuse and philandering for 4+ decades to Joe who has one untrustworthy accuser with one totally unbelievable and constantly changing story of being sexually abused in the public halls of congress that never came up before in nearly 30 years of his campaigns, not behind closed doors in the last decade with corroboration and physical evidence like many Trump accusers. So unbelievably dumb. If you had the capacity, you would be ashamed of yourself.

bobknight33 said:

Finger Banging JOE 2020.

The Walk.

Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

Oh Bobby. Did bad man make Bobby cwy hurt?
Edit: It's OK Bob, I know you care more than you can ever admit. I even care about you, even though I'm >90% sure you are a troll farm with multiple users posting as one with ulterior motives...maybe because that's who you are.
I care, because truth is important and you are a vocal enemy of truth.

You really want to talk about "his own words" when you side with unapologetically self admitted daughter lusting, serial philanderer, pornstar raw dogging, woman debasing and dehumanizing, forceful and proud repeated finger raping, friend's wives fucking, prostitute fucking, naked little girl leering, charity defrauding, student defrauding, biggest loser Trump (all admitted to by his own words) vs shoulder rubbing grandpa Biden? Oh yeah, let's do it.

For every word flub Biden makes, and there are many, Trump flubs 50 words. For every misstatement of fact by Biden, and he does misstate some facts, Trump outright lies to the public 100 times (then says he's under no obligation to tell the truth if he's not under oath), for every unwanted touch accusation against Biden, Trump has >25 sexual assault accusations. For every mea culpa from Biden over behavior that is only inappropriate by today's standards but not contemporarily we get 100 excuses and victim blaming with constantly changing excuses from Trump. You REALLY don't want this to be a contest of character....Trump's character loses that contest every single time and thrice on Sundays.

Trump called this crime bill too soft and lenient.

Lol. I'm the troll! Ahahahahaha! I'm not the one running a sock puppet theater. LMFAHS.
Your desperation is showing again.

bobknight33 said:

Blind Tools like you I don't car about.

These are his own words, not mine.

So Joe words are right wring propaganda? Well isn't that a MF switch. Joe gone full right wing. So Trump can dump Pence and pick up Finger banging Joe as VP?

Newt - give it up you a troll for the hardest of the leftest. Radical Anti cop, ANTIFA friend. Take that chip off you shoulder and you might just see America IS great.

Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

bobknight33 says...

Blind Tools like you I don't car about.

These are his own words, not mine.

So Joe words are right wring propaganda? Well isn't that a MF switch. Joe gone full right wing. So Trump can dump Pence and pick up Finger banging Joe as VP?

Newt - give it up you a troll for the hardest of the leftest. Radical Anti cop, ANTIFA friend. Take that chip off you shoulder and you might just see America IS great.

newtboy said:


Do you really think people respect your opinion on this?

Do you really think your dishonest far right wing propaganda is convincing to people who don't already believe that nonsense and are only looking for any confirmation of their ignorant opinions?

Do you not understand you look so incredibly wrong at every single turn that if you suddenly started saying Trump is a bad man unfit to lead, we would second guess our assessments?

The only benefit your opinion offers is a stepping off point for learning just how ignorant and backwards the right has become and how much better lackluster candidates like Biden are than you claim, or by comparison.

You and your ilk making accusations HELPS Biden. You are that toxic. Keep it up.

But not to worry, Trump is proud of his 8% approval rating with blacks. Too bad for you it's in the low 30's overall now, and dropping.

Even Republican senators have distanced themselves, now not mentioning Trump or his record at all in their commercials because he's so toxic.

Enjoy your second red tsunami, I know I will.

Alaskan Glacier calving Columbia w/ 200 foot high shooter

Titties are not Pockets

BSR says...

I remember waaayy back in the 50's, my mother sitting on the couch and picking me up to dress me. She had me stand on her lap so she could put my shirt on. As I was facing her I noticed her cleavage from a point of view that I had never noticed before.

I remember taking my finger and poked it in her cleavage and asked her "What's this hole for?"

She lightly slapped my hand away and simply said, "Not for you."

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